Bloomberg: publication of a “Kremlin report” had a negative impact on Russian business

Bloomberg: publication of a “Kremlin report” had a negative impact on Russian business Russian businessmen have begun to feel more close attention to their Affairs after the US publication of the so-called Kremlin report. It is reported Bloomberg. The businessman from the list, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that fears over a deal with foreign partners, which should close in the next few months. Other wealthy Russians said about the damage to their reputations. Based in Washington company Financial Integrity Network, which consults on security issues of financial transactions and urged customers to examine carefully transactions involving any person from the list. Earlier, the Ministry of Finance of the USA has published the document on the officials and businessmen close to President Vladimir Putin. In total, the list includes 210 people — 114 96 officials and businessmen. Getting into this list does not mean automatic imposition of sanctions.

Trump has instructed the Pentagon to hold a military parade on the independence Day of USA

Trump has instructed the Pentagon to hold a military parade on the independence Day of USA Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump instructed the Ministry of defense and the White house to prepare a plan of a military parade on independence Day — July 4, reported Tuesday edition of the Washington Post . It notes that the President took this decision after watching the military parade on Bastille Day in Paris in July last year, which made a deep impression on him. The guidance on the preparation of a parade, writes the Washington Post, trump gave on 18 January during a meeting with the military leadership at the Pentagon. The publication reports, citing its own sources, that the preparations of the parade “started on the high level representatives of the military.” The message Washington Post confirmed the White house spokesman, who told reporters that the parade trump

Experts: acting heads of regions integrate successfully in the field

Experts: acting heads of regions integrate successfully in the field According to analysts, with the exception in this respect were the regions in which “in front of the heads is the task of eradicating local corruption and weaknesses of past teams.” MOSCOW, February 7. /TASS./ Acting (acting) heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, appointed in the fall of 2017, successfully integrate in the regions, in most cases, without conflict with the local elites, their primary focus is not political, and socio-economic agenda. These conclusions follow from the analytical report of the Expert Institute of social studies (AISI) “the Second wave of updates to the composition of heads of subjects of the Russian Federation-2017: first results. Regional features and highlights”. “Autumn calling-2017”: a laconic portrait The object of the study, the text of which is available to TASS, was the work of the acting heads of the 11 regions:

Russia has started to send workers from the DPRK in line with UN security Council sanctions

Russia has started to send workers from the DPRK in line with UN security Council sanctions NEW YORK, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The authorities of some Russian regions began to send North Korean workers, as stipulated by UN security Council resolution, said the Russian Ambassador to Pyongyang Alexander Matsegora. “The ban on workers from the DPRK will blow on the Russian economy, but we are UN security Council resolutions executed strictly. Many governors have already started to send (workers of the DPRK — ed.),” matsegora said during a conversation with a group of Russian journalists. The Ambassador said that every year citizens of the DPRK issued 12-15 thousand Russian visas, 90% of which are short-term work visas. According to him, only Russia had a population of 35 thousand workers — mostly in construction, agriculture, in the fishing industry. Matsegora also reported that workers from North Korea pay on average

Pyongyang has condemned the US nuclear doctrine and announced the continuation of its missile and nuclear programs

Pyongyang has condemned the US nuclear doctrine and announced the continuation of its missile and nuclear programs The statement noted that the DPRK will not use nuclear weapons until the “hostile forces” will not infringe on the sovereignty of the country. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий TASS, 7 Feb. The US plans for the development of nuclear weapons, including tactical warheads with low-yield warheads referred to in the new nuclear doctrine and also declared the possibility of using nuclear weapons even against non-nuclear attacks by saying that us President Donald trump “looking for nuclear war.” This assessment of the new nuclear doctrine of the United States gave in the DPRK, noting that the position of the United States confirms the validity of the development of Pyongyang of its nuclear weapons, passed Tuesday night by the KCNA. The statement of the representative of the Institute for the US under the foreign Ministry of the DPRK

Japan said Russia protest in connection with the early exercises in the Kuril Islands

Japan said Russia protest in connection with the early exercises in the Kuril Islands TOKYO, 7 Feb. /TASS./ Japan said Russia protest in connection with the beginning of anti-terrorist exercises on the Kuril Islands. This was stated on Wednesday by the head of the Japanese foreign Minister Taro Kono at the meeting of the budget Committee of the lower house of Parliament. “This is contrary to the position of our country in relation to the four Northern Islands (southern part of the Kuril Islands — approx. TASS), we protested,” led the Agency Kyodo. Currently, TASS has no comments of the Russian Embassy in Tokyo. In the events involved about 500 pieces of equipment, including helicopters Mi-8AMTSH. “During tactical phases of the exercise will take place from the landing helicopter assault team to one of the Islands with the aim of improving the skills of amphibious assault training for military personnel

The house of representatives of U.S. Congress passed a temporary budget until March 23

The house of representatives of U.S. Congress passed a temporary budget until March 23 WASHINGTON, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The house of representatives of U.S. Congress passed a temporary budget until March 23, aim to avoid a new “closure” of the Federal government on Thursday, according to the results of the vote. For the bill voted 245 deputies, against was 182. As expected, the Senate draft will undergo changes — in particular, the newly reduced military spending, which the house of representatives increased to 659 billion for the 2018 fiscal year. Republicans and Democrats are at odds about the possibility of a budget compromise in the Senate, and the Republican majority cannot pass a budget without opposition support. The differences include the main parameters of the budgetary cost, as well as measures relating to immigration. The United States live on a temporary budget since the beginning of the fiscal

Vladimir Kozhin told about implementation of contracts for the supply of weapons in 2017

Vladimir Kozhin told about implementation of contracts for the supply of weapons in 2017 Assistant to the President of Russia Vladimir Kozhin in an interview to “Kommersant” told about Russian arms exports, remember the past year. “The year was really difficult with all the events that took place. And that’s an understatement. Results will be brought by the President, but the preliminary results we evaluate positively. Delivered plans are implemented. Part of the contracts literally in the last days of December were carried out, were shipping products,” he said. “Pre-plan deliveries to 2017 and made approximately $15 billion, probably even a little more. The total portfolio, in spite of everything, is not reduced and is about $45 billion And the new contracts for the supply of arms, military equipment, provision of specialized services in 2017 signed for more than $16 billion,” said Mr. Kozhin. “In 2017 pretty much changed the