Ryabkov: Russia will focus on minimizing risks to the economy from U.S. policy

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The Russian response to US sanctions will focus on the problem of the maximal interests of sustainable economic development of the country and minimize the risks of flawed US policy. This was stated on Friday by TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov.

An open meeting of the UN security Council on Syria will be held on Friday

An open meeting of the UN security Council on Syria will be held on Friday UN 13 APR — RIA Novosti. An open meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation around Syria will be held on Friday at 10.00 (17.00 GMT), said the Russian mission at the UN. Earlier, the meeting with the participation of the Secretary-General of the world organization has requested Russia. “The thirteenth of April will be Russia requested an open meeting of the UN Security Council on “Threats to international peace and security: situation in the middle East.” At 10 in the morning,” — said the permanent mission. On Thursday, the UN Security Council at the initiative of Bolivia met in closed consultations on Syria in connection with the escalation of rhetoric and threats of unilateral action. According to Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzu, the last of the consultations was “not

The Creator of the “Newbie” called “idiocy” poisoning with it Skrobala

The Creator of the “Newbie” called “idiocy” poisoning with it Skrobala MOSCOW, 13 APR — RIA Novosti. The chemist Vil Mirzayanov, who calls himself one of the creators of “Newbie”, commented the report of the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) about the poisoning of ex-GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. As Mirzayanov said in an interview with “Kommersant FM”, the lack of “Newcomers” in that they have a high gidroavisalon, then there is an unstable connection. This substance can be stable only in the absence of moisture and humidity. In England on March 4, when he was poisoned Skrypali, it was foggy, said the chemist. “In wet conditions to apply this substance could only be an idiot” — he added. On Thursday, a report was published of the OPCW, according to which the attempt on Skrobala used toxic chemical. The authors of

Trump hasn’t made a final decision on Syria

Trump hasn’t made a final decision on Syria WASHINGTON, April 12. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump has not made a final decision on Syria after Thursday’s consultations with his advisers on national security and foreign policy. This is stated in statement by the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. “President trump just finished a meeting with his national security team to discuss the situation in Syria. No final decision was taken”, she said. Sanders stressed that the United States will continue to study the intelligence on the situation in Syria, and negotiations on this issue with its allies and partners. “We continue to evaluate intelligence and to conduct negotiations with our partners and allies,” she said, adding that the us leader Donald trump is going on Thursday evening to discuss the situation in Syria with President of France Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN called the name responsible for the delivery of chemical weapons in the country

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN called the name responsible for the delivery of chemical weapons in the country The UN, 12 April. /TASS/. Toxic substances used during the conflict in Syria, have been smuggled into the country from Libya with assistance from UK, Saudi Arabia, USA, Turkey and France, and to coordinate the operation someone Haytham al-Kassar. This was stated on Thursday to journalists by the permanent representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the UN Bashar ja’afari. “The terrorists got hold substances from Libya a long time ago from the Libyan stockpiles (of chemical weapons). This operation was supported by the Turkish, Saudi, U.S. and French intelligence services. They hauled these chemicals from Libya to Istanbul on Board of civil Airliners, and the person who was responsible for the transportation of these substances, called Haytham al-Kassar,” said the diplomat. He stressed that the Syrian authorities “1001 times, like

CNBC reported eight potential targets of the US in Syria

CNBC reported eight potential targets of the US in Syria Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. is considering as targets for strikes in Syria, eight facilities reported on Thursday, the American channel CNBC, citing a source familiar with the situation. Among these goals, two Syrian airfield, one research center and factory, potentially relevant to the production of chemical weapons, said the source CNBC. The source also said that the Syrian command redistributes the aircraft Syrian air force on aerodromes which are situated in the Russian VKS, hoping that the US will not strike at Russian facilities. American media earlier reported that the Pentagon chief James Mattis and Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General Joseph Dunford on Thursday will arrive at the White house to discuss U.S. President Donald trump, the options of action in Syria. Earlier, Mattis said that the U.S. has not yet taken a decision

Grigory Yavlinsky accused of authoritarianism

Grigory Yavlinsky accused of authoritarianism The Federal Bureau of Yabloko on Friday to discuss regional issues, including the conflicts in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow branches of the party. In St. Petersburg the situation has worsened: the Deputy of legislative Assembly, former Chairman regional “the Apple” Michael Amosov spoke with harsh criticism of the founder of the party Grigory Yavlinsky, accusing him of authoritarianism and refusing to support him. The Deputy of legislative Assembly of Petersburg from the “Apple” Michael Amosov called a press conference to Express mistrust to Grigory Yavlinsky. “Those who today controls the “Apple” — first of all, Grigory Yavlinsky, the Holy believe that they know better in Moscow, how to work the party in the regions, — he said.— It is impossible to offer to develop the state power on the principles of federalism and the private party to build authoritarianism. Will not work: people won’t believe such

What you need to know about the bill regarding the response against the United States

The building of the state Duma of the Russian Federation © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS As told to journalists the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the new bill will be discussed at the Council of the lower house of Parliament, after which it will be considered at the next meeting of the state Duma. The essence of the bill and what it thinks about Russian lawmakers at TASS.