Chizhov: the relationship of Russia with the support of London in the case Skripal countries poisoned for a long time

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Vladimir Smirnov/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. Russia’s relations with countries that went on about the London case Skrobala poisoned for a long time. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov in an interview with TV channel “Russia 24” on Tuesday.

Zakharov: London will continue to lie and twist the case Skripal

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. The British government will continue to lie and twist in the so-called Skripal, this happened repeatedly. This was stated on Tuesday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in connection with the reports that the experts of the British military lab at Porton Down was unable to determine the origin of the substance, which was poisoned ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia.

Putin urged the international community to help rebuild Syria

Putin urged the international community to help rebuild Syria Moscow. April 4. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin appealed to the international community to help the economic recovery of Syria. He added that more major task — the restoration of the Syrian economy, which is the common case. “We very much hope that after the completion of the political processes that work to restore the economy of Syria will be a large scale”, — said Putin. The Russian President stressed that politicization of the humanitarian situation in Syria is unacceptable, and Russia, Turkey and Iran will continue to coordinate its activities in the humanitarian field. “An important part of our discussions took the humanitarian issues. Was stated the inadmissibility of politicization of this topic, the need for strict implementation of resolution 2401 of the UN security Council, which aims to alleviate the suffering of civilians throughout Syria,” he

Version of the poisoning Skripal using buckwheat absurd, said Zakharov

Version of the poisoning Skripal using buckwheat absurd, said Zakharov MOSCOW, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. Version of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal buckwheat or through a package with spices absurd, every day in the media of Britain are thrown the new version of the incident, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. In the British media on 1 April, articles appeared with the version that Skripal and his daughter could get a dose of toxic substances through packaging with buckwheat. “One of the latest versions is, of course, absurd: toxic substance could be provezano in a package of buckwheat or package with the Bay leaf and spices, which Julia Skripal did not take before leaving the UK and asked him to bring some friend flying with her husband in London,” said Zakharov on the briefing. “That is all done purposefully to completely confuse

Ukraine has declared its intention to detain all coming out of the Crimea court

Ukraine has declared its intention to detain all coming out of the Crimea court Ukraine will detain all vessels that entered or left from the ports of the Crimea without permission of Kiev. This was stated by the speaker of the Ukrainian state border service Oleg Slobodyan. “Ukraine’s position is clear: the Crimea is illegally occupied part of Ukraine, therefore, violations of the procedure of entry and exit from the occupied territory law enforcement agencies to react immediately”, — quotes its “Explorer.” At the same time, commenting on possible Russia’s response to such actions, Slobodyan said that “Ukraine takes measures to protect his interests,” and its ability “adequate to the existing threats.” “I know that in the framework of cooperation in the sector of security and defense measures for the protection of the interests of Ukraine are fulfilled. As for what can do Russia can do a lot of things,

In Turkey, ended the first day of talks between Putin and Erdogan

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. Obstacles to the development of relations between Russia and Turkey is not. Ankara is Moscow’s “priority and a very reliable partner”, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference on the first day of talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Putin stressed the importance of the joint statement on Syria in support of its sovereignty

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS ANKARA, April 4. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted the importance of the joint statement on Syria in support of the sovereignty and unity of this country against the background of attempts to aggravate the contradictions in the Arab country. “Reached important agreements, which is reflected in the adopted following the meeting a joint statement – he said at the summit. – Note that this document emphasized the firm commitment of Russia, Iran and Turkey to contribute to the strengthening of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. Such a principled stance is particularly relevant today, amid the growing attempts to aggravate inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations in the Syrian society.” Putin added that such attempts aim to “split the country apart, while maintaining the potential for conflict in the middle East for many years to come”.

Trump said that the United States lost a trade war with China many years ago

Trump said that the United States lost a trade war with China many years ago MOSCOW, 4 APR — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that Washington many years ago lost a trade war Beijing, and because of this, today, the United States received billions of dollars in trade deficit with China. “We are not in a state of trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago stupid or incompetent people who represented the United States. Now we have a trade deficit of 500 billion dollars a year and the theft of intellectual property another $ 300 billion. We cannot allow this to continue,” wrote trump on Twitter. Earlier Wednesday, the United States published a list of the 1.3 thousand Chinese products, against which may be imposed import tariffs as a response to the violation by China of intellectual property rights for American products. So

The Russian Declaration to the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury has supported 14 countries

The Russian Declaration to the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury has supported 14 countries The mission of the Russian Federation consider it necessary to ensure that the problem will be solved within the legal framework. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The HAGUE, 4 April. /TASS/. The Russian Declaration of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) on the incident in Salisbury was supported by 14 countries. On Wednesday said the Russian permanent representation to the OPCW in his Twitter. “14 countries — members of the organization supported a joint statement to the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury: we believe it is necessary to ensure that this problem will be solved within the legal framework, using the full potential of the CWC (Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons — approx. TASS)”, — have informed in the Russian mission. On Wednesday in the Hague is convened at Russia’s initiative, a special