Trump spoke about the transformation of the US into a laughing stock of Russia

Trump spoke about the transformation of the US into a laughing stock of Russia The US President Donald trump said that the US has become the laughing stock of Russia. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “If Russia’s goal was to create strife, schisms and chaos in the United States, they have succeeded all these hearings in committees, investigations and party hatred. In Moscow injure their stomachs from laughter. Wise Up, America!” — he wrote. If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 18, 2018 During the download an error has occurred. On 18 February, the us President lashed out at the FBI, which overlooked the

Lukashenko told how to Belarus affected by the conflict in the Donbass

Lukashenko told how to Belarus affected by the conflict in the Donbass MINSK, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Minsk is interested in the soonest resolution of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, which has a negative impact on Belarus, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. “We are keen to keep the conflict… the fire to extinguish it to be over, stopped”, — said Lukashenka to journalists in Minsk after the voting in local elections. Lukashenko said during the conflict in the Donbass region of Belarus arrived about 160 thousand Ukrainian immigrants. “I gave everyone equal footing with the Belarusians: free health care, free education, utilities — all, as in Belarus. Do you think we cheap it cost? No. But people in trouble,” stressed the Belarusian leader. He added that in Belarus from the territory of Ukraine “and a flood of weapons, explosives,” which required decisions on strengthening of protection of border.

Netanyahu vowed to keep the military presence of Iran in Syria

Netanyahu vowed to keep the military presence of Iran in Syria Israel will deter the Iranian military presence in Syria and will do everything to prevent the establishment of bases there, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Iran’s intentions in Syria is completely clear, they want to unite Tehran and Tartus and create one state. I have long know about it. Israel will continue to contain Iran in its attempts to penetrate and to continue military action in Syria”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” quoting from the statement of Mr Netanyahu at the Munich security conference. “Iran is trying to tighten the noose around our necks, and we will do all that is necessary, not only against the intermediaries but also from Iran,” he added. We will remind, in Syria in fact, there is a new front. Israeli aircraft carried out the most large-scale operation for the time of the Syrian war,

Second US destroyer entered the Black sea

Second US destroyer entered the Black sea The USS Carney on Saturday entered the Black sea, joining the already in this area of the us destroyer Ross, the press service of the 6th fleet of the U.S. Navy. In Washington, noted that the sunset in the Black sea is part of the graphics, allowing the country to maintain an operational presence in the region. The tasks of the ships is carrying out Maritime security operations, reports TASS. “Our decision to send two ships in the Black sea was made in advance, not as a response to anything”, — said the commander of the destroyer Carney, Vice Admiral Christopher Grady. The last time two us spacecraft were simultaneously in the Black sea in July 2017, during exercises Sea Breeze.

Thousands of Americans gathered for a rally against the free sale of weapons

Thousands of Americans gathered for a rally against the free sale of weapons A few thousand teenagers, their parents, teachers and others gathered for a rally in Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) with a demand to tighten control over the proliferation of weapons in the country. The occasion was a shooting at a high school in Parkland, which killed 17 people. Reported by the Associated Press. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The protesters carried banners and said that waiting for the authorities immediate action to change the legislation. “Because of these gun laws people I knew and loved died, and I will never see again,” said one of the protesters adolescents. “If there’s anything that can unite Democrats, Republicans and others — our children,” said another from among the parents. Others demanded that the politicians stop taking donations from the National rifle Association. Earlier it was reported that the American opened fire in the school

The Venezuelan President announced the holding of military exercises

The Venezuelan President announced the holding of military exercises Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that the country’s armed forces will hold military exercises throughout the country on 24 and 25 February. The statement the President made on air of TV channel “Venezolana de television”. According to him, the military exercise “Independence of 2018” and maneuvers multilateral defense will carry the Bolivarian National armed forces. The head of Republic is sure that large-scale exercises from the Caribbean sea to the Orinoco river, state of Amazonas, to lake Maracaibo, the armed forces of Venezuela would show the world that their country, a place of dignity, peace and independence, should be respected. Previously portal reported that the head of the Venezuelan foreign Minister Jorge Arreas declared intention of the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro to go to “the summit of the Americas” in Peru, despite the fact that he had withdrawn the

Ukraine has no purpose “to defeat Russia,” said Poroshenko

Ukraine has no purpose “to defeat Russia,” said Poroshenko MOSCOW, February 17 — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that his country aims to win over Russia. The words of the policy leads the TV channel “112”. “We have no idea to defeat Russia,” said Poroshenko at the briefing in the conference on security in Munich. According to him, Kiev is waiting for, when Moscow “will take away troops from the Ukrainian territory”, and up to this point Ukraine intends to confront the “aggression” of diplomatic and political means. Before that on Saturday during lunch, the President said that Kiev will begin talks with Moscow only after “restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine”. Previously Poroshenko has accused Russia of “destabilizing the situation in Europe,” and initiating a “global hybrid war”. He also demanded to “ban the Russian flag” around the world. The Russian side has repeatedly

In Germany called the main global threat

In Germany called the main global threat The biggest problem that threatens world stability — cyber attacks, said the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen. She stated this on air of CNBC. According to her, the recent hacker attack NotPetya and WannaCry showed that the theft of sensitive and personal data becomes a way of undermining the activities of companies and governments around the world — this, she explained, is transformed into what is often called information warfare. Any enemies that you can imagine, even the IG (“Islamic state” banned in Russia — approx. “Of the”) use the cyberspace to fight against us.Ursula von der Leonminster of defence of Germany On the sidelines of the Munich security conference, she noted that the coming decade will be a period of strengthening the protection of information. Many large cyber attacks in the world is often attributed to Russians

American missile destroyer Ross entered the Black sea

American missile destroyer Ross entered the Black sea The commander of the ship Brian Gallo was committed to creating “strong ties in the black sea region, which is crucial to our peace and stability”. WASHINGTON, February 17. /TASS/. USS Ross, equipped with guided missiles, 16 Feb entered the Black sea. This is stated in received by TASS on Saturday the press service of the 6th fleet of the US Navy. The press service said that the ship went into the waters of the Black sea “to conduct operations to ensure Maritime safety, to enhance regional stability, and strengthening the compatibility of the fleets of allies and partners of NATO.” “We are committed to creating strong relationships in the black sea region, which is crucial to our peace and stability. Our presence here strengthens the credibility and assures allies of our commitment to security in the region” — are in the

Poroshenko demanded to “put the squeeze” Russia for the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass

Poroshenko demanded to “put the squeeze” Russia for the introduction of peacekeepers in Donbass MOSCOW, February 17 — RIA Novosti. Accommodation in the Donbass full of the UN mission should “put the squeeze” on Russia, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during a briefing at the Munich security conference. The words of the policy leads the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “In order to enter Ukraine a full-scale mission of the peacekeepers, which will ensure the return of these territories under Ukrainian sovereignty, requires only one thing — “put the squeeze” on Russia”, — said Poroshenko. In his opinion, this issue should be discussed as soon as possible. The President also noted that the staff of the UN mission should not perform the role of “escort service” on the line of contact. Earlier in Munich, Poroshenko accused Russia of “destabilizing the situation in Europe,” and initiating a “global hybrid war”. He