Every citizen of Russia will receive a single ID to 2019

Every citizen of Russia will receive a single ID to 2019 Your passport details, pension and insurance of identity is tied to end-to-end identifier, in 2019, have informed “news” sources close to the Central Bank, the Ministry of communications and the Ministry of Finance. According to experts, the Association data will significantly simplify the interaction of citizens with government organizations and banks. However, with the introduction of single rooms increases the risk of data compromise. Over time, end-to-end identifier will replace the citizens of the rest of the documents, said the sources. The innovation will be developed in the framework of the “Main directions of development of financial technology at 2018-2020”. Read more at: Every Russian will give a single number HelpAs go to the online checkout? In Russia came into force a new version of the Federal law No. 54 “On application of cash registers”. In 2018 online-the cashier

Kosachev called a manifestation of corruption, a statement by the U.S. permanent representative to the UN voting countries

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev considers as an example of corruption, the desire of the United States to vote in the UN General Assembly was shared by the rest of the country, because the States contribute most to the UN budget.

The Pentagon has asked to soften the sanctions for collaborating with Russia

The Pentagon has asked to soften the sanctions for collaborating with Russia Pentagon chief James Mattis turned to the senators with a proposal to make an exception to the law on anti-Russian sanctions on India, Vietnam and Indonesia to ensure supply of American weapons to these countries. The report of the head of the U.S. office published on the website of the U.S. Senate Committee on vooruzhennym forces. Speaking in the Senate, Mr. Mattis stated that India, Vietnam and Indonesia have a large number of weapons produced in Russia, but at the same time, “they are inclined to buy more American weapons”. According to him, the list of such countries can change very quickly. The latest U.S. sanctions were imposed in early April, against 38 Russian companies, businessmen and politicians. The list includes, in particular, the businessman Oleg Deripaska and controlled company RUSAL, En+ and the group GAS. See also:

Trump believes that the Makron he changed his mind about Iran after talks in the White house

Trump believes that the Makron he changed his mind about Iran after talks in the White house WASHINGTON, April 26. /TASS/. The President of France Emmanuel macron has changed his view on the situation with Iran after talks in the White house. On Thursday in interview to TV channel Fox News said the American leader Donald trump. “I can speak from my point of view, but he, I believe, is now looking at Iran very differently than before he entered the Oval office. I think it’s important. He understands what I assume when talking about Iran,” said trump. The US President once again blamed the previous administration that it went to “terrible deal with Iran”, and which to the Islamic Republic “in barrels and boxes of the aircraft” was smuggled $1.8 billion in cash. “And all they (the Iranians) are doing is shouting: “Death to America!” said trump. “And, by

Russia first showed shock drones “Corsair”

Russia first showed shock drones “Corsair” At the rehearsal of the Victory parade held on red square in Moscow on the night of 27 April 2018, was first introduced helicopters and attack drones. “Le Corsaire”, designed for reconnaissance, delivery of goods, strikes and electronic warfare. Rehearsal video published by the TV channel “Star”. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Aircraft “Corsair” built from composite materials for aerodynamic scheme with a pusher propeller, has a mass of about 200 kilograms and can carry guided missiles “Attack”, and multi-purpose rocket-propelled grenades. Containers for ammunition shown with the apparatus on a truck. Helicopter “Corsair” built under the scheme with coaxial rotors, which gives it high maneuverability. In contrast to the aircraft type, it can take off and land from small and unprepared sites, it can be used as in the army and in the Navy. The drone is armed with both managed and unmanaged missiles. Also on the

Peskov called “statements from the evil one” the plans of London to uncover the identity of the oligarchs from Russia

Peskov called “statements from the evil one” the plans of London to uncover the identity of the oligarchs from Russia ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov called “statements from the evil one” calls the British side to their regulators about the need for disclosure of information on beneficiaries of companies registered in the British territories, among which there are Russian businessmen. “Seen in the Kremlin these statements, he said. You know that a number of countries, including the UK, is very two-faced stance in terms of international counter money laundering. On the one hand, involved in all the conventions, and on the other hand are actually on their territory, they have such gaps (loopholes) financial and tax, such as offshore. Such statements were misleading”. As for the origin of these funds, according to Peskov, “you need to look in each specific case”. “In itself,

Sands sees “symptoms of paranoia” in the media reports about U.S. “espionage” of diplomats from Russia

Sands sees “symptoms of paranoia” in the media reports about U.S. “espionage” of diplomats from Russia ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called “manifestations of paranoia” message to the American media that the Russian diplomats expelled from U.S., allegedly followed the immigrants from Russia. “At least, if heard such accusations, you need to call some specific names and specific reasons which compelled the Americans to make such statements. Neither one nor the other was not done,” — told reporters the representative of the Kremlin. He is sure: “Therefore, [these messages] seem the same as the primary and secondary manifestations of paranoia, which sometimes activates our colleagues.” Earlier, CNN, citing us officials reported that among the Russian diplomats expelled from the US, were supposedly spies who watched over defectors from Russia and their families. March 26, Washington announced the expulsion of U.S. 60

Interesting that “smart” missiles will tell the Russian “defense industry”

Interesting that “smart” missiles will tell the Russian “defense industry” MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. For the first time at the disposal of the Russian military, the Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles (SCALP) there are no “outstanding and amazing” technical decisions, but their study will help to improve the already existing means of dealing with such weapons. The same can be said about the American “Tomahawk”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий This opinion in an interview with RIA Novosti expressed his well-known military expert, chief editor of the magazine “Arsenal Fatherland” Victor murakhovski. Previously, the fragments of a downed Syrian air defenses “Scalps” and the American “Tomahawks” was presented by the General staff of the armed forces. Two unexploded missiles the Russian military received intact. Later in mass media there were messages that the SCALP is of most interest to the defense. I would not say that they are of the greatest interest, is