Ukraine recognized the disappearance of the collected taxes for the army

Ukraine recognized the disappearance of the collected taxes for the army Members of Parliament are unable to determine what was spent collected over the past four years with salaries of citizens military training. About it write “News”. 2014 working Ukrainians began to pay for military spending by 1.5 percent of salary. In the same year managed to raise 2.5 billion UAH, in 2015 — 9 billion, in 2016 — 11.4 billion. For 2017 were collected 15 billion. Only to the military, the Ukrainians expelled 37.9 billion hryvnia (about 1.32 billion dollars). “Of course, to know where these billions, it is impossible. They dissolve in the budget. Them with the same success could be used to replenish the Pension Fund, which had a hole. I did my own investigation. Found out that the money to provide the army passed through a number of the same firms. So, this scheme, which is

The Deputy head of the FBI’s Andrew McCabe resigned

The Deputy head of the FBI’s Andrew McCabe resigned Deputy Director of the FBI’s Andrew McCabe resigned, reports CBS News. The interlocutor of the channel, familiar with the situation said that Mr McCabe had to leave his post early. He explained that members of the Republican party and the President of the United States Donald trump criticized the Deputy head of the FBI for his connections with the Democratic party. In particular, the us President accused Andrew McCabe in biased relation to the investigation of the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. According to Mr. trump, Ms. Clinton has provided financial assistance to the wife of Andrew McCabe when she ran for Senate. According to TV channel, Andrew McCabe will officially retire in March. Until then he will be considered as part of the FBI, however, will not work. Andrew McCabe is not the first the FBI, which had a conflict

Expert: U.S. to make concessions in the Donbass

The head of the Center for political conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, January 29. /TASS./ Analysis of the statements of Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov and special envoy of the us state Department in Ukraine, Kurt Volker, shows that the United States abandoned the strict requirements on the immediate transfer of the Donbass under the control of the UN mission. This was stated by TASS on Monday, the Director of the Center for political conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov, commenting on the fact that after Surkov their assessment of the outcome of the negotiations in Dubai were given and Walker.

Putin spoke about the progress in the economy and thanked the Russians

Putin spoke about the progress in the economy and thanked the Russians The President of Russia Vladimir Putin during the ceremony of signing the General agreement between government, unions and employers in 2018-2020 years, said the growth in industry and agriculture. According to the head of the state, is the result of work of our citizens, RIA Novosti reports. “Today, the recession period we have passed. In some sectors, including in industry, in agriculture, the rise. We are faced with the common task to ensure its long-term, sustainable, in General, to set the economy on a positive trajectory. And that it is fundamentally important to ensure the growth of real incomes of citizens”, — said Putin. The President noted that the success would not be possible without the efforts of the citizens. “We need to remember is that economic results do not come by themselves. It is the result of

CNN: Russian fighter intercepted plane-US spy over the Black sea

CNN: Russian fighter intercepted plane-US spy over the Black sea NEW YORK, January 29. /TASS./ A Russian fighter jet intercepted an American reconnaissance aircraft over the Black sea. This was reported Monday by CNN. According to his sources in the Pentagon, we are talking about patrol aircraft P-3 Orion. He was allegedly forced “to end its mission prematurely” after approaching Russian fighter. In November 2017, as reported in a press-service of the southern military district, the Russian su-30 fighter flown by the American anti-submarine patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon over the neutral waters of the Black sea. Then after the discovery of a Russian fighter American plane changed its path for removal from the airspace of Russia. After completing the task, a Russian fighter jet returned safely to their base.

Zakharova called an attempt to disrupt the Congress in Sochi, allegations of predetermination of the outcome

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, January 29. /TASS./ Information about an already finished plan of the final statement of the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi is an attempt to undermine it. This is the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova wrote on Monday on his page in Facebook. She noted that once arrived in Sochi, the Syrians started to work, “then the media was sent a “plan of the final statement of the Congress.” “Immediately began to receive calls asking for comment, the diplomat added. – The most incredible thing is served in such a way that the arrival of representatives of Damascus and opposition is supposedly all written decisions (it is unclear, however, what and by whom), and the event is deprived of “intrigue”. Zakharov stressed that “everything that is started in the media space a

Russia has adopted the latest machines

Russia has adopted the latest machines New Russian AK-12 and AK-15 adopted. Information about it “Interfax” confirmed concern “Kalashnikov”. The official newspaper of the Russian Ministry of defense Krasnaya Zvezda also reported that the defense Ministry decided to adopt not only production machines “Kalashnikov”, but the machines AEK-971 and AEK-973 development Degtyarev plant. It is noted that the AK-12 and AK-15 in reliability and simplicity are more suitable for military parts and products of the Kovrov plant is recommended for the different divisions. The decision was announced on coordination scientific Council on problems of military equipment, which took place on January 25. All four rifles were tested for inclusion in the combat outfit “Ratnik”. During the download an error has occurred.