Trump canceled a visit to Latin America because of the situation in Syria

Trump canceled a visit to Latin America because of the situation in Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU. The US President Donald trump will not take part in the Summit of the Americas, which will be held in the capital of Peru — Lima and not go to the Colombian capital Bogota, as previously planned, said Tuesday the official representative of the White house Sarah Sanders. “At his request, instead there will go the Vice-President (Mike Pence — if). The President will remain in the United States to lead the response on Syria and to follow the development of the world situation”, — stated in the message Sanders. Earlier it was reported that trump will go on a tour of Latin America, during which they planned the visits in Peru and Colombia. In Lima on 13-14 April, the US President were to participate in the Summit of the Americas. “Preparing to

The Syrian foreign Ministry sent an official invitation of the OPCW mission to visit Damascus

The Syrian foreign Ministry sent an official invitation of the OPCW mission to visit Damascus TASS, April 10. The Syrian foreign Ministry sent an official invitation to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to visit the Eastern ghouta. This is stated in the statement of the official representative of the foreign Ministry in Damascus, which was distributed on Tuesday, the Agency Sana. “The OPCW experts will be able to visit the Eastern ghouta, to check the validity of the notorious claims about the use of chemical weapons in the region near Damascus”, — the document says. The foreign Ministry confirmed “the readiness of the Syrian authorities to cooperate fully with the OPCW mission”. “In Damascus I hope that the work of experts will be transparent and be based on truthful evidence,” — reads the statement. With the statement that on April 7 in the city of Duma

Nebesa: the failure of the compromise resolution on Syria is alarming

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Julie Jacobson UN, April 11. /TASS/. The failure of Washington and its allies to support a compromise draft resolution on Syria indicates that they don’t want real investigations into allegations of chemical attack in the country, this is a concern, there is a danger of unfortunate events. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

In the United States proposed a radically strengthen economic sanctions against Russia

In the United States proposed a radically strengthen economic sanctions against Russia A bill introduced to Congress, prepared by Democrat Joaquin Castro and Republican Mike Turner. Congressmen Joaquin Castro and Mike Turner has prepared a bill on the complete prohibition of operations for American citizens and companies with the Russian public debt. The text of the bill posted on the Congress website. The new sanctions will affect all of Russia’s largest banks and securities issued by the Finance Ministry and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The paper examines American parliamentarians as support of great Britain in connection with the incident in Salisbury, where early in March, was poisoned the former agent of the GRU, Sergei Skripal. If the bill is passed, Americans will no longer be able to buy bonds issued by Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, Rosselkhozbank, by Promsvyazbank and VEB. The securities of these credit

The Pentagon has denied reports of approaching aircraft of the Russian Federation videoconferencing with the US Navy destroyer

The Pentagon has denied reports of approaching aircraft of the Russian Federation videoconferencing with the US Navy destroyer WASHINGTON, April 10. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. Alleging that repeated overflights by aircraft of the Russian VKS destroyer of naval forces of the USA Donald Cook in the Mediterranean sea is not true. On Tuesday the correspondent of TASS said the representative of the U.S. Department of defense Eric Pahon. “It is not true. This is a rumor on the Internet”, he replied to a request for comment on information that appeared earlier in the Turkish media, that the Russian planes at least four times, flew over the destroyer in the Mediterranean sea. Previously, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that at least one missile destroyer, the US Navy went to the coast of Syria, after a meeting Monday at the White house devoted to the alleged chemical attack in the

Johnson welcomed the statement from the hospital Yulia Skripal

Johnson welcomed the statement from the hospital Yulia Skripal Foreign Minister of Britain also wished speedy recovery to the father of Julia, ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal. LONDON, April 10. /TASS/. The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson praised the discharged Russians Yulia Skripal and wished a speedy recovery to her father, a former Colonel of the GRU, Sergei Skripal. This is the Minister wrote on Tuesday on Twitter. It is remarkable that Julia Skripal was discharged from the hospital, wish her a full and speedy recovery. Once again I thank the amazing staff of the National health service in Salisbury. I wish Sergei Skripal all the best and hope that he will recover soon.Boris Gencoglu Ministers of Britain The chief physician of hospital of the urban district of Salisbury, Christine Blanchard earlier on Tuesday confirmed the statement the Russians Yulia Skripal. She stressed that as the father of Julia is also

Merkel for the first time identified the role of political factors in the project “Northern stream — 2”

Merkel for the first time identified the role of political factors in the project “Northern stream — 2” The German Chancellor said that the construction of the pipeline is “not a purely economic project.” BERLIN, April 10. /TASS/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first time identified the role of political factors in the implementation of the project on construction of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”. “I clearly stated that the project “Northern stream — 2″ without clarity about the role of the Ukrainian transit from our point, impossible,” she said on Tuesday at a joint press conference with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. So, as you can see, this is not a purely economic project, but play a role and political factors.Angel Erkelenzer Germany The head of the German government promised to remain in close contact with the Ukrainian side on the implementation of the project. “Nord stream

Kiev after the US will impose sanctions “against Russian oligarchs”

Kiev after the US will impose sanctions “against Russian oligarchs” President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the sanctions would be “maximally harmonized with the decision of the government of the United States.” KIEV, April 10. /TASS/. The national security Council of Ukraine (NSDC) at the next meeting decide on the introduction of personal sanctions “against Russian oligarchs”, as it previously did USA. This was stated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Berlin at a joint briefing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “I instructed SBU, Cabinet of Ministers and the Secretary of the national security Council to prepare a draft decision to be submitted to NSDC. Sanctions will be imposed and will be harmonized with the decision of the U.S. government,” said the President whose speech was broadcast Ukrainian “channel 112”. He noted that the sanctions list will be the President of “RUSAL” Oleg Deripaska, and also “other Russian

Missile destroyer of the U.S. Navy came 100 km to the Russian base in Syria

Missile destroyer of the U.S. Navy came 100 km to the Russian base in Syria Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU. Us destroyer “Donald cook” (DDG-75) equipped with cruise missiles “Tomahawk” and a missile defense system “aegis”, went to the Syrian Tartus, where the base logistics of the Russian Navy, at a distance of 100 km, reports on Tuesday broadcaster CNN Turk. According to him, the day before the destroyer left from the Cypriot port of Larnaca and headed to the coast of Syria. It is noted, it is four times circled by Russian military aircraft. According to the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal, in the near future to “Donald cook” missile will join the US Navy destroyer “porter”. (The Pentagon has denied reports of approaching aircraft of the Russian Federation videoconferencing with the US Navy destroyer) In turn, the Chairman of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov said that

The Embassy requires to prove that Skripal “I agree with what is happening with her”

The Embassy requires to prove that Skripal “I agree with what is happening with her” LONDON, April 10 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in urgent need of confirmation that everything that is happening with Yulia Skripal, is her good will, said RIA Novosti the representative of the Embassy. Earlier, representatives of the Salisbury hospital confirmed the statements of Yulia Skripal, despite previous statements of the British Prime Minister Theresa may that Julia and Her father Sergei Skripal may never recover. “We congratulate Julia on the recovery. And yet we need urgent confirmation that everything that is done with her, done by her good will,” — said the representative of the Embassy.