Hezbollah denied the explosion on the basis of Syrian forces in Aleppo

Hezbollah denied the explosion on the basis of Syrian forces in Aleppo DAMASCUS, April 15 — RIA Novosti, Mikhail Alaeddin. Reports about the explosion at the base of the allied forces of Syria in the southern province of Aleppo are not true, reported in received RIA Novosti copy of the statement of the press service of the Lebanese movement “Hezbollah”. Previously, a number of opposition TV stations and online media reported a strong explosion on the positions of the Shiite militias, including the Lebanese Hezbollah. According to media reports, during the impact, the witnesses saw a plane in the sky. Killed about 20 people. “The message that gave a number of satellite TV channels and Internet news portals, is not true,” the statement said.

United States, France and Britain drafted a UN security Council resolution on Syria

United States, France and Britain drafted a UN security Council resolution on Syria United States, France and Britain gave the members of the UN Security Council its draft resolution on Syria, AFP reports. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий As reported, the document condemned “categorically” the use in Syria of chemical weapons and demand to create an independent mechanism to investigate its use. Yesterday the UN security Council rejected the resolution proposed by Russia on Syria. He condemned Saturday’s attack on the Syrian objects “in violation of international law and the UN Charter”. The document also demanded “from the United States and its allies to immediately stop the aggression” and “to refrain from further use of force in violation of the UN Charter and international law.” An emergency meeting of the UN security Council was convened after the early Saturday morning armed forces of the United States, Britain and France bombed targets in Syria. According

Skrobala poisoned not “a Rookie”, said the developer

Skrobala poisoned not “a Rookie”, said the developer The OPCW report on the incident in Salisbury suggests that the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala not been used combat toxic substance “Beginner”, said in an interview with RIA Novosti, one of the developers of chemical weapons a “Beginner”, to which the British equate substance A234, Leonid rink. MOSCOW, April 15 — RIA Novosti. Previously, experts of the OPCW, presented his report. They determined that when the attempt on Skrobala used toxic chemical in high purity. This conclusion was made on the basis that in substance almost completely absent impurities. “The OPCW data that were used for the toxic chemical of high purity, prove that it was not a “Newcomer””. If the gel-like substance, which the British found on the door handle of the house Skrobala was pure substance “Beginner”, Skrypali not be moved away from the door and 50 meters.

Media reported about powerful explosions at Iranian military base near Aleppo

Media reported about powerful explosions at Iranian military base near Aleppo Moscow. April 15. INTERFAX.RU Powerful explosions were heard on Saturday South of Aleppo, Syria, where the largest in the country, Iranian military base, according to the Jerusalem Post. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий Witnesses reported seeing in the area of the aircraft, which they identified as fighters of the Israeli air force. After the explosions on the base of the fire started, presumably, there are casualties among Iranian soldiers, CNN Turk put the figure up to 20 people. Israel has not commented on these reports. According to other sources, the incident was the result of the explosion at the ammunition depot. In the night of Saturday, planes and ships of the US armed forces together with air forces of Britain and France launched a missile strike against targets of military and civilian infrastructure in Syria. Earlier this week, Israel launched rocket attacks on

Ryabkov: to reach a reasonable compromise on the draft resolution in the UN security Council on Syria will be difficult

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /Offset. Maria Khrenova TASS/. To come to some reasonable compromise on the draft resolution in the UN security Council on Syria will be extremely difficult, Russia and the West has its own red lines. This was stated in an interview with TASS Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Zakharov: new US sanctions are introduced against Russia just for being on the international stage

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. New sanctions that the US plans to impose against Russia, to punish Russia for its mere presence in the international arena, without reference to specific events. Such opinion the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in Sunday in the program “Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

Zakharov: international organization tested the strength of the case Skrobala

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. The mechanism of international organizations is a tremendous test of strength in connection with the situations in Syria and Salisbury, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to the diplomat, and in the case Skrobala, in the situation in Syria is “a clear manipulation of data within the international organizations.”

The state Department has called the conditions for a return to dialogue with Syria

The state Department has called the conditions for a return to dialogue with Syria The political process is possible if the Syrian government will declare the remaining stockpiles of chemical weapons, said the representative of the U.S. Department Heather Nauert. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий WASHINGTON, April 15 — RIA Novosti. To return to the political process requires that the Syrian government has declared are his chemical weapons, said in a live TV channel Fox News the state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. If they do (zadeklarowa chemical weapons, which was not destroyed), we will assist in the return to Geneva negotiation process.Heather Northeastasian of the U.S. Department of state The US, Britain and France on Saturday morning fired missiles on Syrian government facilities that, in their opinion, are used to produce chemical weapons. With 3.42 5.10 MSK MSK before they fired on Syria more than 100 rockets, most of which was shot down by

Maduro considered it a failed Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru

Maduro considered it a failed Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru The Venezuelan President also condemned a missile strike on Syria by the United States, France and great Britain. TASS, April 15. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that the Summit of the Americas in Lima produced no results. The opinion he expressed on Saturday, speaking at a public event in Caracas. “The summit of the Americas was a failure”, — quotes the head of the state on its website, the radio station Union Radio. Last Tuesday, Maduro said the forum is “waste of time” and said the refusal to participate in it, although in February the foreign Ministry of Peru announced the decision to deny him the opportunity to participate in the summit due to “continuing and serious degradation of democratic institutions in Venezuela.”