Russia will bring to the next meeting of the OPCW participants provocations in Syria

Russia will bring to the next meeting of the OPCW participants provocations in Syria Russia’s permanent representative at the organization of Alexander Shulgin said that we are talking about provocations in the Duma and Khan Sheyhun. The HAGUE, April 16. /TASS/. Russia will bring to the next meeting of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) those who participated in the preparation of provocations in Syria. This was stated on Monday Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin at the press conference following the meeting of the Executive Council of the organization on the situation in Syria. “We warned them that next time they want to discuss the Syrian topic, we will bring here to the Hague of those people who participated in the staged shooting “White helmets”. That wittingly or unwittingly, were accomplices to the grandiose provocations, be it in the Syrian Duma, or in Khan Sheyhun,”

The attack occurred when all the judges of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation in violation of the integrity of Ukraine

Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Sahak Karapetyan © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Ukraine suspects the judges of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation in violation of the integrity of the state after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, said at the joint meeting of the committees of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction, and for defense and security of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Saak Karapetyan.

Russian security Council: for peace Russia is ready to cooperate with all countries, regardless of the status

The Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev © Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. For the maintenance of international peace and stability, Russia is ready to cooperate with all countries, regardless of their military-political status. “The Russian Federation, in turn, confirmed readiness to cooperate with all States, irrespective of their military-political status, economic potential, geographical location or cultural characteristics for the maintenance of international peace and stability”, – stated in the message of the Russian security Council.

Permanent representative to the OPCW: Russia found participants filming staged video “himataki” in Syria

Permanent representative to the OPCW: Russia found participants filming staged video “himataki” in Syria The HAGUE, April 16. /TASS/. Russian experts who conducted the investigation into allegations of use of chemical weapons in Duma, found participants of the video footage presented as evidence of the alleged himataki. This was announced by Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin speaking at the 58th session of the Executive Board. “Not one witness, not one poisoned in the hospital could not be found. Was not detected any residues of chemical munitions. But I managed to find direct participants in filming staged video, which was presented as “the”evidence” himataki,” said Shulgin. He published a video called provocation, and its “direct executors” — “pseudohumanitarian NGOs”, including White helmets. We have already said and reiterate it again, that these structures on a paid basis cooperating with the governments

Moscow and Beijing condemned a missile strike on Syria

Moscow and Beijing condemned a missile strike on Syria The parties have considered the attack of the US, UK and France in violation of international law. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Russia and China consider it a violation of international law the application of the United States, Britain and France missile strike on Syria on April 14. The representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry said that China urges the parties to resolve issues through diplomacy and not to go beyond the legal framework. “Unilateral intervention” of the coalition of Western countries in China regarded as contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. “Saturday and Sunday, we all witnessed another violation of international law, another aggression of some countries against the sovereign Syrian Arab Republic”, — said the press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, according to RT. In turn, the official representative of the Chinese foreign Ministry Hua Chunying at a

The state Duma will consider a draft response to the actions of the United States may 15

The state Duma will consider a draft response to the actions of the United States may 15 MOSCOW, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. May 15 the state Duma will consider in the first reading the draft response of the Russian Federation on the actions of the US, told reporters the first Vice-speaker of the lower house of Parliament Ivan Melnikov. “We will consider in the first reading on 15 may. Prior to this roundtable. Today determined by the relevant Committee — the Committee on economic policy,” — said Melnikov. A bill providing Russia’s response to U.S. sanctions, previously introduced in the state Duma, heads of factions and the speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. The project, in particular, contains a ban on the import of American agricultural, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, involves the suspension of cooperation of the Russian Federation and the United States on the nuclear, aircraft, and rocket engines.

The Kremlin has called the US sanctions international economic raiding

The Kremlin has called the US sanctions international economic raiding MOSCOW, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. The sanctions imposed by the US against Russia, not connected with the situation in Syria, and similar to international economic raiding, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We are convinced that any economist can easily see the number of sanctions blatant attempts to engage in unfair competition, under the guise of some other considerations, attempts to squeeze out competitors, in this case, Russian companies with international markets. Of course, this may not have any relationship, and can not in any way conditional on considerations linked to the situation in Syria or any other country in the world. It’s nothing like that, I would say, international economic raiding”, — said Peskov reporters. According to him, the Russian authorities continue to work to ensure the stability of the economic situation in connection with

Lavrov assured that Russia had not cleared the site of the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria

Lavrov assured that Russia had not cleared the site of the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. Russia has cleared the site of the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, published on Monday an interview with the British broadcasting Corporation Bi-bi-si. “I guarantee that Russia didn’t clean this place”, — said the head of the foreign Ministry. The Minister added that the leaders of USA, UK and France are based on data from media and social networks, to mention allegedly held in Syria chemical attack. I can’t be rude against other heads of state, but you are quoting the leaders of France, Britain and the United States. Frankly, all the evidence to which they refer, based on data from media and social networks.Sergei Lavrov 14 APR USA, UK and France without the sanction of

Sands different estimates of U.S. strikes on Syria has divided Russia and Turkey

Sands different estimates of U.S. strikes on Syria has divided Russia and Turkey MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. Different assessment of U.S. strikes on Syria has divided Russia and Turkey and will not violate the plans for further cooperation between Moscow and Ankara. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий Such opinion expressed press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of the President of France Emmanuel Makron. “These attacks did not divide Russia and Turkey,” he said. “For anybody not a secret that on some issues the positions of Moscow and Ankara differ, but this does not prevent to continue to exchange views, to continue to discuss these differences in our positions, and most importantly — this in no way affects the continuation of the multifaceted prospects of development of cooperation and collaboration for the implementation of major economic and other projects”, — said Peskov.