Victoria Skripal intends to apply to the UN in case of refusal of great Britain to issue her a visa

Victoria Skripal intends to apply to the UN in case of refusal of great Britain to issue her a visa Niece Sergei Skripal said that addresses the appeal to the Secretary General of the organization antónio Guterres. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Niece poisoned on 4 March in Salisbury of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal Victoria Skripal said he plans to appeal to the UN if Britain again refusing her a visa. “The UN will write” she said, responding to a question on air of radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Victoria Skripal said that the appeal will be addressed personally to the UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres. She also said that not cooperating with the Russian special services. “I have no one from the security services were not contacted. Who do I contact is with our Investigative Committee, because a criminal case”, — she noted. UK 6 April refused to issue a

The new head of Kaliningrad was Alexey Silanes

Alexey Silanes © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS KALININGRAD, April 18. /TASS/. State Duma Deputy of the VII convocation 57-year-old Alex Silanes became the new head of Kaliningrad. In a secret ballot at a meeting of city Council of deputies the candidacy Celanova was supported by an overwhelming majority of voters. The post of head of Kaliningrad elected by the members of the city Council, became vacant on March 21 – the day MPs accepted the early resignation of Alyaksandr Yarashuk. Held the highest municipal office for 10 years, Yaroshuk had written a resignation at own will in connection with transition to other work.

Matvienko: the response of the Russian sanctions be targeted and painful for the countries that introduced them

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The response of Russia to the sanctions of several countries that have imposed them against Russia, will point and very sensitive. This was stated to journalists on Wednesday by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Zhirinovsky: it is Not possible for Telegram to experience life in the country

Zhirinovsky: it is Not possible for Telegram to experience life in the country LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that the Roskomnadzor overzealous in seeking to block the Telegram. “In all there should be reasonable limits. Not because of the Telegram to experience life in the country, off the Internet and create problems for millions of citizens”, — said Zhirinovsky mass blocking IP addresses. The party has always believed that safety is paramount. But it is impossible to fasten each of the police, it is impossible in every room to put a camera with every letter to read, said the Deputy of the state Duma. “And if possible, they want the citizens to live in such conditions, when they are all the time under one hundred percent supervision? I do not think” — said the MP. As previously reported IA REGNUM, the press service of Roskomnadzor assured that they will take

Poll: most Americans in favor of tougher sanctions against Russia

Poll: most Americans in favor of tougher sanctions against Russia TASS, April 17. Most residents of the United States support the current state policy of tightening sanctions against Russia. This is evidenced by published on Tuesday the data of the opinion poll conducted from 8 to 11 April, the newspaper the Washington Post and ABC. According to the study, “70% say trump was insufficiently critical of Russia, and 71% of Republicans think he follows the right course”. Thus, according to the study, nearly half of Americans believe that the President, Donald trump has not taken much effort to criticism of Russia’s actions that violate, in their opinion, international law. At the same time, as noted by the organizers of the survey, 52% of respondents support the holding of the us-Russian meetings at the highest level and I think that Trump should be invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White

A unique machine. National Interest praised Russia’s “Terminator”

A unique machine. National Interest praised Russia’s “Terminator” MOSCOW, February 17 — RIA Novosti. Russian combat vehicle support tanks (BMPT) “Terminator” can fundamentally change the methods of using the armored vehicles on the battlefield, writes the journal The National Interest. “The terminator” — a unique car based on the chassis of tank T-72 or T-90 tank (depending on model), but without the main 125 mm gun, the article says. Earlier the General Director of “Uralvagonzavod” Alexander Potapov announced the beginning of serial production of the BMPT in the Russian army. These combat vehicles for fire support armored forces. They are equipped with two 30-millimeter automatic cannon, heavy machine gun and anti-tank missiles “Attack-T”. It is expected that “Terminator” will be presented to the public at the may 9 Victory day Parade. During the download an error has occurred.The news isNot a veiled threat: the most powerful weapon of Russia The

The Kremlin has not yet commented on the draft law on the Russian response to new US sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The Kremlin has not yet commented on the bill on the new response of the Russian Federation on anti-Russian sanctions of the United States. “While there is a debate [on the bill], go to the comments from deputies, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. – At this stage I don’t think it is possible to participate in this debate until there is work.”

The CEC found no serious violations of the law by election commissions KCR during the elections of the President

A member of the CEC of the Russian Federation Sergey Sirotkin © Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. Election Commission of Karachaevo-Cherkessia and lower-level election commissions did not allow serious violations of the law during elections of the President of Russia on March 18. This was announced on Wednesday, the CEC member Sergey Sirotkin on the results of the audit in the Republic.

The EC recommended to start accession negotiations with the EU, Albania and Macedonia

The EC recommended to start accession negotiations with the EU, Albania and Macedonia BRUSSELS, April 17 — RIA Novosti. The European Commission recommended to start negotiations with Albania and Macedonia about the prospects of joining the EU, said Tuesday the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini. The Commission had until the beginning of the summer to make a decision about starting with Albania and Macedonia the negotiations for their accession to the EU. “The EC recommended and the Council decided to open accession negotiations with Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, — said Mogherini reporters. Official candidates for accession to the European Union at the moment are Albania (2014), Macedonia (since 2005), Montenegro (since 2010), Serbia (since 2012) and Turkey (since 1999). Previously, the accession negotiations with the EU was initiated with three of them: with Turkey (2005), Montenegro (2012) and Serbia (in 2014). The European Commission in