Permanent mission of the Russian Federation: draft resolution the UN security Council on gimatecan in Syria, “killed” US

© DHA Depo Photos via AP MOSCOW, 1 Feb. /TASS./ The United States “killed” Russia prepared a draft Mechanism for investigation of chemical attacks in Syria, thereby preventing the objective investigation of crimes. The corresponding entry was published on Thursday on Twitter, the permanent mission to the UN. “The permanent mission of the USA at the UN deliberately omitted the fact that they were the last who killed our resolution in the Security Council, which was designed to expand and revive the CMP (Joint mechanism of the OPCW and the UN to investigate chemical attacks – approx. TASS) and make it independent, objective and professional,” – says the publication.

The government has allowed to register the company out of office

The government has allowed to register the company out of office The government supported the proposal to allow registering of a legal entity in the absence of office space, told journalists the Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin on the results of the Presidium of the presidential Council for strategic development and priority projects chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Cabinet endorsed “the proposal from the departure from the mandatory principle of the physical address for legal entities,” he said. (quoted by “Interfax”). “This is the creation of banks and other organisations the possibility of registration of the enterprises without a physical office or at the mailbox or on the basis of the electronic service”, — explained the Minister. In addition, the government has decided to cancel the small and medium business the state duty for the registration of new businesses in electronic form. The government will prepare the

In the state Duma introduced a project to increase the period of childcare

In the state Duma introduced a project to increase the period of childcare MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Deputies from the faction “Fair Russia” in the Duma introduced a bill to increase from one and a half to three years the period of child care are counted in the insurance period for the pension, it follows from the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament. “It appears that in respect of persons caring for a child, it would be fair to increase the period from a half to three years due to law of such persons for the provision of leave to care for a child up to three years. Due to the fact that in Russia the number of nursery groups for children under 1.5 years is negligible, the woman with the juvenile child cannot find a job and is fully dependent on family support and the

The US planned the war with Russia and China

The US planned the war with Russia and China Vice-Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General, USAF Paul Selva described a possible war with China and Russia. It is reported by Defense News. “Any battle with China, if it occurs, will be largely naval and air battle” — says the military. In his opinion, in this conflict of ground troops and the infantry will be assigned a supporting role. In a possible conflict with Russia, says Selva, in contrast, generally will involve the air force and the US Army. In the initial phase, involving the deployment of troops in Europe, the battles between countries can take place on the sea. Selva also spoke about the latest developments of weapons waged by China and Russia. “We lost our technical superiority at hypersonic, but lost the battle hypersonic”, — said the General. According to Selvy, Moscow and Beijing are well advanced

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the United States is violating the sanctity of the Russian departmenti

Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco © AP Photo/Eric Risberg WASHINGTON, 1 Feb. /TASS./ American authorities continue to violate the sanctity of blocked diplomatic property of the Russian Federation in the USA and not allowed to test its safety, this position is unacceptable for Russia. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday statement, the Russian Embassy in the United States.

Embassy of the Russian Federation: Norway’s intelligence services intimidated the subjects of the mythical Russian threat

© Donat Sorokin/TASS OSLO, 1 Feb. /TASS./ Approval of the Police security service (PST) Norwegian that Russian intelligence is actively working in the Kingdom, recruiting informants and agents look ridiculous and intimidate residents. This is stated in the comment of the Russian Embassy in Oslo issued Wednesday evening in response to the request of the TV channel TV2 and Norwegian broadcasting company (NRK).

In Australia on sale bought the cabinets with the “secrets” of the government

In Australia on sale bought the cabinets with the “secrets” of the government MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Hundreds of classified government documents locked in cabinets, were selling furniture in Australia, reports the ABC. According to the channel, who received the documents, the sale of furniture belonging to the former government, took place in the second-hand store in Canberra. One of the visitors bought two heavy Cabinet, from which she lost the keys. Several months passed before he opened the locks. Opening the Cabinet doors, the buyer discovered that the shelves crammed with documents for a period spanning approximately ten years. Thousands of pages contain a description of the five previous governments. Nearly all documents are classified “secret”, some “top secret” and some are “only for the eyes of the citizens of Australia”. However, to buy furniture on sale, could the buyer of any nationality. As the channel is

Sand unknown whether the disciplinary sanction Svanidze and Shevchenko

Sand unknown whether the disciplinary sanction Svanidze and Shevchenko The members of the HRC had a fight, discussing the reign of Joseph Stalin. MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS./ Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov is not known whether disciplinary comments to the members of the HRC Nikolai Svanidze and Maxim Shevchenko, who got into a fight, discussing the reign of Joseph Stalin. I don’t know whether the comments made. In this context, I will tell you only one thing, and you criticize our Ministry of culture for the fact that they have not issued a rental license for the movie Stalin’s funeral.Dmitry Peskov In the opinion of the representative of the Kremlin, this topic is so hot that “even such behemoths can’t control my emotions”. “Mastodons are unable emotions to own her, cannot control myself, when discussing this topic,” concluded Sands. The President of the Council under RF President on development of civil

The Prosecutor General’s office confirmed the dispatch of the Dagestan Commission for verification of compliance with the laws

The Prosecutor General’s office confirmed the dispatch of the Dagestan Commission for verification of compliance with the laws According to RBC, the inspection looking for confirmation of the information on corruption, abuses and bribery of local officials, police and prosecutors. Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman confirmed that in Dagestan runs special Commission with the participation of the Prosecutor General to check the status of the rule of law in the region. Answering the question of whether such a Commission in Dagestan, he said, “It is a long time”. “To check the status of legality in the Republic”, — he explained, confirming that the special Commission included representatives of the Prosecutor General. On the eve sources RBC reported that in Makhachkala from Moscow came to the investigators of the Central apparatus of the interior Ministry and the FSB, and the office of collecting the evidence base

Guardian: FBI investigators are studying the second “dossier” on trump

Guardian: FBI investigators are studying the second “dossier” on trump Investigators of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) dealing with the case of alleged Russian trace in the presidential campaign in the United States, began to study the second “dossier” on President Donald trump. This was reported on Tuesday the newspaper The Guardian. According to her, the author of “dossier” is a political activist with a controversial reputation Cody Shearer, who previously worked as a journalist and was close to the Washington administration during the presidency of bill Clinton. The Guardian notes that unlike the author of the first “dossier”, a former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, Shearer has no experience in intelligence, and his information was initially perceived with skepticism. However, according to the British newspaper, the fact that the FBI is still dealing with material that in October 2016, provided the Shearer, demonstrates that the investigators come to