In the US-led coalition has stated that it does not supply MANPADS allies in Syria

In the US-led coalition has stated that it does not supply MANPADS allies in Syria WASHINGTON, February 4. /Corr. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The US-led anti-terrorist coalition is not supplied their allies in Syria’s air defense systems and has no plans to do so. On Sunday the correspondent of TASS said the representative of the group of countries whose forces carried out an operation in Syria and Iraq. As reported previously, the defense Ministry, on Saturday in the Western province of Idlib militants of the terrorist group “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia) from MANPADS shot down a Russian su-25, was carrying out an overflight of the zone of de-escalation. The pilot managed to eject, however, said the Department was later killed in battle with terrorists. “We are aware of the incident with a Russian military plane shot down near Idlib in Syria on 3 February, — said the Agency interlocutor. The

Russia lost to Belarus and Ukraine in the ranking of the rule of law

Russia lost to Belarus and Ukraine in the ranking of the rule of law Russia took the 89th place in the ranking of the rule of law. These are the results of the index of the independent international organization World Justice Project, which is compiled every two years. First place was taken by Denmark, the second — Norway, and the third — Finland. Also in the top ten most prosperous in the sphere of the rule of law includes Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Austria, Canada, Australia and the UK. The United States was on 19-th row. Russia has risen three points from 2016 and left behind 24 countries, including Dominican Republic, Uzbekistan, Mexico and several African countries, but around most of the countries of the former USSR are unable: Georgia is ranked 38-th place, Ukraine — 77-e a place, Belarus is 65th, Kyrgyzstan — 82-e a place, Kazakhstan

Ankara has warned that the military of the United States may get hit in ‘ afrīn

Ankara has warned that the military of the United States may get hit in ‘ afrīn ANKARA, Feb 4 — RIA Novosti. The us military in the form of self-defense forces of Syrian Kurds (YPG) could be a target of the operation, the Turkish armed forces in Syria, said Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Relations between Turkey and the United States is facing a serious crisis due to the military support Washington YPG, which Ankara considers a terrorist organization. “If the terrorists (YPG) will not leave the Syrian Manbij, we will start a military operation in the area of Syria and in the region East of the Euphrates river. While the U.S. military in the form of YPG will also be the purpose of the operation of our armed forces,” said Bozdag, the TV channel CNN Turk on Sunday. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces on

Kim Jong-UN with his wife rode through the night to Pyongyang trolleybus

Kim Jong-UN with his wife rode through the night to Pyongyang trolleybus Moscow. 4 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — North Korean Leader Kim Jong-UN with his wife made a night journey to Pyongyang in a new bus, according to South Korean Agency “renkhap” with reference to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea. On a trip the head of state and his wife Lee Sol-Ju was accompanied by senior party functionaries. Kim Jong-un essaie un nouveau type de trolleybus — Agence Presse Yonhap (@Yonhapfr) February 4, 2018. During the download an error has occurred. Kim Jong UN was pleased with the technical characteristics of the new trolley, considering it is running smoothly and high speed, no vibration and noise, according to the KCNA. He said that the new model will improve the quality of passenger transport in the North Korean capital. A few days earlier, Kim Jong-UN visited the trolleybus factory of

Media: Japan will present the Russian plan of modernization of infrastructure of Vladivostok

Media: Japan will present the Russian plan of modernization of infrastructure of Vladivostok The proposal involves the use of Japanese technologies, including the establishment of traffic, the arrangement of tourist sites and areas around the train stations. TOKYO, February 4. /TASS./ The government of Japan intends to offer Russia the plan of modernization of urban infrastructure of Vladivostok with Japanese technology, including the establishment of traffic, the arrangement of tourist sites and areas around the train stations. As reported in a Sunday newspaper Nikkei, this plan is prepared in anticipation of the visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Russia in may and will soon be handed over to the Russian side. To make such an offer in Tokyo decided in the framework of the plan of economic cooperation between the two countries of the eight points, as well as on the basis of the agreements reached during the visit

Trump regrets that in the US everyone is talking only about Russia

Trump regrets that in the US everyone is talking only about Russia MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump lamented the fact that no one notices its achievements in socio-economic sphere, and that, instead, the country continues to discuss the so-called “investigation in Russia”. The day before trump called the investigation “American disgrace”. The investigation of alleged Russian interference in American elections, as well as alleged links trump with Russia that contradict how the White house and the Kremlin, is in the Ministry of justice and in Congress. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called allegations of meddling in the election “completely unfounded”.

The militants “Dzhabhat-EN-Nusra” claimed responsibility for the downed in Idlib su-25

The militants “Dzhabhat-EN-Nusra” claimed responsibility for the downed in Idlib su-25 Moscow. 3 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the militant group “Hayat Tahrir al-sham”, are banned in Russia “Dzhabhat-EN-Nusra” claimed responsibility for the Syrian Idlib shot down a Russian su-25, reports the Washington Post, citing associated with terrorists news Agency Ebaa. The edition, in particular, quoted the commander of the air defense fighters, Mahmoud Turkmani, who said that the Russian plane was shot down using MANPADS, allegedly during the bombardment of the city Sarakeb in Idlib. He called it revenge for his people. Earlier on Saturday, the defense Ministry said that in the province of Idlib, in the area controlled by the terrorist group “Jabhat-EN-Nusra” militants shot down from MANPADS su-25 patrolling the area of de-escalation. The pilot ejected, but was killed in battle. After that, Russian troops inflicted by area attack plane strike with precision weapons.

Zyuganov told how to bring Russia out of crisis

Zyuganov told how to bring Russia out of crisis MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. To bring the country out of crisis the Russian government needs to adhere to a center-left course, which held office under the leadership of Yevgeny Primakov, said Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov, speaking at the rally “For social justice”, which was held on Saturday in Moscow. “The current crisis has two options. First: the Russian leadership understands what is happening, apologizes to the country and adopts a center-left course, which at the time of the government of Primakov — maslyukova — Gerashchenko. If not, there’s another way: go to the polls and Bulletin to correct the situation”, — said the leader of the Communist party, quoted by the press service of the party. According to the Moscow main Directorate of the interior Ministry, the rally of left forces at the Suvorov square, was attended by

The Pentagon chief cited the anthem of Ukraine at a meeting with Poltorak

The Pentagon chief cited the anthem of Ukraine at a meeting with Poltorak MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. Pentagon chief James Mattis for the negotiations with the Minister of defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak quoted the Ukrainian national anthem. This was reported on the website of the military Department. “Today, I again want to reiterate that we support the Ukrainian people in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the country. Your people paid a high price for it. “Soul and body we’ll lay down for our freedom” — in the words of the national anthem reflects the struggle for independence,” said Mattis. The meeting between the two Ministers was held in the USA 3 Feb. As said on Twitter, Pentagon spokesman Dana white, during the negotiations the sides discussed military cooperation between the two countries.