Constantly caller trump has puzzled everyone in the White house

Constantly caller trump has puzzled everyone in the White house The President of the United States Donald trump became much more likely to use a personal mobile phone than bothered staff of the White house, reports CNN TV channel with reference to own sources. “The last time he uses it (the phone — “Газета.Ru) more often,” said one of the sources. According to the channel, trump wants the contents of his calls have not opened the head of the unit John Kelly. He had previously used for calls internal telephone, but has become more secretive. Earlier it was reported that trump plans to give the President of France Emmanuel Makron the part of the upholstery of one of the chairs in the White house.

Media reported about Putin’s plan to improve the level of life of Russians

Media reported about Putin’s plan to improve the level of life of Russians The Russian President will sign a decree on the allocation of ten trillion rubles on healthcare, education and infrastructure to increase economic growth in the country, writes Bloomberg. MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. As reported, after the inauguration of the seventh of may, the Russian leader will sign a decree, which will be a plan of “decisive breakthrough” in improving quality of life. The news Agency added that the figure of ten trillion appeared recently and can be changed. Major expenses planned for the period after 2020, however, some expenses could also be affected by 2018. Bloomberg also notes that these costs will involve spending cuts, particularly in defence. In addition, the possible introduction of a four percent sales tax, but this measure has not yet been approved. After a victory on elections of the President

Former speaker of the Kuzbass Parliament became the Deputy of the acting Governor of Kuzbass

Alexey Sinitsyn © Dmitry Yaroshchuk/Internet journal AVOKA.DO KEMEROVO, April 24. /TASS/. The former Chairman of the Council of people’s deputies of the Kemerovo region, 42-year-old Alexey Sinitsyn, current powers of the speaker of the regional Parliament in favor of the former head of Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev became the acting Deputy of the acting Governor Sergei Tsivilev, said Tuesday the press service of the regional administration.

The Kremlin hopes that Armenia will continue the order and stability

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, April 24. /TASS/. The Kremlin is satisfied that the situation in Armenia is on the path of destabilization, hoping to maintain stability and political consensus. “Until we see that the situation did not go the path of destabilization, which causes satisfaction”, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He said: “Everything that is happening in Yerevan is the internal affair of our Armenian friends, partners and allies. This is a very valuable partner for us, with which we have very extensive ties – both economic and in the sphere of culture, etc, etc.”

Ukraine intends to ban the entry of Russian ships in the internal waters of the country

Ukraine intends to ban the entry of Russian ships in the internal waters of the country Deputy Minister of infrastructure, Yuriy Lavrenyuk noted that the Agency gave the foreign Ministry materials of “unauthorized visits to the ports of the Crimea for the admission of documents to the international claim”. KIEV, April 23. /TASS/. The Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine has proposed to close the Russian courts to enter inland waters of the country. On Monday reported the press service of the Ministry. “Our Ministry will appeal to the Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) regarding the prohibition of the entry of Russian ships in the inland waterways of Ukraine due to the high level of terrorist threats.” “This is unacceptable, when on rivers of Ukraine, where the critical national infrastructure, go the Russian court”, — said the Deputy Minister Yuriy Lavrenyuk at the meeting in the Department. According

Roskomnadzor legalize the fight against bypass of locks

Roskomnadzor legalize the fight against bypass of locks The office introduces a new basis for inclusion in the black list. Roskomnadzor published a new version of the Bylaw governing the fight against bypass of locks, including VPN and anonymizers. It appeared a new basis for inclusion of site in the black list — the court’s decision in the case of an administrative offense. It is necessary to legalize the blocking of millions of IP addresses in the fight against the messenger Telegram, experts believe. On the government portal there’s a new version of the draft order of Roskomnadzor “identify information resources for the purpose of adopting measures to restrict access to information resources”. The updated document differs from the previous version that Roskomnadzor there is a new basis for inclusion of sites in the register of banned resources to lock: “judicial decisions and rulings on cases of administrative offences

Bloomberg: Putin to increase social spending to 10 trillion roubles

Bloomberg: Putin to increase social spending to 10 trillion roubles Russian President Vladimir Putin has prepared a six-year economic development plan with emphasis on the social sector. About it reports Bloomberg with reference to sources. According to the Agency, the plan calls for increased spending on health, education and infrastructure for 10 trillion. It is aimed at “decisive breakthrough” in improving the lives of Russians, about which the President spoke in the message to the Federal Assembly. Funds for the programme is planned to find due to the reduction in defense spending and growth of budget revenues. It could be including on the introduction of a 4% sales tax, but this measure has not yet been approved. The Agency emphasizes that the plan provides for the biggest increase in budget spending in 2012. Earlier, Putin announced the preparation of a new edition of the may decrees.

Duma may impose liability for compliance with U.S. sanctions during the spring session

MOSCOW, April 24. /TASS/. The proposal of the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin on the introduction of criminal responsibility for the implementation in Russia of anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the United States, may be submitted to the lower house of the Parliament as a bill and adopted in the spring session of the state Duma. This opinion was expressed to journalists by the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia” Andrei Isayev.