The British Minister was scared of Russia’s plan to “kill thousands of people” and asked for money

The British Minister was scared of Russia’s plan to “kill thousands of people” and asked for money The British defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said that the Russian attack on infrastructure will lead to “thousands and thousands” of victims. This opinion he expressed in an interview with the Telegraph. According to him, Moscow is studying the potentially vulnerable spots in the protection of infrastructure and energy of the island nation, including ways of energy supply from continental Europe, with the aim of creating “panic and chaos”. Williamson said that “the Kremlin wants to do what any other country would be considered totally unacceptable”. The publication notes that the statement of Williamson coincides with the beginning of a five-month approval process, the defense policy of great Britain, during which the defense will try to get more budget money to prevent cuts in the Royal armed forces. London is considering the reduction of

Russia and the United States developed the shipping routes in the Arctic due to the growth of the movement

Russia and the United States developed the shipping routes in the Arctic due to the growth of the movement WASHINGTON — RIA Novosti. The United States and Russia have jointly developed and proposed by the International Maritime organization system routes in the Bering Strait and the Bering sea in connection with the growth of shipping in the Arctic, said Thursday in a statement, the U.S. coast guard. “In response to rising vessel traffic in the Arctic, the United States and the Russian Federation proposed a system of two-way routes for vessels in the Bering Strait and the Bering sea,” — said in a statement. “Countries have jointly developed and submitted to the International Maritime organization a proposal to create six two-way routes and six districts increased care of the road”, — stated in the message.

Detained in Ukraine Russian Viktor Ageev sentenced to 10 years in prison

Detained in Ukraine Russian Viktor Ageev sentenced to 10 years in prison Novoaydarsky district court of Luhansk region sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of a Russian citizen Viktor Ageev, who is accused of terrorism. About this on his page in Facebook said his lawyer Victor Chevguz. According to him, the Prosecutor asked to sentence the citizen to 12 years in prison, and confiscate property belonging to it. “According to the Prosecutor, the so-called self-proclaimed LNR is a terrorist organization, and which came under the contract Russian V. Ageev. Besides, Ageev was charged with illegal possession and carrying of firearms and ammunition,” — said the lawyer. He added that he believes the sentence is too severe and intends to appeal. We will remind, about the detention of Russians it became known on 25 June 2017. The Russian defense Ministry, however, denies that captured in the Donbass Victor Ageev is a Russian

Journalists from 26 countries have applied for accreditation to the Syrian Congress in Sochi

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. Journalists from 26 countries want to be accredited for the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue, which will be held in Sochi on 29-30 January. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Soros has accused trump of trying to create a mafia state

Soros has accused trump of trying to create a mafia state Moscow. 26 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — American billionaire and philanthropist George Soros on the sidelines of the world economic forum in Davos, accused the President of the United States Donald trump in an attempt to build a “mafia state”, according to a Friday Associated Press. According to the financier, Trump fails to achieve his goal, because he opposed all democratic institutions of the country. Soros also made a forecast about the political future of trump, calling it a “temporary phenomenon” and predicting his defeat in the presidential election in 2020. Soros is a consistent critic of trump; it was reported that he invested $6 million in the election campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Four new GOST will appear in Russia

Four new GOST will appear in Russia Buckwheat, rice, red caviar and butter adopted the new Standards, which provide more stringent than it is now, the requirements to the products. The document was prepared in Roccacasale and approved by Rosstandart. The document says that from March 1, new rules will be applied in test mode. From the beginning of spring 2021 after testing the market they go into a status of permanent. In particular, for red caviar introduces a constraint on the contents of sludge (called juice) — 5% of the final product. Preliminary standard for rice introduces the concept of benign cores. Their product should be at least 99,7%. Manufacturers of buckwheat have, for example, to comply with the requirements for acid number of fat. A new standard in the butter sets the value of the resistance to 1, it during inspections is calculated by special formula. Experts believe

Dvorkovich: Russia is ready to enhance dialogue with the United States

Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich © Mikhail Metzel/TASS DAVOS, January 25. /TASS/. Russia and the United States are currently engaged in a dialogue on the agenda of regional security and other local issues, but Moscow is ready to discuss and other topics. About this Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said on Thursday at a press conference on the results of the world economic forum in Davos.

Ryabkov: meeting on chemical weapons in Paris directed against Russia and Syria

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov believes that at a meeting on chemical weapons in Paris clearly manifested anti-Syrian and anti-Russian intentions of the participants. Review Ryabkov posted Thursday on the website of the foreign Ministry.

Russia’s envoy to UN: Syria managed to maintain as a sovereign state

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © REUTERS/Lucas Jackson UN, January 25. /TASS/. Syria managed to maintain as a sovereign state and close to begin a peaceful settlement of the conflict under UN auspices. This was stated on Thursday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the Security Council. “In Syria by the decisive role of Air and space forces of Russia the country has been cleared by government forces from militants of the terrorist group ISIS (“Islamic state” banned in Russia – approx. TASS). Managed to keep Syria as a sovereign state, to create conditions for the return of refugees and internally displaced persons, close to begin a political settlement of the crisis under the auspices of the UN,” he said. According to him, the conflict settlement will contribute to the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi on 29-30 January. As

In the state Duma a bill on the consolidation of cryptorama as a means of payment

In the state Duma a bill on the consolidation of cryptorama as a means of payment In the State Duma introduced a draft law that establishes cryptool as a means of payment in Russia. As stated by the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party, Rizvan Kurbanov, who introduced the document to the deputies of the lower house of Parliament, if approved, the amendment will be made to the Civil code of Russia. “The proposed bill changes consolidate digital financial asset as a legitimate means of payment on the territory of Russia”, — stated in the explanatory note to the document. The text of the bill clarifies that criptural will be protected using cryptographic methods. In addition, this digital financial asset will be used by the participants of a distributed registry of digital transactions. Earlier today the Central Bank of Russia spoke out against the exchange of cryptocurrency