Source: Klintsevich will leave the position of Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense

Source: Klintsevich will leave the position of Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense Senator Franz Klintsevich wrote a letter of resignation from the post of first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security, it will become an ordinary Senator, a member of the Committee, told RIA Novosti source in the Federation Council. According to the source, the vacant post of first Deputy Chairman of the Committee is the Senator from Karelia Alexander Rakitin, who until September 2017 has held the position of chief UFSB of Russia on the Western military district. “The issue of the appointment Rakitin is Klintsevich will be considered at the meeting on 14 February,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

The Chinese authorities urged to adapt religion to socialism

The Chinese authorities urged to adapt religion to socialism BEIJING, February 12. /Corr. TASS Andrei Kirillov/. Religion in China must be Chinese by nature and strive for the best adaptation in a socialist society. On this, as reported by the Xinhua news Agency, said on Sunday Vice-Premier of the state Council of the PRC, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist party of China (CPC) Wang Yang. He spoke in Beijing before the heads of traditional confessions at the Symposium dedicated to the upcoming holiday of spring — New year of the Chinese calendar. Wang Yang called on religious leaders to further study the spirit of the XIX Congress of the CPC. Should actively guide religious groups so that they are better adapted to the socialist society, he stressed, while noting the positive role of religions in promoting national unity, religious

The government want to do in the school holidays “floating»

The government want to do in the school holidays “floating» MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Is developing the idea of the experiment to move the school holidays to promote skiing to the North Caucasus resorts, said in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin. “We will offer different models and options for development of the tourist resort area in the North Caucasus. As is happening in Europe? No, for example, snow in January in the Alps. States tolerate the summer holidays. In Europe, this mechanism is flexible. This promotes the sport of skiing, come parents with children. We do not have this flexible system. It all depends on the weather and availability of snow. There is no snow, so we missed the ski season. This is wrong,” — said Khloponin. “So we want to make the experiment. If we come to the kids from sports schools

Israel received the invitation drone

Israel received the invitation drone In southern Syria has opened a new front. Last weekend in Syria in fact, there is a new front. Israeli aircraft carried out the most large-scale operation for the time of the Syrian war, directed against the government forces and the Iranian military facilities. In the process, Israel for the first time in 35 years, lost military plane shot down by Syrian air defense. The incident puts in a very delicate position of Moscow, which, on the one hand, supports the government of Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, but, on the other hand, maintains close ties with Israel. It is significant that the surge occurred just two weeks after a visit to Moscow, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israeli leader once tried to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin that Iran is seeking to gain a foothold in Syria, directly threatens the interests of the Jewish state. Strikes

WP: trump wants to turn the ISS to private enterprise on a commercial basis

WP: trump wants to turn the ISS to private enterprise on a commercial basis According to the newspaper, Washington is going to stop funding the ISS for NASA line after 2024. WASHINGTON, February 11. /TASS./ The administration of U.S. President Donald trump’s plans to privatize the International space station (ISS) and turn it into a kind of “private enterprise on a commercial basis”. This was reported in the Sunday newspaper The Washington Post, which got the project documentation. Washington is going to stop funding the ISS for NASA line after 2024. But he did not intend to abandon the space station and is working on a plan that would remove her from the public to the private sector. “The decision to stop direct Federal support ISS in 2025 doesn’t mean that the station itself will be returned from orbit at that time — it is possible that the [relevant] industry

Lavrov called hopeless a result of the meeting, Volcker and Surkov in Ukraine

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, February 11. /TASS./ The result of the last meeting of the Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov and special envoy of the state Department, Kurt Volker, hopeless. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in interview to the program “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

Lavrov said that was not brought to tears Victoria Nuland

Lavrov said that was not brought to tears Victoria Nuland MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied rumors that the negotiations were brought to tears by former assistant Secretary of state Victoria Nuland. «No. This was not. It’s all bullshit,” — said Lavrov leading “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia-1”. The question what is the difference between negotiating with a diplomat-a diplomat man and a woman, the Minister replied that he could not “make women a discount because it would be politically incorrect.” “We respect women just as men. This is the best part of mankind,” — said Lavrov. Nuland in September 2013 — January 2017 was assistant Secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, in this position, her expertise includes, in particular, all issues related to Russia. She also was the official representative of the state Department, served in 2005-2008

The Japanese foreign Ministry: it is necessary to carry out the denuclearization of North Korea, not yielding to its “diplomacy of smiles»

The Japanese foreign Ministry: it is necessary to carry out the denuclearization of North Korea, not yielding to its “diplomacy of smiles» TOKYO, February 11. /TASS./ Japan, the US and South Korea should cooperate with a view to implementing the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and not to be too much influenced by “diplomacy of smiles” by the DPRK. As reported by the Agency Kyodo, stated on Sunday, Japanese foreign Minister Taro Kono, who is on a visit to Brunei. “I would like to work closely [with Washington and Seoul] for the realization of the ultimate goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This is not to be blinded by the “diplomacy of smiles” in the performance of the North,” he said. Speaking on the anti DPRK military parade the day before the opening of the winter Olympic games in Pyeongchang, Kono stressed that, in his opinion, it speaks to

In the United States figured out the plan of China to destroy America

In the United States figured out the plan of China to destroy America The Chinese military master the strategy described 2500 years ago a great military leader sun Tzu. It is based on the principle of “to win the war without taking part in the battle,” writes the American edition the National Interest, citing a study by the RAND Corporation. As the authors of the report, China in the event of a collision with the United States will try to make US just are unable to use precision weapons on land, at sea and in the air. The main focus of the PLA soldiers will be on the crippling of the American systems of processing and transfer of command orders. As a result of aviation, army and Navy will be chaotic and will not lead to success. Coupled with the use of methods of informational influence, the Chinese army can