The Kremlin is not watching the situation around Deputy Slutsky

The Kremlin is not watching the situation around Deputy Slutsky MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin is not watching the situation around the State Duma Deputy from LDPR Leonid Slutsky, said on Tuesday the press-Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Informed the correspondent of TV channel “Rain”, working in the state Duma, during the broadcast with the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the member of fraction “adheres to the female journalists”. As explained by the correspondent, we are talking about the Deputy Leonid Slutsky. “No, I do not” — said Peskov told reporters in response to a question about whether the situation in the Kremlin. On the website of the TV channel reported that two journalists working in the state Duma, on condition of anonymity, said “Rain” about the harassment by the MP. Zhirinovsky, the TV channel said that the first time hears about

State Duma deputies plan to visit Syria after the restoration of the truce in Eastern ghouta

The Chairman of the Duma Committee on civil society development issues, public and religious organisations Sergey Gavrilov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. State Duma deputies plan to visit Syria on a humanitarian mission after the cessation of hostilities in Eastern ghouta. On Tuesday Chairman of the state Duma Committee on civil society development issues, public and religious organisations Sergey Gavrilov (Communist party). “We hope that the actions in Eastern ghouta pressure on the militants will lead to real peace”, – he told reporters after the press conference.

Slutsky called blasphemous the decision of the ECHR in the case of the desecration of Eternal fire in Kiev

The Chairman of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky considers blasphemous decision of the European court of human rights (ECHR), which recognized a violation of the rights to freedom of expression conditional condemnation from Kiev Anna Sinkovo for cooking eggs on the Eternal flame.

Secretary OP the Russian Federation called 70% of the violations marked on the map “Voice”, false

Secretary OP the Russian Federation called 70% of the violations marked on the map “Voice”, false In particular, “Voice” was considered a violation of the work of members of election commissions to inform citizens about the election. MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. About 70% of cases, which are marked on the map of the movement “Voice” as the violations are not. About it has told on a press-conferences the Secretary of the Public chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation Valery Fadeyev. “We have analyzed this map violations. Approximately 70% of those cases, which are indicated on this map are not violations, in our opinion,” he said. Fadeev gave the example of the work of members of election commissions inform citizens about the upcoming election, which is counted as the “Voice” as a violation. “It’s their job. They have to make clear to voters the election date, where the nearest polling station,

“Syrian free army” supported the initiative on the Eastern ghouta

“Syrian free army” supported the initiative on the Eastern ghouta The opposition “Syrian free army” has sent a letter to UN expressing their support to the initiative on Eastern ghouta. “We are committed to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions, mainly resolution 2401 (2018), which agreed on an immediate cease-fire and allowed the UN to send a convoy of emergency humanitarian aid to the besieged civilians, who remain locked in Eastern ghouta for six years,” — said in a statement, the militants placed at the disposal of RIA Novosti. In addition, the letter “Syrian free army” made a proposal to bring the militants groups “Khayat Tahrir al-sham”, “dzhebhat an-Nusra and al-Qaeda”* from the Eastern Guta within 15 days from the date of introduction of the truce. The UN security Council on Saturday adopted a resolution 2401, which requires that all parties “without delay ceased the collision” and was committed to

Civilians are unable to leave Eastern ghouta due to shelling of terrorists

Civilians are unable to leave Eastern ghouta due to shelling of terrorists Civilians are unable to leave the Damascus suburb of Eastern ghouta in conjunction with mortar shelling of a humanitarian corridor in the settlement Vafidin, said Tuesday the head of the monitoring group areas of de-escalation No. 3 Eastern Guta, General Victor Pankov. “The twenty-seventh of February, at nine o’clock in the morning opened a humanitarian corridor for civilians from the zone of de-escalation. Currently, there is intense fire from the militants and not a single civilian was not released,” — said the General reporters. In the village Vafidin the Syrian authorities with the support of the center for conciliation of the warring parties of the Russian Federation in Syria prepared the conditions for the reception of the civilian population through a single humanitarian corridor linking Damascus with Eastern Ghouta. Safety at the exit of gummidge provided by the

The state Duma Commission on ethics has not received complaints on the behavior of the Slutsky

The state Duma Commission on ethics has not received complaints on the behavior of the Slutsky The state Duma Commission on parliamentary ethics has not yet received the complaint with a request to check the information about the harassment by the Deputy of LDPR Leonid Slutsky, told RIA Novosti the Chairman of the Commission Otari Arshba (United Russia). Earlier, the press service of the election headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak said that a candidate for President of Russia addressed the State Duma Commission on parliamentary ethics with a request to check the information about the harassment by the weekend. “Sorry, didn’t arrive until yesterday afternoon, the evening was not. And the second I want to tell you that colleagues are now at the regional week, and will be able to meet the Commission only in the month of March after 20 years of numbers. If there is a complaint, of course,

Slutsky said that the right to sue for harassment

Slutsky said that the right to sue for harassment The Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Leonid Slutsky stated that it reserves the right at any time to sue for allegations of harassment to journalists. “In this case is not about harassment. Everyone who at least I no know, I imagine I’m hardly capable of such actions. All the more strange — this has already been said by my colleagues — that it is a year even with the extra came out of nowhere, because they are virtual, anonymous speakers of these attacks suggests that it was a long time ago. Therefore, it is a provocation to fly in the ointment to my reputation,” — said Slutsky RIA Novosti. The politician said that this whole situation arose “before the elections”, in connection with what he believes is “just gross technique during the election campaign.” The MP also stressed that,

The Finance Ministry has criticized the draft law of the Communist party on the establishment in Russia of cryptorama

The Finance Ministry has criticized the draft law of the Communist party on the establishment in Russia of cryptorama The Ministry, in particular, pointed out that the draft does not regulate the creation and treatment of cryptocurrencies. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation conceptual does not support the bill of the Communists about the creation in Russia of national system of mining with the use and legalization of such digital financial asset, as scriptural. The bill was submitted to the Duma in late January, a Deputy from the Communist party faction Rizvan Kurbanov. In the opinion of the Ministry of Finance, which read “Interfax” stated that the issue of creating a national cryptocurrency has previously been considered by the Ministry of Finance jointly with the Central Bank. Thus, it was concluded that the introduction of such a tool is currently impractical because of the lack of objective economic