The state Duma has toughened responsibility for abuse in public procurement

The state Duma has toughened responsibility for abuse in public procurement MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. The state Duma on Thursday passed in the third and final reading a bill toughening criminal responsibility for violations in public procurement. The initiative was introduced by the President of the Russian Federation. The law complements the criminal code (CC) of the Russian Federation with new articles: 200.4 “Abuses in the procurement of goods, works, services for state or municipal needs” and 200.5 “Bribery of employee of contract service, contract Manager, member of the Commission on the implementation of the procurement”. In addition, the amendments proposed in article 304 of the criminal code liability for provocation of bribery in procurement and to amend article 46 of the criminal code on penalties. Abuse in public procurement According to the new wording of article 200.4, punishes “violation of legislation on contract system in procurement of goods, works,

The state Duma adopted the law on blocking of sites for failure to remove defamatory information

The state Duma adopted the law on blocking of sites for failure to remove defamatory information In accordance with the Civil code, such information may be deleted at the request of the victim. MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. The state Duma adopted on Thursday in the third and final reading a bill that would allow bailiffs to restrict access to Internet resources for refusing to remove the information discrediting the honor and dignity of citizens or business reputation of a legal entity. The initiative was submitted April 2 by a group of deputies from the faction “United Russia” headed by Chairman of the Committee on security and combating corruption Vasily by Piscarium. The law is aimed at improving the execution of regulations containing the requirement to remove the information disseminated on the Internet, discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of the citizen or of the legal entity. In accordance with

Syrian troops took full control of Eastern Ghouta

Syrian troops took full control of Eastern Ghouta DAMASCUS, April 12. /TASS/. The Syrian army established full control over the city Duma, is under the control of the group “Jaish al-Islam”, now the government forces control the whole of Eastern ghouta. This was reported to journalists by the head of the Center for conciliation of conflicting parties, the General-the major Yury Evtushenko. 46фотографий46фотографий46фотографий “Today was a momentous event in the history of the Syrian Arab Republic. Hoisted the national flag over the building of the city Duma marked control over this settlement, and therefore — over the Eastern Ghouta in General,” — said Yevtushenko. He recalled that in the liberated from the militants of the city will begin work the units of the military police who are to maintain law and order during the transition of the Duma under the control of the legitimate government of Syria. Earlier it was

The military operation of Western countries against Syria is postponed, but not cancelled

The military operation of Western countries against Syria is postponed, but not cancelled MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Expected in the night of Thursday the military operation of Western countries against Syria was delayed, but not cancelled. When the US and allies strike and how it will be done, is still not clear. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий On Monday after the recent reports about the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian Duma, the President of the United States Donald trump promised to make a decision about action against Syria within 24 or 48 hours, not excluding military action. On Wednesday, trump seemed to confirm the imminent strike on Syria, wrote on Twitter that Russia, which promised to knock down all the missiles fired at the SAR should be prepared as “they’re coming”, but after just a few minutes, the us leader acted in the opposite way, suggesting that Russia to stop the

Mike Pompeo announced the rejection of the “soft policy” toward Russia

Mike Pompeo announced the rejection of the “soft policy” toward Russia Time “soft policy” of the United States against Russia, said the Director of the CIA, a candidate for Secretary of state Mike Pompeo. “Russia continues to act aggressively, and contribute to many years of soft policy against this aggression. It’s over now,” — said in a written statement of Mr. Pompeo Congress who expanded the White house. The Director of the CIA listed the measures taken by Washington in order “to raise the price for Vladimir Putin” sanctions, expulsions of diplomats, the strengthening of the us army and nuclear deterrent forces and “armed brave young people who have resisted Russian expansionism in Ukraine and Georgia.” “This list is much longer, and I am sure that I will have the opportunity to add add something,” he said. Mike Pompeo said that the national security strategy of Donald trump’s “rightfully” called

The Deputy of the state Duma urged to think about the reconstruction of Syria and not about possible U.S. aggression

The Deputy of the state Duma, the head of the group for relations with the Syrian Parliament Dmitry Sablin © Valery sharifulin/TASS HOMS (Syria), April 12. /TASS/. The Deputy of the state Duma, the head of the group for relations with the Syrian Parliament Dmitry Sablin considers it necessary to focus on questions of the restoration of Syria, and not on the discussion of possible aggression against the country.

What is known Khalifa Haftar

What is known Khalifa Haftar Khalifa haftar was born in 1943. With the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, whom he met at the military Academy in Benghazi, participated in the overthrow of Royal power in Libya in 1969. Has long been among the entourage of the Libyan leader. In the 1980s, led the Libyan military who took part in the military conflict in Chad. In 1987, he and his people were captured and Muammar Gaddafi, who denied the presence of Libyan military in Chad, disowned him. From this point on Khalifa Haftar has dedicated his life to the struggle with a former ally. According to the media, to escape from the captivity of the Caliph Haftarot helped the CIA. More than 20 years he has lived in the United States and returned to Libya in 2011, immediately becoming one of the key commanders in the ranks of the rebels against

Trump explained what caused hostility between USA and Russia

Trump explained what caused hostility between USA and Russia MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump said that hostility in U.S.-Russian relations is largely the result of investigation on the “case of the Russian Federation” in the United States. In the U.S. Congress are independent of the investigation about the “Russian interference” in the elections of the President of the United States, including hacker attacks and actions in social networks. Similar investigation is also conducted by spectracolor Robert Mueller. The American media regularly reports, citing unnamed sources on the contacts of the members of the electoral headquarters of the trump with Russian officials and businessmen. Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of trying to influence the elections in different countries, as the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called them “completely unfounded”. “In many ways, hostility in relations with Russia caused by fake and

The United States raised in the air plane “judgment day”

The United States raised in the air plane “judgment day” MOSCOW, 11 APR — RIA Novosti. On the published map shows that the aircraft is over the state of Indiana. E-4B plane was nicknamed “doomsday”, because it can be used as a command post in a nuclear conflict, if a land management structure destroyed or damaged. Airborne from Wright-Patterson?! ?? US Air ForceE-4B Nightwatch73-1677 MATH01 — CivMilAir ✈ (@CivMilAir) 11 APR 2018 The Board may be in the air for a whole week, provided aerial refueling. The equipment installed on the E-4B, is protected from the destructive factors of an atomic explosion. Information about why the plane lifted into the air, yet. As previously reported, the E-4B accompanied the President during some foreign trips, as adjutant with the “nuclear briefcase”.

The relevant Committee of the UN discussed the violation of the U.S. rules of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation in new York

NEW YORK, April 12 /TASS/. The United States grossly violated the fundamental rule for the functioning of the permanent mission of Russia to the UN in new York, taking the March decision to expel 12 of its employees and their families. This was reported by accredited in new York, the press Secretary of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the world organization Fedor Strzygowski.