Pamfilova called unacceptable the statement of the presenter of the First channel of Sobchak in the debate

The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. The Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova made a comment to the presenter of the First channel for an incorrect statement to the presidential candidate of Ksenia Sobchak during a debate. “I think it is important to do while admonishment. We have received a complaint from a candidate, Sobchak about the fact that the debate’s moderator, on the First channel was not supposed to give certain characteristics, assessment, incorrectly expressed in the address of the candidate. We believe that this is unacceptable, after all, the duty of the master to lead the correct candidate debates, giving them a rating,” – said Pamfilova on Friday at a meeting of the Commission.

The U.S. government will sell Ukraine anti-tank weapons for $47 million

The U.S. government will sell Ukraine anti-tank weapons for $47 million The United States will sell Ukraine anti-tank missile systems Javelin at $47 million. On March 1 told the Reuters news Agency, citing the Ministry of defense. In the message of management of the Pentagon’s defense cooperation and security States that the sale of weapons Ukraine approved the U.S. state Department. “The Javelin system will help Ukraine to strengthen its long-term defense capabilities to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity,” States the report of the Ministry of defence. The Pentagon stated that the proposed transaction will not affect the balance of armed forces in the region. The statement clarifies that Ukraine has made a request for the supply of 37 anti-tank missile complexes and 210 missiles Javelin. The amount of the contract included training of the Ukrainian military use of this type of weapon. Now the contact should be considered

Videoconferencing intercepted five foreign aircraft for the week

Videoconferencing intercepted five foreign aircraft for the week MOSCOW, 2 Mar — RIA Novosti. Twenty-two aircraft conducted reconnaissance at the borders of Russia for a week, Russian planes made five sorties to intercept, the data provided in the infographics, which publishes the newspaper “Red star”, the official organ of the Russian armed forces. From the infographic shows that in the past week aerial reconnaissance along the borders of Russia were 22 aircraft were also made five sorties to intercept and escort duty air defense forces. It is emphasized that no violations of Russian airspace was not allowed.

Pentagon: U.S. plans to conduct tests of hypersonic weapons in 2019

Pentagon: U.S. plans to conduct tests of hypersonic weapons in 2019 WASHINGTON, March 2. /TASS/. The United States plans to conduct numerous tests of their hypersonic weapons next year. This was announced on Thursday in an interview to group of journalists, including the correspondent of TASS, the Director of the office of promising research programs of the Pentagon (DARPA) Stephen Walker. “We’re going to start testing these systems [hypersonic weapons] in 2019. You will see a lot of flight tests”, — he said. Walker stressed that the development of hypersonic weapons is a priority of his administration, which is responsible for this together with the air force and NASA, and Army (ground forces) and the Navy for several years. “It will be a system with great potential,” he said. The head of DARPA, also emphasized that interacts with the missile defense Agency of the Ministry of defense for the development

Putin accused the United States to start an arms race

Putin accused the United States to start an arms race Moscow. March 2. INTERFAX.RU — the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty (missile defense) was the beginning of an arms race between the United States and Russia, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “If you’re talking about the arms race, it began when the United States withdrew from the ABM Treaty,” said Putin in an interview with NBC. He called “propaganda” statements by Washington about the beginning of the cold war. Vladimir Putin said that Russia has successfully tested new systems of strategic weapons, recognizing that part of it still needs work, and the part is ready for action. In the Message to the Federal Assembly on Thursday, Putin said that Russia has a hypersonic weapon systems “avant-garde” and “Dagger” as well as nuclear submarines-drones, combat lasers and missile with a nuclear power plant.

Minister of construction spoke about improving the housing conditions of Russians

Minister of construction spoke about improving the housing conditions of Russians The Minister of construction and housing Mikhail Men called realistic plans for improving housing conditions, which Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the message to the Federal Assembly. So, increasing the availability of mortgages by reducing interest rates to 7%, he said, is doable. In the next six years the government intends to double spending on the development of cities and other settlements, the upgrading of which, according to the President, should be based on the wide implementation of advanced technologies and materials in construction. “This is a global and strategic direction, including development of architecture, urban planning, use of new technologies, creation of safe working systems and utilities sector,” said Men “news.” Commenting on the words of the head of state about increasing the volume of housing construction in half, the head of the Ministry noted that the government

USA found a way to destroy a hypersonic weapon Russia

USA found a way to destroy a hypersonic weapon Russia The head of the Strategic command of the armed forces of the United States General John Khayten, speaking in February of 2018 at the conference of the Association of air and missile defense of the U.S. Army, offered a way of countering Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons, according to Defense News. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The commander proposes to focus on the spacecraft to prevent startup and to eliminate ballistic missiles and hypersonic aircraft. “This sensor could track a missile in the middle part of ballistic trajectory (when you are outside the atmosphere, the warhead was detached from the carrier — approx. “Of the”), but also to observe and find from space and other emerging threats, such as hypersound,” said the General. After the detection from space hypersonic vehicle of the enemy its elimination is proposed to carry out on a tip