Every second shopping center in Russia found violations of fire safety

Every second shopping center in Russia found violations of fire safety ULAN-UDE, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. EMERCOM of Russia together with office of public Prosecutor has checked almost all shopping centers, and every second of them revealed violations of requirements of fire safety, said the head EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Puchkov. A fire in a shopping centre in Кемерово28, aPress published a letter the charges of negligence was putting out “Winter cherry” fire33фотографии33фотографии33фотографии Mass checks of shopping centres for fire safety began after the tragedy in Kemerovo. There’s a fire in TTS “the Winter cherry” on March 25 killed 60 people, including many children. The number of victims of this fire, one of the largest in Russia for 100 years. “The emergency situations Ministry and Prosecutor’s office checked almost all shopping centers, cinemas and places of mass rest of children. Every second of them has a very serious violation

Railways of the Baltic States was an obstacle to NATO

Railways of the Baltic States was an obstacle to NATO Railways of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia can be a problem to move NATO troops in the event of a conflict with Russia. To such conclusion the Institute of modern war (part of the United States Military Academy at West point), RT television reported. Experts note that the reason for this is the different distance between the inner edges of the rails in Europe and the Baltic States, where the way has not changed since the times of the Soviet Union. “Trains carrying military equipment and supplies from major NATO bases in Germany or Poland, will have to move their cargo on trains, adapted to the Russian track, or deliver it to the destination on trucks”, — stated in the report. It is clarified that both require not only considerable time, but also the involvement of trained personnel and essential military

In addition to officially nominated candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Armenia

In addition to officially nominated candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Armenia YEREVAN, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The parliamentary party “EFC” (“Exodus”) has officially nominated the leader of the protests, Pashinian as a candidate for Prime Minister of the country. This was reported by a member of the Ararat Mirzoyan. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “Today, the “EFC” will hold meetings with the other three parliamentary factions, including the ruling Republican party of Armenia (RPA)”, — he added. The parliamentarian expressed confidence that all MPs who are concerned about the fate of the country will vote for Pashinian. The candidacy of the leader of the protest movement have promised to support the former party of the ruling coalition, the Armenian revolutionary Federation “Dashnaktsutiun”. Pashinyan believes that with high probability the vote and part of the ruling RPA. The opposition leader is the only candidate for the post of head of the

Europe advised to learn from Russia

Europe advised to learn from Russia Europe must learn to define their interests, as do Russia, USA, China and Turkey. This was stated by former foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel during a meeting with students, reports Schleswig-Holshteinishe Zeitung. According to the former Minister, otherwise the EU are at risk of losing its relevance in the international arena. “One who has no power, not recognized, not only by strong countries, but also powerless,” said Gabriel. So the politician commented on the situation around the Syrian conflict and the decision of Germany not to interfere in a military operation. Gabriel added that the EU should take to understand the positions of each other. Earlier, on 19 April, the President of France Emmanuel macron explained the nonparticipation of Germany in the conflict in Syria features of the Constitution. Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas said that Germany is ready to mediate between

Israel does not comment on any involvement in strikes on Syria

Israel does not comment on any involvement in strikes on Syria TEL AVIV, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Israeli army has not commented on night strikes on military targets in Syria and reports of his possible involvement in them. “We refuse to comment,” said RIA Novosti the traditional for such cases, the wording of the employee of the press service of the army. According to the military source in Syria, the purpose of night attacks using “flares” have become warehouses of weapons to government troops around the cities of Hama and Aleppo. The attack in the vicinity of Hama was on fire. Israel has repeatedly bombed targets in Syria, explaining their actions by the desire to prevent modern weapons in the hands of hostile elements, including first and foremost the Lebanese movement “Hezbollah”, fighting on the side of the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

North Korea and South Korea decided to sync

North Korea and South Korea decided to sync The DPRK will go to the one with South Korea time. This decision was taken by the Presidium of the Supreme people’s Assembly, reports RIA Novosti. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий To set the clock for 30 minutes ahead of planned may 5 of this year. The time difference between countries occurred on 15 August 2015, when the DPRK changed the clock on half an hour ago on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Korea. The leaders of the two Koreas, Kim Jong-UN and moon Jae-In on April 27 held a summit on the South Korean part of the demilitarized zone. The heads of state signed a joint Declaration and agreed to move toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. They also said they would seek the creation of a “permanent and lasting” peace on the Peninsula and move to the agreement that

The Chinese foreign Minister will visit North Korea

The Chinese foreign Minister will visit North Korea BEIJING, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Member of the state Council of China, the foreign Minister of the country of van, And may 2-3 visit to North Korea, according to the website of the Chinese foreign Ministry. “At the invitation of his North Korean colleagues Lee Yong-Ho, the head of the Chinese foreign Ministry on may 2-3 visit of the DPRK,” the statement reads. Other details are not yet available.

Foreign Minister of Estonia told how to confront Russia

Foreign Minister of Estonia told how to confront Russia MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Estonia intends to build relations with Russia on the basis of a position of strength, said the head of Ministry of foreign Affairs Sven Mikser in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald. The mixer made a number of accusations against Moscow, in particular, claiming that Russia allegedly involved in a military operation in Ukraine. “We have seen how Russia launched two military operations against their neighbors for ten years: in 2008 against Georgia, and most recently against Ukraine. If you think about it, it is a very frightening example. In Europe of the XXI century you see a country that uses the army to achieve their political objectives without much hesitation,” the official said. The Estonian foreign Minister added that Russia “need to communicate from a position of strength”. “When you’re talking to the

Putin and macron called for strict implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 30. /TASS/. The presidents of Russia and France Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel macron during a telephone conversation called for the preservation and strict implementation of the Joint comprehensive plan of action on Iran’s nuclear program. About it reports on Monday a press-service of the Kremlin.

The interior Minister of Britain admitted that he had misled Parliament on the issue of immigrants

The interior Minister of Britain admitted that he had misled Parliament on the issue of immigrants LONDON, April 30. /TASS/. The interior Minister of the UK amber Rudd admitted that he unintentionally misled the Parliament about the availability targets for deportation of illegal immigrants. She announced this in his letter with his resignation to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may. The text of the document on Sunday has extended a press-service of the British government. “With great regret I resign from the post of Minister of internal Affairs. I think it’s necessary, because I inadvertently misled the parliamentary Committee for internal Affairs in relation to targets for deportation of illegal immigrants,” she wrote. Theresa may, accepting the resignation, in response to the letter indicated that under the leadership of Rudd “MIA pursued a tough but fair immigration policy”, working to “increase the number of expelled illegal immigrants.”