The U.S. Treasury reacted to the decision by Deripaska’s En+

The U.S. Treasury reacted to the decision by Deripaska’s En+ WASHINGTON, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The reduction in the share of Oleg Deripaska in En+ is not necessarily a reason for excluding this company from the sanctions list, said RIA Novosti in the Ministry of Finance of the United States. “Reducing the share of the property of the person to which the sanctions apply, not necessarily in itself constitute grounds for exclusion from (sanctions) list,” — said the representative office. Thus, the Finance Ministry commented on the message En+ that appealed for relief on sanctions, informing at the same time that Oleg Deripaska has agreed to reduce the share in the company below 50% and leave the Board of Directors.

In the 17 years of Russia had illegally taken $430,7 billion, said the Senator

In the 17 years of Russia had illegally taken $430,7 billion, said the Senator MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. More than 430 billion U.S. dollars were exported illegally from Russia in the period from 2000 to 2017, according to independent estimates, reported RIA Novosti Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Bondarev. “According to independent estimates, from 2000 to 2017 of our country was taken out of order 430,7 billion dollars. This is a giant funds that could be invested in the development of the national economy”, — said the Senator. According to him, illegal withdrawal of capital from Russia is one of the key issues, the resolution of which will significantly affect implementation breakthrough development in various sectors of the economy. Bondarev said that for the improvement of the current legislation and law enforcement practice in combating economic crimes, the Committee on defense and security of

Grushko: NATO acts against Russia, based on the schema of the cold war

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Grushko © REUTERS/Francois Lenoir MOSCOW, April 28. /Offset. Maria Khrenova TASS/. The Alliance acts against Russia the schemes of the cold war, but Moscow will find the answers to these risks and ensure their safety. This was stated in an exclusive interview with TASS Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Grushko.

The intelligence Committee of the U.S. Congress has found no proven link the election team trump with Moscow

The intelligence Committee of the U.S. Congress has found no proven link the election team trump with Moscow Moscow. April 27. INTERFAX.RU. Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the Congress of the United States published on Friday declassified a report about the alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election in 2016. According to the report, “none of the respondents witnesses” did not provide the Committee with evidence “of communication, of collusion or cooperation” between the campaign team of U.S. President Donald trump and Russia. In addition, according to the document, “the Committee found no evidence that business activity is trump to the start of the election campaign have created a basis for intervention” Russia in the American presidential election in 2016. However, the report States that “team trump and (his rival in the presidential race, Hillary — if) Clinton during the election campaign, committed the negligent

Millions of Syrians could be left without homes

Millions of Syrians could be left without homes According to authorities the new law on real estate. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In accordance with the new law on property, adopted by the government of Bashar al-Assad the people of Syria shall, within 30 days to provide documents on the ownership of it, otherwise housing can be confiscated. Experts fear that the law will hit the opposition, refugees, displaced persons and residents of informal settlements. According to experts, the new law of the Syrian authorities can lead to the fact that millions of Syrians will lose their homes. Law No. 10 was adopted in early April, in accordance with residents needs to confirm his property rights within 30 days starting April 11. The Ministry of local government should compile a list of homeowners for the territories under the control of the government, on the basis of documents provided by the owners or their relatives.

Putin calculates the effective work of the new Cabinet by Parliament

Putin calculates the effective work of the new Cabinet by Parliament Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the implementation of the President’s address to the Federal Assembly a lot depends on the constructive engagement of legislators with the new government. It is reported by RIA “Novosti”. “Of course, in the course of implementation of the message much depends on close and constructive interaction of legislators with the future government of the Russian Federation. I hope that this work will be effective and coordinated, that will develop best practices of cooperation and dialogue between the Executive and legislative branches of government,” — said Putin. Earlier the first Vice-Premier of Russia Igor Shuvalov said that he wants to work where the President will say. Read also: Putin instructed to develop a decree on the national development of Russia until 2024

Kosachev skeptical of the idea of a U.S. Senator on awarding Trump peace prize for DPRK

The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 28. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev sees the statement of us Senator Lindsey Graham on the possibility of awarding the US President Donald Trump Nobel peace prize for DPRK’s unwarranted attempt to attribute to Washington a crucial role in changing the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump reacted to the meeting of leaders of the two Koreas

Trump reacted to the meeting of leaders of the two Koreas Donald trump called the meeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN and South Korean President moon Jae-Ins historic. He wrote about this in his Twitter. “After the turbulent years of the missile launch and nuclear tests going on now historic meeting between [the leaders of] North and South Korea. Good things happen, but only time will tell,” said trump. The US President added that the war between Seoul and Pyongyang ends. “The United States and the great people who live in this country should be proud of what is happening in Korea,” reads a tweet by the head of state. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий

In the Kremlin commented on the new data on indications Rodchenkova

In the Kremlin commented on the new data on indications Rodchenkova Moscow. April 27. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow has long warned international organizations that not on the testimony of Gregory Rodchenkov to base decisions related to the Russian athletes. “Even then we said that it is unlikely allegations of a gentleman to deserve such attention, and it is unlikely for them to base any serious decisions, including such respected organizations as WADA. However, we did not listen”, — said Peskov told reporters. Now, there is the fact that the person is confused in the testimony, there is the fact that the person actually confirms his lies, his slander, and the fact that the man himself confirms the invalidity of their previous words.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Earlier Sports arbitration court in Lausanne has published the reasoning of

USA made the list of “friends” and “enemies” in the UN General Assembly

USA made the list of “friends” and “enemies” in the UN General Assembly United States of America built the list of countries whose position in the UN General Assembly in most cases contrary to the views of Washington, said at the permanent mission of the United States at the world body. Among the main opponents were Zimbabwe, Burundi, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Bolivia and South Africa. There is another list, which included countries from voting in accordance with the position of Washington: Israel, Micronesia, Canada, Marshall Islands, Australia, the UK, France, Palau, Ukraine, Czech Republic, reports TASS. Earlier, the state Department published a report, which contains analysis of the results of voting in the General Assembly in 2017. According to the document in 31% of cases, most countries are members of the UN supported the US position, which is 10% less than in the previous period. A