Expert: the West strikes on Syria has driven a wedge in the Union, the guarantors of the Astana process

MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. USA, France and UK strikes on Syria, backed by the President of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan, managed to split the relationship of the guarantor countries of the Astana process. This opinion was expressed on Sunday in comments to TASS scientific Director of the Institute of Oriental studies (IOS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the expert of the discussion club “Valdai” Vitaly Naumkin.

Steinmeier: the West should not call Russia an enemy

Steinmeier: the West should not call Russia an enemy BERLIN, April 15. /TASS/. The President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for care to avoid alienation between Westerners and Russians on the background of aggravation of the international situation. “We don’t have Russia as a whole country and its people, to declare enemies”, — said the head of the German state in a Sunday interview with the newspaper Bild am Sonntag. Steinmeier said that the incident in Salisbury is a concern. “But equally we should be concerned about the rapidly growing alienation between Russia and the West, with consequences that go beyond this incident”, — he stressed. “To oppose this dangerous alienation — that is the challenge and task of responsible politicians”, — stated the President of Germany. In his view, Europe should not shy away from criticism of Russia’s actions. “But we don’t have to keep trying to do this

The Pentagon released a video of the launch of “Tomahawk” against Syria

The Pentagon released a video of the launch of “Tomahawk” against Syria U.S. Department of defense has published a video of launching cruise missiles “Tomahawk” with a submarine during the attacks on Syrian territory. Video is available on YouTube and on Twitter Department. “Watch as U.S. Navy sailors aboard the [submarine] John Warner launch a rocket “Tomahawk” on April 14 from the Mediterranean sea…”, — stated in the message on Twitter. During the download an error has occurred. The footage shows how the missile comes out of the water and flies away into the distance. Watch as the @USNavy #sailors aboard #USSJohnWarner (SSN 765) launch a Tomahawk land attack missile on April 14, the from the #MediterraneanSea as part of a multi-national strike operation against the Syrian government. @subgru2 — U. S. Dept of Defense (@DeptofDefense) 14 APR 2018 On the night of 14 April, the United States, Britain

Media reported about the plans of London to extend sanctions against Russian oligarchs

Media reported about the plans of London to extend sanctions against Russian oligarchs Official London plans to take additional financial measures against Russian businessmen. This writes The Sunday Times. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “You will soon see the extension of the financial action against Russian oligarchs in the UK,” said a source in the office of the British Prime Minister Theresa may. She may in interview to the newspaper confirmed that it is considering tough measures against Russian businessmen in London. Other sources told the publication that the speech can go about additional sanctions “close” to Russian President Vladimir Putin businessmen. On 6 April the US imposed sanctions against several Russian businessmen. A source in the administration of U.S. President explained that they “assisted the government of Russia.” HelpAs the ruble fell and grew up amid news of U.S. sanctions and the conflict in Syria Foreign exchange spring fever. Read more

White house preparing new sanctions against Russia for supporting Assad

White house preparing new sanctions against Russia for supporting Assad The United States intends to impose additional sanctions against Russia in response to Moscow’s support of Bashar Assad’s regime. That the wording contained in press materials prepared for Saturday’s briefing at the White house, said the expert of the Atlantic Council, a former adviser to the sanctions of the Bureau of the U.S. Treasury Brian O’toole. This was brought to the attention of RBC. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Mr O’toole confirmed that he had seen a document with this phrase. The presence of such language in the press service of the White house also told the British tabloid the Daily Mail. The newspaper said that the US authorities failed to promptly comment on this information. From today’s WH TPS: “We also intend to impose specific additional sanctions against Russia to respond to Moscow’s ongoing support for the Assad regime, which has enabled the

Britain is ready to attack the Russian computer network, the media are writing

Britain is ready to attack the Russian computer network, the media are writing MOSCOW, April 15 — RIA Novosti. British security forces are ready to attack the Russian computer network in response to possible aggressive actions in cyberspace, the newspaper the Sunday Times, citing sources in the security agencies of the country. In developing responses participating Agency Cyberathlete — GCHQ and the Ministry of defence. “Cyberexperts has “taken positions” in computer networks in Russia”, — writes the edition. According to the newspaper, London, as well as cyber attacks on key infrastructure objects of the country, in particular, institutions of the health system. In addition, according to sources, British intelligence believes that Russia can spread in the network “dirt” on members of the British Cabinet Ministers, parliamentarians and other dignitaries. Warning intelligence received personally by the Prime Minister Theresa may. In March, the newspaper, citing a source in the government reported

Western media: Russia has won without firing a shot

Western media: Russia has won without firing a shot MOSCOW — RIA Novosti, Victor marakhovskii. The formal outcome of the decisive strike Western countries on Syria are summed up. Russia has offered to condemn the attack to the UN Security Council. Three permanent members of the security Council (they are the participants of the attack) were against it. The draft resolution was not adopted. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий In the real world facts figures, too, are in General installed: released 103 missiles. However, the President of the United States D. trump promised that they will be “new and clever”, once again beat all — flew mostly elderly “Tomahawk”. On the approach to all strategically important objects of their polls knocked the elderly of Syria’s air defense systems developed in the Soviet Union just to deal with the “Tomahawk”. The British fired eight missiles “Scalp” — but, as proudly noted in Bi-bi-si, “each one

Kim Jong-UN vowed to bring relations of North Korea and China to a new level

Kim Jong-UN vowed to bring relations of North Korea and China to a new level DPRK leader Kim Jong UN at the meeting in Pyongyang meeting with the head of the international cooperation Department of the Central Committee of the Communist party of China, song Tao promised that he will bring bilateral relations to a new stage of development. It is reported by the KCNA. In early April China banned the supply to the DPRK of goods and technologies that can be used for the production of weapons of mass destruction. The prohibited list includes 32 of the product, including boosters and centrifuges. Kim Jong-UN visited China in late March. Then he left North Korea for the first time since 2011, allegedly to seek the support of Beijing in conflict with the US.

In the United States questioned the legality of strike on Syria

In the United States questioned the legality of strike on Syria The Association for arms control, the United States said that the missile strikes on targets in Syria caused the United States, Britain and France, contrary to international law and the us Constitution. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий This was reported on the website of the Association. “We are deeply concerned that the last military operation of the USA, UK and France were taken without special permission of Congress. Widely dispersed, the assertion that the President has the right to take measures of a military nature, based solely on its considerations, raises questions in the field of observance of the Constitution and a concern about the possibility of the President to initiate military action against other countries, including against North Korea, thus it may lead to the use of nuclear weapons”, — stated in the message. According to experts, threats of U.S. President Donald