The U.S. Treasury: sanctions against Russia has reached the desired wash result

The U.S. Treasury: sanctions against Russia has reached the desired wash result NEW YORK, April 20. /TASS/. The administration of U.S. President Donald trump believes that the latest anti-Russian sanctions have achieved the desired effect by Washington, the us strategy in this area will be continuously updated, including, depending on the sensitive factors. This was stated on Thursday Minister of Finance of the USA Stephen Mnuchin the TV channel Fox News. Speaking of introduced in the early months restrictive measures against Russia, Mnuchin said: “These sanctions are very, very important tools, it is obvious that this is a very powerful tools.” “We are not afraid to use them. We apply these tools, but we do not intend to announce to the whole world our thoughts on this matter,” he stated. “The sanctions that we imposed against the oligarchs and Russian politicians, had the desired effect,” added the Minister. “As the

Foreign Ministry demands from the London evidence of accusations of cyber attacks from Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Moscow demands from London to provide proof of the accusations of cyber attacks by Russia. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Comment posted Friday on the website of the Russian depodesta.

In the United States develop hypersonic cruise missile for $928 million

In the United States develop hypersonic cruise missile for $928 million Military-air forces of the United States and the company Lockheed Martin has signed a contract to develop a hypersonic cruise missile cost $928 million it is reported by Defense News. In the framework of the contract will be carried out project development, planning logistics, implementation aircraft integration support, and missile test. The number and timing of shipments not marked. “This step is one of the two to create prototypes of hypersonic weapons that conduct the force to accelerate research and development in this area,” — said the official representative of the U.S. air force Ann Stefanek. The Deputy Minister of defence of the USA Michael Griffin, in turn, said that the Pentagon’s time to concentrate on the development of modern weapons. “The time has come for us to focus our attention and funding on the development of missiles that

The Minister of economic development will no longer be able to receive gifts

The Minister of economic development will no longer be able to receive gifts Staff saranapala the Ministry of economic development (MED) will have to take all the gifts they received for evaluation. The head of the Ministry Maxim Oreshkin will not be able to receive gifts at all. The only exceptions were the notepads and pens that are handed out at public events. This is stated in the draft order of the MAYOR, seen by the journalists of the newspaper “Izvestia”. Under the new rules, officials of the Ministry abroad will have to send all the gifts by diplomatic pouch to Moscow. After that, the office within three months will evaluate. In the case that the present will be more expensive than 3 thousand roubles it will be sold or donated to a charity organization. The head of the MAYOR loses the right to receive gifts regardless of their value.

The king of Swaziland has decided to rename the country

The king of Swaziland has decided to rename the country King Mswati III of Swaziland, the last absolute monarch in Africa, announced his decision to rename the country. On it informs Agency Reuters. “I would like to announce that from today our country will be known as the Kingdom of Eswatini” he said. This statement was made at a festive ceremony in honor of the 50th anniversary of independence. Mswati III said that the country returns name, which she had before colonization by Britain. Another argument in favor of renaming was that the Kingdom was often confused with Switzerland — in English the names of the countries sound very similar.

Lavrov called blackmail US threats to impose sanctions against Turkey for the purchase of s-400

The Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Karin Kneissl and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Russia considers blackmail in favor of us companies, the US announced possible sanctions against Turkey for the purchase of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400. This was stated Friday by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov following talks with Austrian foreign Minister Karin Kneissl.

Foreign Ministry announced the termination of air links with the United States

Foreign Ministry announced the termination of air links with the United States MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Moscow does not exclude that in connection with the visa blockade, which builds against Russian citizens Washington, Russia and the United States may be left without air service, said in the comments of the Department of information and press. The Russian foreign Ministry noted that the situation with the issuance of U.S. visas in Russia is very depressing. The official waiting period for the visa interview, which in August 2017 was increased by Washington to 85 days, recently extended to 250 days, that is is now eight months, in other words, to apply for visas becomes pointless, ascertain the foreign Ministry. “Even we can not exclude that our country will be left without air service. Aeroflot, which only operates regular flights between Russia and the United States may be forced to stop

The UN will not allow OPCW inspectors to the Duma

The UN will not allow OPCW inspectors to the Duma The city continued shelling. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The inspectors of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) can not proceed to the investigation of the events in the Syrian Duma, where on April 7 alleged use of chemical weapons. The UN said that the situation in the city is too dangerous. Indeed, on Tuesday during an attack on a convoy of the UN in the Duma was wounded the employee of power structures of Syria. Meanwhile, the delay in the investigation of the incident, the U.S. accused Russia. Yesterday OPCW Director General Ahmet üzümcü said that the specialists of the Department of safety and security UN (EXT) arrived in the Duma on Tuesday to assess the possibility of starting the work of the inspectors in the city where 7 APR supposedly there was a chemical attack. According to him, one

Lavrov commented on the shelling of the UN mission in the Syrian Duma

Lavrov commented on the shelling of the UN mission in the Syrian Duma MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The militants fired in the Syrian Duma, the UN mission for security, was explicitly warned, said in an interview with RIA Novosti Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий UN group on security, which analyzed the situation in the town of Duma to begin the work of OPCW experts, was fired on Wednesday. None of the UN representatives were not injured, the experts returned to Damascus. However, the incident has affected the deployment of the mission of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons at the site of the alleged chemical incident. At a time when they were in the area, began shooting the part of the city, where there were a few dozen extremists, who apparently had been warned about who exactly will be nominated in the area and for