In Regardie spoke about the protection from drones of the most important objects

In Regardie spoke about the protection from drones of the most important objects MOSCOW, 1 Mar — RIA Novosti. Critical infrastructure in Russia from the drone attacks protects a unified air defense system, and Asgardia can help the military in this issue from the ground, shooting drones with machine guns and machine guns, told RIA Novosti the head of the aviation Ministry, Lieutenant-General Alexander Afinogentov. The General noted that the Ministry of defence is a necessary means of dealing with the drones and the guards yet his defenses, and they have only “ordinary manual firepower: machine guns, submachine guns and so forth.” Both agencies are working on this issue together, to create a comprehensive group, noted the Agency interlocutor. For critical installations, violation or termination of the operation of which may cause loss of control of the economy, regions or administrative-territorial unit, its irreversible negative change (damage) or a significant

Communications Director of the White house resigned

Communications Director of the White house resigned WASHINGTON, Mar 1 — RIA Novosti. Communications Director of the White house hope Hicks resigns after less than six months, reported the press service of the US administration. In the message quoted President Donald trump, who expresses gratitude to Hicks, who has worked with him a total of three years, that is, until trump decided to run for the presidency. The President called Hicks a great man and said that understanding took its decision to move to another job. In a press-service of the White house highlighted the role of Hicks in the promotion of tax reform, which became one of the main successes of the administration trump. However, the report did not indicate where she plans to pursue a career. Chick took the position of Director of communications on September 12. It has replaced on this post of financier Anthony of Scaramucci,

Putin will submit the message to Parliament in a new format with graphics.

Putin will submit the message to Parliament in a new format with graphics. The current address will become the 24th in the modern history of Russia. MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 1 will announce the message to the Federal Assembly. It is traditional, as a rule, the annual address of the President to the Parliament provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This year it will take place less than a month before the presidential election, participation in which will accept and running for the new term of Putin. The current address will become the 24th in the modern history of Russia and 14th Putin personally. Typically, these demonstrations, which the President presents his assessment of the situation in the country and the vision of the main directions of development for the future, have been within the calendar year. Only in 2017, the message

Lugovoi called for tougher requirements for candidates for President of Russia

Lugovoi called for tougher requirements for candidates for President of Russia There has been talk that Grudinina there is real estate outside of Russia, and accounts abroad. And it seems like someone from the family has a residence permit, — said the newspaper VIEW Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi. In his opinion, during the next presidential campaign, these candidates will not be able to register. A member of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption, the former intelligence officer Andrei Lugovoi said that during current election campaign has become an important question about the requirements that must be met by the candidate that voters had no doubt about him. “It’s about Pavel Grudinin. There has been talk that Grudinina there is real estate outside of Russia, and accounts abroad. And it seems like someone from the family has a residence permit. It’s about the fact that we have laws according

Prejudiced forearmed

Prejudiced forearmed UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres, at the Conference on disarmament in Geneva urged the United States and Russia further reduce their nuclear arsenals. However, the heads of the delegations of both countries have made it clear: neither Moscow nor Washington in the foreseeable future do not intend to continue to disarm. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov has named a number of reasons why Russia is not ready to heed the call of the General Secretary. Among them the preservation of American tactical nuclear weapons in Europe and the US deployment of a global missile defense system. U.S. Ambassador Robert wood, in turn, said that further disarmament is impossible, because his country was threatened by power-rivals and rogue States. In this situation, the prospects for new initiatives to reduce nuclear weapons arsenals, which promised soon to present antónio Guterres, look dubious. Opening the conference,

The center for reconciliation has announced that CompUSA in Eastern ghouta disrupted second day in a row

© Syrian White Helmets Civil Defense via AP DAMASCUS, February 28. /TASS/. The second humanitarian pause in Eastern ghouta took off like a previous one, due to a mortar attack from terrorists, said Wednesday the Russian journalists the representative of the Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria the General-major Vladimir Zolotukhin.

Lavrov in Geneva, called on Western countries to comply with international law

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS GENEVA, 1 Mar. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov during the visit to Geneva on Wednesday took part in a session of the UN Council on human rights (HRC) and the Conference on disarmament. The leitmotif of the speeches of the foreign Minister in the Palace of Nations was a call for Western partners to abide by international law and begin truly collective work to address crisis issues. In addition, Lavrov held several meetings on the sidelines of the conference, in particular, discussed with the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan de Mistura the implementation of Security Council resolutions on the cessation of hostilities throughout the territory of Syria to provide humanitarian assistance to the population. A lesson on human rights Working day the Russian Minister began with a speech at the session of the HRC. Lavrov specific examples

Petro Poroshenko outlined the key challenge for Ukraine “war” with Russia

Petro Poroshenko outlined the key challenge for Ukraine “war” with Russia President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called during a press conference the key challenges for his country. “Key among them continues to be a war of Russia against Ukraine. The price of aggression (Russia.— “B”) increasing due to the strengthening of the armed forces of Ukraine and the continuation of the policy of sanctions against Moscow”, — said Mr. Poroshenko. The “state of war” with Russia stated in the adopted by the Verkhovna Rada and signed by Peter Poroshenko law on the reintegration of Donbass. Uncontrolled Kiev territory of Donetsk and Lugansk national republics in the document called “temporarily occupied”. Later, the head of the General staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko said the country was ready for “full-scale war” with Russia.

Poroshenko said that he is not ready to receive ships without the Crimea

Poroshenko said that he is not ready to receive ships without the Crimea President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Kiev is ready to take their ships from the Crimea only if the return of the Peninsula. On 11 January the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to return from Crimea to Ukraine of its military equipment, although it is in poor condition. The Russian leader said that we are talking about the return of dozens of ships and dozens of aircraft. So, according to the President of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian soldiers could arrive to pick up their ships to Odessa. Also Russia is ready to invite the Ukrainian military that they participated in the disposal of Ukrainian ammunition.

Resisting Afrin: Kurdish 40 days hold the Fort

Resisting Afrin: Kurdish 40 days hold the Fort The operation of the Turkish armed forces in Afrin Syria has lasted for nearly six weeks, however, the Kurdish population of the region and YPG (defense forces of the Kurds) is not going to take positions and continue to fight for their land — there’s nothing else left, told RIA Novosti co-Chairman of the Committee on public relations of the Federation of Northern Syria (Rozhava) Gharib, Huso. About the beginning of “operation Olive branch” the Turkish General staff announced on January 20. Simultaneously with Turkey, the militants of the “free Syrian army”. Damascus strongly condemned Turkey’s actions in ‘ afrīn, noting that this territory is an integral part of Syria. Moscow in connection with the situation in Afrin called on all parties to show restraint and to respect territorial integrity of Syria. The spirit of resistance “Despite the power and military equipment,