Russia’s envoy to the OPCW has accused Britain of lying in Skripal eight counts

Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren The HAGUE, April 18. /TASS/. Britain stood on the slippery path, trying to hide the truth in the case Skripal. This was stated on Wednesday, Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin, speaking at an extraordinary meeting of the OPCW Executive Council on the incident in Salisbury. “Those who have embarked on the path of deception, forced to lie again and again, to invent explanations for inconsistencies, to engage in disinformation and forgery, he said. In the course of desperately launched all the tools, just to cover his tracks of lies and hide the truth. This slippery slope has now UK. All this we clearly see in the example was fabricated by the British authorities so-called business Skipala – this sewn with white thread anti-Russian provocations, accompanied by an unprecedented propaganda campaign, picked up by a group of countries, and

Shulgin: of Russia proved to the OPCW that “Newbie” was patented in the United States as chemical weapons

The HAGUE, April 18. /TASS/. Russia has presented evidence that “Newbie” was made and patented in the USA as weapons in 2015. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin in his speech at the extraordinary session of the OPCW Executive Council on the incident in Salisbury.

In Yerevan, the detention of the participants of the opposition

In Yerevan, the detention of the participants of the opposition Moscow. 18 APR. INTERFAX.RU. Several hundred people on Wednesday morning carried out a procession through the avenues of Mashtots and Baghramyan in Yerevan under the guidance of the leader of Armenian opposition parliamentary faction of “EFC” Nikol Pashinian, opposed the appointment of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan head of government. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The correspondent of “Interfax” was told that the car traffic in the city centre, stopped a number of activists detained by police. The Armenian police confirmed to Interfax that from the place of the campaign for administrative offences in police departments delivered some activists, but did not give the number of detainees. The Central avenues Mashtotsi Baghramyan and surrounded by police. Pashinyan had earlier called the police the route of the procession, after which the police agreed to accompany them. All the way exposed reinforced cordons of police. On the eve

WSJ: Israel has enlisted the support of the United States before the attack on the Syrian airfield T-4

WSJ: Israel has enlisted the support of the United States before the attack on the Syrian airfield T-4 According to the newspaper, USA configured to, in cooperation with Israel to try to limit Iranian influence in Syria. NEW YORK, April 18. /TASS/. Washington was warned in advance about the strikes by the Israeli air force on a Syrian military airfield T-4 in the province of HOMS on April 9 and approved this move. This was reported on Tuesday the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. According to its sources, particularly intelligence officers, “Israeli forces last week with the tacit support of America dealt a blow to the latest Iranian air defence system, located on the Syrian base”. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as stated in the publication, “after he spoke with the President [USA] Donald trump, was ordered to strike at the newly arrived battery of air defense, not to allow Iranian

Ukrainian sailors Poroshenko has threatened to return to the Crimea

Ukrainian sailors Poroshenko has threatened to return to the Crimea In an open letter to members note that in 2014 they fulfilled the command and left the Crimea, leaving behind their homes. MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The group left in 2014, the Crimea officers of the naval forces of Ukraine appealed to the President Petro Poroshenko with a request to provide them with housing instead of left on the Peninsula, reports “Duma”. In an open letter to the sailors say that in 2014 they fulfilled the command and left the Crimea, leaving behind their property and office accommodation. Since then, writing officers, the government did nothing to ensure employees Navy flats. “We honestly fulfill your duties, most participants in the ATO, and some of them have state awards for performance of combat tasks. Striking a cynical attitude to the military and their families, who remained patriots of their

Matviyenko said about the preparation of amendments to the draft about anti-American sanctions

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. The Federation Council will prepare amendments to the developed in the state Duma the draft law on anti-American sanctions, in its current form the document is not ready for adoption. This was stated on Wednesday, the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko at the plenary session of the chamber.

Gryzlov: the shelling of Lugansk has a demonstrative anti-human nature

Boris Gryzlov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MINSK, 18 April. /TASS/. The shelling of Lugansk by the Ukrainian military during the preparation for the parade in honor of victory Day celebration is demonstrative anti-human in nature. This was at the end of the meeting of the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine said Wednesday the Plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov.

Russia’s envoy to the OPCW: Julia Skripal was basically held hostage by the British authorities

Russia’s envoy to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren The HAGUE, April 18. /TASS/. Hiding from the media and the public of Russian citizen Yulia Skripal actually means that she was held hostage by the British authorities. This was stated on Wednesday Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin in his speech at the extraordinary session of the Executive Board of the organization.

Russia will cease to provide NATO aircraft An-124 “Ruslan”, told the media

Russia will cease to provide NATO aircraft An-124 “Ruslan”, told the media MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Russian cargo airline “Volga-Dnepr” to the end of the year will cease to provide NATO cargo planes An-124, according to French publication Challenges, citing its sources. We are talking about the SALIS project (Strategic Airlift International Solution), in which in 2006 a joint venture was created by Ukrainian “Antonov Airlines” and the Russian “Volga-Dnepr”. Only large oversized cargo Alliance transporting 17 “Ruslanov”. According to the newspaper, the Russian side has taken this decision in response to the strengthening of the U.S. sanctions. The article emphasizes that the decision of the company “Volga-Dnepr” will be a severe blow to the French army, as it remains dependent on freighters in the transportation of helicopters and tanks, despite the presence of the Airbus A400M. An-124−100 “Ruslan” — the most lifting aircraft in the world.

New sanctions against Russia are still being considered, said the state Department

New sanctions against Russia are still being considered, said the state Department WASHINGTON, April 17 — RIA Novosti. Sanctions against Russia are still being considered, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert amid rumors that President Donald trump has blocked further expansion of sanctions. “The new Russian sanctions are considered,” said Nauert at a briefing in Washington. Sanctions are not withdrawn, we have nothing to announce on this subject.Heather Northfield state Department spokesman She also expressed support for the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, who last weekend promised that sanctions will be imposed on Monday under the pretext of Russian support of the Syrian authorities. Then in mass media there were reports that trump told to wait until additional sanctions. “I’m not going to comment on what she (Hailey — ed.) said or didn’t say. She is a very valuable and respected member of our foreign policy team…