Syrian military targets was subjected to missile attack

Syrian military targets was subjected to missile attack MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Military facilities of the Syrian army in the vicinity of the cities of Hama and Aleppo attacked with missiles, said to RIA Novosti military source. According to him, the attack was committed “by means of enemy missiles.” Earlier, a source told RIA Novosti that arms depots of the Syrian army near Hama and Aleppo could attack aircraft. The attack on the arms depot of the Syrian army in the vicinity of Hama there was a major fire. Armed conflict continues in Syria since March 2011. According to the UN estimates, the number of victims of the fighting in the country varies from 300 thousand to half a million people. Settlement is discussed at the sites of Astana and Geneva, and the last on 30 January this year in Sochi, the Syrian acdialog Congress became the first

The military operation of Kiev in the Donbass is changing the format and came under the full control of the APU

The military operation of Kiev in the Donbass is changing the format and came under the full control of the APU KIEV, April 30. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military operation in Donbass from Monday will be called Operation joint forces (EP) and pass in a new format, and strengthen the role of the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU). OOS is provided by the so-called law on the reintegration of Donbass and is designed to replace anti-terrorist operation (ATO), which was introduced by the Ukrainian authorities in April 2014. The President of the new format The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on the replacement of ATO in the Donbass for the Operation of the joint forces announced on 16 March, Recalling that it is provided by the law “On peculiarities of state policy on ensuring state sovereignty of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” (on the

Sky: the interior Minister of the UK resigned

Sky: the interior Minister of the UK resigned LONDON, April 30. /TASS/. The interior Minister of the UK amber Rudd resigned amid the scandal with the attitude of her Department for the deportation of migrants who have lived in the country for more than half a century. This was reported on Sunday by Sky News. According to him, Prime Minister Theresa may has accepted the resignation of Rudd. “The Prime Minister tonight (Sunday) accepted the resignation of Minister of internal Affairs”, — quotes the channel of the press Secretary may. According to analysts, this resignation must weaken the Prime Minister, because, firstly, Rudd was one of her closest allies, and, secondly, the scandal, in which it appeared, has roots in a time when it may have headed the interior Ministry. Thus most of the comments of political analysts is that Rudd has sacrificed his career to bring the blow of

The militants agreed to leave the South of Damascus

The militants agreed to leave the South of Damascus BEIRUT, April 29 — RIA Novosti. The Syrian government has reached an agreement with illegal armed groups on the withdrawal of the militants from the South of Damascus in exchange for the 5 evacuation of thousands of civilians from the cities of Foix and Kefraya, according to Syrian national news Agency SANA. According to the Agency, the militants will begin to withdraw from the Palestinian refugee camps “Yarmuk” in Damascus on Monday. The terrorists and their families will be moved from the Syrian capital to the province of Idlib. In the first phase of the agreement of the Shiite villages, Fua and Kefraya planned to evacuate fifteen thousand people. Also, according to the agreement, the terrorists should release 85 prisoners of the natives of the city Istabraq. The withdrawal of the militants from the South of Damascus and the evacuation of

Zakharova said, why would you need “business Skrypalia”

Zakharova said, why would you need “business Skrypalia” MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. “The fact Skrypalia” needed to justify drawing the US and UK strikes on Syria, now it has faded into the background, said the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографиймы said as soon as he started “business Skrypalia”… that all linked to Syria. Blow something on Syria inflicted. “Excellent.” At this stage this theme is himself, apparently (justified)… played rate, which was expected. Apparently, it was worth it.Maria Zakharova the program “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1” She noted that since then, the interest of the British press to the “case Skrypalia” practically has come to naught. No evidence of the use of chemical weapons in Syria the UK was not, but “they had on hand information regarding the fact that even the UK was attacked by Russia using chemical

Zakharova said that Moscow has something to tell in the case Skrobala

Zakharova said that Moscow has something to tell in the case Skrobala The official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry drew attention to the fact that “British journalists stopped in one day”, and new information on the case recently does not appear. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий MOSCOW, April 29. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Ministry intends to ignore the investigation into the poisoning in Britain of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, as Moscow has something to inform the public on this incident. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on Sunday in the program “Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “British journalists fell silent one day, like, let’s be honest, the order came everyone shut up. They all fell silent: no more in the British media doing Skrobala generally not interesting; no one is looking, no one conducts no investigations,

Pompeo spoke about the purpose of the meeting with Kim Jong-UN

Pompeo spoke about the purpose of the meeting with Kim Jong-UN WASHINGTON, April 29 — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN was the discussion of the mechanism to realize the denuclearization of the DPRK. Pompeo said that his mission was to discuss with Kim Jong-UN of American citizens detained in North Korea, and “check the mechanism of denuclearization”. “We know the story. Our eyes wide open we will negotiate the very different way than it was before. We will oblige to take irreversible steps that will demonstrate that denuclearization is to be achieved. We will not accept words and promises, we will look for steps and actions. Until then we will maintain a campaign to put pressure”, — he added. Earlier, the US Secretary of state held a private meeting with the North Korean leader. Pompeo said that

The Armenian President explained the protests in the country accumulated over the years problems

The Armenian President explained the protests in the country accumulated over the years problems Moscow. April 29. INTERFAX.RU — Political events in Armenia showed that in the country there are civil society, the brave and proud citizens, said the President of Armenia Armen Sargsyan. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Armenia has shown that there is civil society, the brave and proud citizens, who are not afraid to Express my own opinion. Regardless of process, regardless of, it is a revolution or not, the important thing is that in the country there are citizens with the right to vote,” he said in an interview with BBC News Sunday. According to him, mass protests in Armenia are “the result of accumulated over the years of problems.” These problems had an addressee, but was not solved, whether it’s corruption, social injustice, lack of vision about the future of the youth, despite their talent. There are other factors,

The Commissioner threatened the United States “triple response” in the event of the imposition of duties on EU products

The Commissioner threatened the United States “triple response” in the event of the imposition of duties on EU products Cecilia Malmstrom said that Brussels is betting on the continuation of negotiations, however, if the United States will not abandon the idea of introducing fees, Europe will be forced to take action. BERLIN, April 29. /TASS/. European Commissioner for trade Cecilia malmström threatened the United States “triple response” in the case of the introduction of Washington’s tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU. She stated in a Sunday interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “At the moment our priority is the high-level dialogue,” — said Malmstrom. She noted that Brussels is betting on the continuation of negotiations, however, if the United States will not refuse “in the long term and without any conditions” the idea of introducing fees, Europe will be forced to take action. Earlier, the European

China’s foreign Ministry rebuked the US for its interference in the internal Affairs of other countries

China’s foreign Ministry rebuked the US for its interference in the internal Affairs of other countries MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. The U.S. government often ignored the problems in the country, however, have shown remarkable enthusiasm in regard to the internal Affairs of other States. This was stated by the representative of the foreign Ministry of China Hua Chunying, said “Xinhua”. Thus, the Chinese diplomat commented on the resolution of the Senate of the United States, where it was noted that only officials from the entourage of the Dalai Lama have the right to determine who will become the Dalai Lama XV. The paper noted that any interference in this process by the Chinese government will not have power. Hua Chunying recalled that the reincarnation of living Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism is a unique system of inheritance, consisting of a set of religious rituals and historically established rules. Thus,