Slutsky is confident that Russia will respond to the extension of us sanctions

The Chairman of the international Affairs Committee of the state Duma Leonid Slutsky © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS./ The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky called destructive step extension of the US Treasury sanctions on Russia and expressed confidence that they will not remain unanswered by Russia. “New US sanctions and destructive step, aggravating the situation in Russian-American relations. Obviously, this is done for their own geopolitical interests, unfair competition and ensure advantages on the world market,” he told reporters on Friday.

The US Treasury explained the extension of sanctions against Russia

The US Treasury explained the extension of sanctions against Russia WASHINGTON, January 26 — RIA Novosti. New US sanctions aim to “pressure” to fully implement the Minsk agreements in Ukraine, said the Minister of Finance of the United States Steven Mnuchin. USA imposed new sanctions against 21 citizens of Russia and Ukraine, as well as nine companies registered in Ukraine and in Russia. The list, in particular, were high-ranking officials from Russia, the structure of “Surgutneftegaz” and other Russian companies. Another 12 companies sanctions have been clarified. As noted by the U.S. Treasury, the sanctions imposed in connection with the situation in Ukraine. “The U.S. government is committed to the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and is committed to identify those who are trying to undermine the Minsk agreement. Those who provide goods, services or material support to individuals and legal entities under US sanctions for

The United States expanded sanctions list for Russia

The United States expanded sanctions list for Russia WASHINGTON, January 26. /TASS./ The American administration has expanded the number of companies and individuals in Russia and other countries are subject to unilateral U.S. sanctions imposed at the time in connection with events in Ukraine. Testifying to the information in the notification, while not accompanied by any official comments, posted Friday on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the United States. In the above list were added the names of 21 people, mostly citizens of Russia and Ukraine, and 21 company. In the list of individuals included Valery Abramov, Igor Antipov, Deputy Minister of energy of the Russian Federation Andrey Tcherezov, Director of Department for operational control and management in power industry of the Ministry of energy Eugene Grabchak, Alexei Granovsky, Bogdan Kolosov, Elena Kostenko, Svetlana Malakhov, Paul Malgin, Ekaterina Matyushenko, Alexander Melnychuk, Sergiy Melnychuk, Natalya Nikanorov, Dmitry Ovsyannikov,

Putin has presented the candidate for the position of head of the constitutional court

Putin has presented the candidate for the position of head of the constitutional court MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin submitted the candidacy of Valery Zorkin for appointment to the post of Chairman of the constitutional court, according to the Kremlin website. “The President has submitted to the Council of Federation Valery Zorkin’s candidacy for appointment to the post of Chairman of the constitutional court”, — is spoken in the message.

Putin discussed with Russian security Council the situation in Afrin and preparation for Congress of netdialog in Sochi

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the permanent members of the security Council of Russia preparations for the Congress of national dialogue Syria in Sochi, the situation around Afrin, as well as other issues. This was reported on Friday the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov.

Kosachev condemned the British Minister of defense for spreading “deliberate lies and frightening”

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS./ The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev described the statement by the British defense Minister Gavin Williamson that Russia was allegedly preparing to destroy the infrastructure of the Kingdom, as unfair and dirty politics. This opinion he expressed in an interview with TASS on Friday.

Saakashvili was forbidden to go out at night

Saakashvili was forbidden to go out at night The appellate court of Kiev chose a measure of restraint for Mikhail Saakashvili in the form of house arrest at night. In December the court refused to arrest the politician, who is accused of assisting a criminal organization and funding, he fled to Russian oligarch Sergey Kurchenko. The appellate court partially granted the petition of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, reports Interfax-Ukraine. In Ukraine there are several types of house arrest. The prosecution insisted on round-the-clock custody, but the court found it sufficient to ban Saakashvili to leave his home from 22:00 to 7:00. Former Governor, ex-President of Georgia it will be impossible to leave Kyiv without the permission of the investigator. Thus, the appellate court overturned the decision of Pechersky court of Kiev which on 11 December last year decided to let Saakashvili under the guarantee of deputies of the Verkhovna

The UK court postponed the judgement in debt dispute between Ukraine and Russia

The UK court postponed the judgement in debt dispute between Ukraine and Russia Moscow. 26 Jan. INTERFAX.RU the court of Appeal of England after a five-day appeal of Ukraine on the decision of the High court of London under the claim of Russia for recovery of debt on Eurobonds for $3 billion decided to defer making a final decision, according to the website of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. “Today, the court of Appeal of England has completed hearings on the appeal of Ukraine… After the meeting, the judges postponed the decision to a later date. On the results of the appeal will be notified after the announcement by the court of Appeal of England of its decision”, — stated in the message of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance. As reported, Ukraine in December 2015, has defaulted on Eurobonds purchased by Russia in December 2013 with funds from the

Trump cheated applause in Davos

Trump cheated applause in Davos The first President of the USA of Donald trump at the world economic forum in Davos passed in silence: the audience didn’t react to his words as to the speech of other speakers. This writes the Associated Press. As noted by the Agency, trump received only polite applause only when he got on stage and after he finished it. “It wasn’t until I became a politician that I realised how nasty, how mean and how vicious, and how fake, the press can be,” Donald J. Trump said to a chorus of boos at the World Economic Forum in Davos — The Telegraph (@Telegraph) January 26, 2018 During the download an error has occurred. However, as reports Bloomberg, the forum participants listened to the President of the United States very closely. If you typically the corridors and halls of the Congress centre where the forum

Trump told how much the US cost of military operations in the middle East

Trump told how much the US cost of military operations in the middle East MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that by December 2017, the United States spent $ 7 trillion on operations in the middle East. “As of last month, we spent 7 trillion dollars on the middle East. This is a large expense. And we’re still there, I won IG*… we did a good job. But it (high costs — ed.) so it’s a shame, it’s a very sad fact,” said trump in an interview with CNBC. The President did not specify which period in question. Previously, the Pentagon released a document which estimated the total cost of US military operations since 2001 1.52 trillion dollars. Later, the Watson Institute at brown University released a study that reported that the United States since 2001 has spent 4.3 trillion dollars on military operations