VTSIOM: the rating of trust of Russians to Putin fell after the election

VTSIOM: the rating of trust of Russians to Putin fell after the election MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. The rating of trust of Russians to the Russian President Vladimir Putin fell after the elections. This is evidenced by the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) published on Friday on the website of the organization. As of 17 March, the rating of trust of Russians to Putin to 55.3%. A week after the elections, 25 Mar trust rating decreased to 53.6%. Continuing the decline, the rating of trust of Russians to the incumbent President, according to 15 of April, established at the level of 48.4 per cent. During the month before the presidential election in Russia, Putin’s rating grew from 51.7% (as of February 11) to 55.3% on the eve of elections. These tests are based on daily all-Russian telephone survey “polls-Sputnik” among thousands of respondents from more than 80

The number of detainees in Yerevan demonstrators had risen to 217

The number of detainees in Yerevan demonstrators had risen to 217 YEREVAN, April 20 — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement officers have detained on Friday in Yerevan 217 demonstrators protesting against the election of the Prime Minister of Armenia former President Serzh Sargsyan, told RIA Novosti the head of Analytics, information and media relations of police Edgar janoian. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Earlier, police said about 183 detainees. “At the moment in the police Department delivered to 217 people,” said janoian. As the correspondent of RIA Novosti, the protesters delayed because of attempts to block streets. Among the detained drivers, who are trying to create traffic congestion. Head of the protest action the Deputy Nikol Pashinyan said that the protesters intend to hold the next meeting at 19.00 (18.00 GMT). Earlier, Pashinyan said that begins an operation to block the roads with trucks. He noted that if the plan succeeds, then until the completion

The state Duma will give the new Prime Minister of the Russian Federation the issue of complete import substitution

The state Duma will give the new Prime Minister of the Russian Federation the issue of complete import substitution Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU — in the formation of the new government and the consideration in the state Duma of the candidates for the post of Prime Minister, the deputies will put before him the question of the necessity of the full import of medicines in the domestic market, because today the situation in this sphere is not satisfactory, said the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin. He said that the work of the Ministry of health on this issue has been criticized in the past on Friday the discussion of the bill on the counter in the state Duma with experts, representatives of business and scientific community. Newsthe state Duma is going to ban us drugs (list) The draft law was initiated a week ago Volodin and

Elizabeth II picked a successor

Elizabeth II picked a successor Queen Elizabeth II had nominated his son, Prince Charles, as a successor as head of the Commonwealth Nations. About it writes The Independent. “I sincerely wish that the Commonwealth will continue to guarantee stability and continuity to future generations and one day decided that the Prince of Wales should assume the important work that my father started in 1949,” said Elizabeth II at the opening of the Commonwealth summit in London. The two-day event began on 19 April and is held at Buckingham Palace. It is expected that the replacement of the Queen at the head of the Association will consider on Friday, April 20. According to the newspaper, a public statement of Elizabeth on the eve of her 92nd birthday — it is an unprecedented step, and it probably will end years of speculation about who will assume the role of head of the

Trump said that OPEC is artificially inflating the price of oil

Trump said that OPEC is artificially inflating the price of oil MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump OPEC blamed the artificial inflating of oil prices. “It seems that OPEC does it again. With record quantities of oil everywhere, including a fully-loaded ships at sea, oil prices are artificially very high! Nothing good (in this — ed.) and it will not be accepted!”, — trump wrote in his Twitter. OPEC and several non-organisation countries (OPEC+) agreed in late 2016 in Vienna on the reduction of its oil production to total 1.8 million barrels per day from the level of October 2016, of which 300 thousand are in Russia. In November 2017, the parties extended it until 2018. The next OPEC summit will be held on 22 June 2018 in Vienna. To monitor compliance with the agreement and make recommendations for the adjustment of

Kosachev: the abandonment of the DPRK nuclear test provides a chance for de-escalation of tensions

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev considers the news that the DPRK decided to withdraw from conducting nuclear and missile tests, the chance for de-escalation of tensions. About this he wrote on Saturday on his page in Facebook.

The best and worst passports in the world

The best and worst passports in the world The end of the hegemony of Germany and the uncertain future of Russia. For five years the German passport was without doubt the best in the world thanks to the advantages it gives to the owner. But by the end of 2017 on the first line of the rating citizenships, which annually is the consulting company Henley & Partners together with Professor Vladimir Kochenower, were not Germany, and France. That put an end to German hegemony, what advantages came from the French citizenship and what the future holds for holders of Russian passports were found””. Index citizenships of the world (Henley & Partners — Kochenov Quality of Nationality Index, QNI) tries to give an objective evaluation of the value and attractiveness of various citizenships of the world. It nationalities, not countries, since the possibilities of man affect not only living conditions in

Peskov commented on the episode from the memoirs of former FBI Director

Peskov commented on the episode from the memoirs of former FBI Director Moscow. April 20. INTERFAX.RU. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin and US President Donald trump was never talking about the fact that Russia is the most beautiful prostitutes in the world. “If it is written in the book, at least this part is not true. President Putin could not speak and did not say President Trump”, — said Peskov told reporters. During the conversation with the press Secretary of the Russian President one of the journalists asked a question, read in the Kremlin the memoirs of the former Director of the FBI James Komi. According to the correspondent, in the book there is an excerpt documenting Putin’s conversation with trump. It tells that the Russian President told his interlocutor that in Russia the most beautiful prostitutes in the world. Peskov added that the

Zakharov told why London exploits the theme of cyber threats

Zakharov told why London exploits the theme of cyber threats MOSCOW, 20 APR — RIA Novosti. The theme of imaginary cyber threats from Russia Britons are prepared to endorse the anti-Russian attacks, said the official representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova. “The impression that exploiting the topic of imaginary cyber threats from Russia, the British government is preparing its own population by encouraging the perception of a massive anti-Russian cyber-attacks London, which — if implemented — will actually be aggressive and unprovoked action”, — stated in the message of the Ministry. The office drew attention to the allegations of the interior Minister amber Rudd on April 11 in Russia in the implementation of “systematic cyber-attacks”.