The state Duma is going on vacation before the election

The state Duma is going on vacation before the election The state Duma today will hold the last meeting before vacation which will last almost a month, “Vedomosti”. The next meeting of the state Duma will take place only after presidential elections scheduled for March 18. Formally, the deputies will work in regions, however, take a break to listen to the message of President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, scheduled for March 1. By law, the deputies have no right to campaign for some candidates, however, can encourage citizens to vote. As earlier wrote “Kommersant”, the main goal in this election will be turnout, and two of the candidates are representatives of the Duma factions: Pavel Grudinin is running for the Communist party and Vladimir Zhirinovsky of the liberal democratic party. In these circumstances, the work in the regions can help to attract additional sections of the electorate. Another

The latest su-57 in Syria took video

The latest su-57 in Syria took video Planes can use in the battles with the opposition in the area of East Huta. In Syria, said Russian aircraft of the fifth generation su-57. The military began the operation of aircraft only at the beginning of February 2018. “Published on the Internet with their planes you photograph. It is made during landing in Hamima,” said the author of the materials, which show the latest Russian fighters. Exclusive#Russia deploying its brand new fifth generation fighter jet, the Su-57 in #Khmemeim AB #Syria 2 Su-574 Su-354 Su-251 A-50U were deployed in the #RuAF AB in Latakia/Jableh today — Wael Al Hussaini (@WaelAlHussaini) 21 Feb 2018 Except the su-57 in Syria arrived four su-37, AEW A-50U and a passenger Tu-154 flying and technical personnel on Board. The equipment arrived at the base on the evening of 21 February. “Vedomosti” noted that the plane A-50U

The US called the conditions of renunciation of nuclear cruise missiles

The US called the conditions of renunciation of nuclear cruise missiles The USA will abandon the nuclear warheads in cruise missiles, sea-based, if Russia will comply with the terms of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). This was stated by the Deputy assistant Secretary of defense for nuclear and missile defense policy Robert Soufer, reports RIA Novosti. “If Russia will continue to observe the INF Treaty, start negotiations on reductions in tactical nuclear weapons, if they will change their aggressive geopolitical behavior in the international arena, we can talk about cruise missiles, sea-based, we do not need to place” — he said at the summit on nuclear deterrence in Washington. Super said that the United States planned to equip cruise missiles, nuclear warheads due to the fact that Moscow is allegedly increasing its stockpile of nonstrategic nuclear weapons. “We needed to do something to

Donbass lives in anticipation of a “final battle” with the APU

Donbass lives in anticipation of a “final battle” with the APU Military to the frontline of Donbass told the journalist of “Izvestia”, as they live in constant expectation of provocations by the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU). 29фотографий29фотографий29фотографий According to the head a press-services of the armed forces of the DNI Daniel Bezsonov, last year was “very tough”: the Ukrainian security forces 15.5 thousand times violated the truce, killing 31 civilians, wounding more than 230. On the prospects of conflict Bessonov responds unequivocally: “the Final battle is inevitable.” “The situation is artificially constrained, both sides are willing to go forward,” added the commander of the assault battalion Sergey Fomchenkov. However, some attacks still subsided. The most affected locality DNR — village Nikishino is gradually recovering. Earned medical center, will soon open a clinic, and private philanthropists from Russia are reviving a Church.

The President may address a message to the Federal Assembly, not the Kremlin

The President may address a message to the Federal Assembly, not the Kremlin Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov reported that the President’s address to the Federal Assembly will be held on March 1. He confirmed the date announced on the eve of the co-Chairman of the election headquarters of President Aleksandr Rumyantsev. While delivering the message that is transferred from 2017 for the period of the election campaign, will impose its mark on the format. As told “Kommersant” sources close to the presidential administration, unlike previous annual message, which contained the work plan for the coming year, for the first time Vladimir Putin will deliver an address that will “cover the six-year period.” Unlike past years delivering the message to the Federal Assembly this year will be in the St. George hall of the Kremlin, and in the Big Arena. Location “emphasizes the different nature of the message

Tolstoy urged the OSCE PA to respond to the pogroms in Kiev and infringement of the rights Russian-speaking

Vice-speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tolstoy © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Vice-speaker of the state Duma, the head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE parliamentary Assembly Peter Tolstoy called on the Assembly to respond to the radicals attack on the Russian centre of science and culture (Rossotrudnichestvo) in Kiev, and also at infringement of the rights Russian-speaking in Ukraine. With the corresponding statement he made Thursday at a meeting of the standing Committee of the OSCE PA in Vienna, the press service of the Deputy. Tolstoy, in particular, recalled that three days ago in Kiev there was an attack on the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo. “In the presence of 50 children aggressively adjusted swells nationalists destroyed the building and burned the Russian flag,” he said.

In a Network there was video of consequences of fights in “debaltsevskom pot”

In a Network there was video of consequences of fights in “debaltsevskom pot” MOSCOW, 22 Feb — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian UNIAN news Agency published a video from a drone of the city debaltseve, February 2015. The footage, shot, according to the Agency, by the intelligence DNI, and traces of broken shells and steaming military equipment of the Ukrainian security forces. During the download an error has occurred. Debaltseve in January-February 2015 became the epicenter of the confrontation in the Donbass. Ukrainian security forces were surrounded by the militias, while Kiev did not recognize this situation. Later, the Ukrainian authorities were forced to declare a “planned withdrawal of units” of the city and its environs. According to the Ukrainian military during the fighting in the area debaltseve from 15 January to 18 February 2015, more than a hundred soldiers were killed and 270 were wounded. The acting head of the self-proclaimed

The defense Ministry will form in Moscow “division of the future”

The defense Ministry will form in Moscow “division of the future” Ministry of defense of Russia took a decision to form a “division of the future” from 2nd Taman guards motorized rifle division. Military unit get the armored vehicles of the latest generation, modern control systems and unmanned systems, told “Izvestia” in the Russian defense Ministry. It is assumed that the Taman division will receive tanks “Armata” self-propelled artillery units (SAU) “Coalition”, BMP “kurganets” and BTR “boomerang”. Mass deliveries of equipment are expected by 2020, and while the soldiers of this compound master combat vehicle, drive through red square during the Victory day Parade in 2017. According to the expert, polygons, and material-technical base of the Taman division can actively explore the possibilities of new technology. In addition, its place of deployment is close to three leading research centres of the Ministry of defense.

Trump promises to introduce a “very rigorous inspections” for a gun permit

Trump promises to introduce a “very rigorous inspections” for a gun permit WASHINGTON, 22 Feb — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump amid tragedy in the school in Florida has promised to implement “very strict” checks for permission to purchase weapons. Last week’s discussion about the limitations resumed with a new force on the background of the shooting at the school in the city of Parkland in Florida, where a former student shot and killed 17 people. “We will be very strict in terms of inspections (for permit — ed.) is very rigorous in the inspections of mental health,” trump said Wednesday at a meeting with teachers and pupils in schools, including the school of city Parkland. According to him, the next week it is planned to discuss the topic of safety in schools with representatives of a number of States. “We will select the most