The US is preparing a strike on Syria

The US is preparing a strike on Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — the United States has begun to “prepare the ground” for an attack on Syria in response to reports of “suspicions” that the Syrian town of Duma was to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus and Russia, told the Wall Street Journal. She noted that before the meeting with the military leadership, the President, Donald trump told reporters that after watching the footage of dead women and children in the Duma, he was ready to take “quick fix”. It will not remain unanswered and the response will be powerful. When — I will not say.Donald Trump Before meeting with members of his Cabinet to discuss Washington’s response to allegations of chemical weapons, trump said: “We cannot allow such atrocities as these. We will take an important decision over the next 24 or 48 hours.” At the same time, trump

Lavrov: Russia will offer the UN security Council a draft resolution on the incident in the Syrian Duma

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Russia will present Tuesday to the UN security Council a draft resolution on the investigation by experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) the incident of the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Duma. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.

Trump: the US has many military options on the “chemical attack” in Syria

Trump: the US has many military options on the “chemical attack” in Syria WASHINGTON, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that Washington has many military options in response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria. Previously, the West accused Damascus on the alleged chemical attack on the Syrian city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. Moscow has denied the information about the chlorine bomb, allegedly dropped by the Syrian military. The Russian foreign Ministry said that the purpose of stuffing about the use of toxic substances of troops to Syria to protect the terrorists and to justify possible military strikes from outside. In the General staff of the armed forces on March 13 reported on the forthcoming militants in Eastern ghouta provocation staged the use of chemical weapons. The Russian military considered that the provocation by the US then use as a pretext to strike at

Moscow and Washington are looking for a means of postponement

Moscow and Washington are looking for a means of postponement Vladimir Putin and Donald trump want to date but do not have the opportunity. On Friday, April 13, the US Senate is to hold hearings on the allegations of the former head of the CIA Mike Pompeo as Secretary of state. According to a source “” close to state Department, then US foreign Minister and Russia will be able to prepare the meetings of two presidents, Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin. The source of “Kommersant” close to the Kremlin, admitted that in the current confrontation to convene a full-fledged bilateral summit will be “difficult” and did not rule out that the heads of state will meet only at the end of the year on the sidelines of a meeting of G20 leaders in Argentina. Despite the opposition of some senators, serious problems with the approval of Mike Pompeo in the

Deep-sea troops

Deep-sea troops In the Arctic launched a deep division, which will decide not only military but also civilian tasks. In the Northern fleet created a deep division. The structure of this compound consists of small nuclear deep-water station (AGS), capable of operating at depths up to six thousand meters. Also includes submarine — carriers of AGS and a large number of underwater robotic complexes. The most closed connection in the armed forces actually directly subordinate to the Minister of defence. As told “Izvestia” in command of the Navy, in January of this year, the 29th separate brigade of submarines based in gadzhiyevo (Murmansk region), was “reformatted” into a full-fledged division. This is due to the arrival of new technology. The formation of the 29th separate brigade was started in 1979. The first AGS she received in 1981. At present, according to open sources, the 29 th division is composed of

Volodin: knowledge and authority Tuleyev will benefit the residents of Kuzbass

Speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has sent a telegram to the former head of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev, in which he congratulated him on his election to the presidency of the Council of people’s deputies of the region, expressing the view that his knowledge and authority will benefit the residents of Kuzbass.

Shamans: Russia in the case of any US attack on Syria will take all responses

The head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov © Sergey Skates/TASS MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Russia in case of any US attack on Syria will take all political, diplomatic and if necessary military response. On Tuesday said the head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov, speaking at the plenary session of the chamber of the faction “United Russia”.

NYT: the FBI raided the lawyer’s office trump

NYT: the FBI raided the lawyer’s office trump Secret services agents seized correspondence, Michael Cohen, trump and documents regarding payments made by lawyer a former pornographic actress Stephanie Clifford. TASS, April 10. FBI agents spent Monday searched the offices of a personal lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump, Michael Cohen. They seized his correspondence with trump, as well as documents regarding payments made by lawyer a former pornographic actress Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, who claims that she had a relationship with the President of the United States. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times, citing attorney Stephen Ryan, who represents the interests of Michael Cohen. Permission to conduct the search given by the new York district attorney at the request of spectacular Robert Mueller, who is investigating about attributed to Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016. As the paper suggests,

Russia has accused Britain of trying to get rid of the evidence in the “case Skripal”

Russia has accused Britain of trying to get rid of the evidence in the “case Skripal” LONDON, April 10 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. Recent media information about the plans of the demolition of buildings associated with the “business Skripal,” confirms that Britain is on the path of destruction is important and valuable evidence, said RIA Novosti the representative of the Russian Embassy in London. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On Monday, media reported that house Skripal, a pub “The Mill” and the restaurant “Zizzi” in Salisbury, where Yulia and Sergei Skripal had been in the day of his poisoning will be demolished. We have seen similar (destruction of evidence — ed.) in the case of Pets Sergei Skripal, a bench in the Park, which was discovered by Sergey and Yulia Skrypali, and so on.The representative of the Russian Embassy in London “Since March 4, the British side is doing everything possible to hinder