Pornographic actress filed a new lawsuit against trump for slander about her

Pornographic actress filed a new lawsuit against trump for slander about her Pornographic actress Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) filed a new lawsuit against the President of the United States Donald trump for slander in her address, said in a statement the statement of claim. The actress on Monday filed a complaint in Federal court in new York. MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The actress on Monday filed a complaint in Federal court in new York. According to the statement of Daniels, trump made it on 18 April, when he wrote on Twitter that she was involved in the fraud because of the publication made by its story portrait of a man who threatened her to keep her quiet about the relationship with the American leader. “We filed a lawsuit against trump for his latest frivolous and defamatory statements about my client Stormy Daniels. He’s well aware of

Israeli intelligence found evidence of Iran’s development of nuclear weapons

Israeli intelligence found evidence of Iran’s development of nuclear weapons TEL AVIV, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Israeli intelligence got a ton of classified material proving the presence of Iran’s military nuclear program, announced the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Incriminating statement was made live local TV in the midst of the international debate on the need for revision of the agreements reached three years with Iran over its nuclear program. “These files prove conclusively that Iran was lying about that he never had a military nuclear program,” Netanyahu said. According to him, a few weeks ago, Israeli intelligence got a ton of material, including 55 thousand pages of text documents, proving the presence of Iran’s so-called project “Amad”.

The Western coalition has completed a major combat operation against ISIS* in Iraq

The Western coalition has completed a major combat operation against ISIS* in Iraq WASHINGTON, 30 APR — RIA Novosti. The coalition headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state”* declared the end of major combat operations against terrorists in Iraq. 21фотография21фотография21фотография “Command headquarters of the joint ground forces ceased its work today in Baghdad, symbolizing the end of major combat operations against ISIS in Iraq and changes in the composition and objectives of the coalition”, — is spoken in the message of the coalition. The statement recalled that the command was engaged in supporting Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS*, which was conducted in 2014. Now the coalition forces will focus on “training and development of self-sufficient capabilities of Iraq’s security”. The US and its allies in 2014 carried out an operation against ISIS* in Iraq and in Syria, where they act without the permission of the

On Syria suffered a new blow

On Syria suffered a new blow According to unofficial data, there are dead and wounded. Arab media reported dead and wounded in new missile attack on Syria. The purpose of the attacks were military targets in Aleppo and Hama. Immediately after the first news about the strikes in the Arab social networks there was a version of another Israeli attack on Syria, the more plausible it looked against the background of reports about the Pro-Iranian armed groups, which is attacked a military base in Hama. If it is confirmed, this will be the third Israeli attack less than two and a half months. Experts say the outbreak of the Arab-Israeli war. “New aggression” against Syria, as reported by the Syrian state news Agency SANA, was made on Sunday at 22:30 local time (same as GMT). The purpose of the attacks were military targets in Aleppo and Hama. The Agency emphasizes

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the U.S. government has removed the Russian flag from the residence of the Consul General in Seattle

© AP Photo/Elaine Thompson WASHINGTON, may 1. /TASS/. The US government last night removed the Russian flag from the building of the residence of the Consul General of Russia in Seattle. On Monday told reporters at the Russian Embassy in Washington, adding that these actions are illegal and the flag should be returned to the place.

The experts considered the rally in support of the Telegram failure of the opposition

The experts considered the rally in support of the Telegram failure of the opposition A sanctioned rally in Moscow in defense of the messenger Telegram has collected a total of 7.5 thousand people, although its support was expressed Durov, Navalny and Udaltsov. Action in support of the messenger Telegram, which took place on Monday on Sakharov Avenue in Moscow gathered a few supporters, said the newspaper LOOK President of the Foundation for research of problems of democracy Maxim Grigoriev. He noted that the meeting had been agreed with the authorities, anyone could come and Express their position, and gave an option of street activity as an example of constructive dialogue. “The authorities have shown that they are willing to go to meet people, that anyone can come to the rally, but 7.5 thousand people to Moscow is a little” — said Grigoriev. He was supported by General Director of the

United States confirmed delivery to Ukraine anti-tank Javelin

United States confirmed delivery to Ukraine anti-tank Javelin The U.S. state Department confirmed the delivery on the Ukraine man-portable anti-tank missile systems Javelin, reports “Radio Freedom”. “They’ve been delivered,” — said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert in response to a reporter’s question about the fate of the complexes, without specifying what kind of numbers we are talking about. Earlier it was reported that the White house agreed to supply Ukraine 37 units and 210 missiles to them, the total cost of which was estimated at $210 million. Meanwhile, the Minister of defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak in interview Bi-bi-si has urged not to overestimate the importance of the Javelin in the South-East of the country situation. He recalled that American installations shoot at 2 km, while Ukrainian anti-tank missiles “Stugna” — 5 km. According to the Minister, the Ukrainian command intends to use a Javelin on a “difficult and threatening”.

Putin and macron discussed the Iranian nuclear deal

Putin and macron discussed the Iranian nuclear deal Russian President Vladimir Putin and French leader Emmanuel macron during a telephone conversation discussed the nuclear agreement with Iran. This was reported on the Kremlin website. “Macron informed of the outcome of his visit to the United States with emphasis on the talks on the situation around the Joint comprehensive plan of action on Iran’s nuclear program. The presidents of Russia and France called for the preservation of the Plan and its strict implementation”, — stated in the message. As noted, the leaders also discussed other topical issues of international and bilateral agenda. Earlier it was reported that the macron over an hour discussed the situation around the Iranian agreement with the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani.

Putin stressed the importance of the plan for Iran’s nuclear program by all parties

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 30. /TASS/. The President of Russia and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed by telephone the situation around the Joint comprehensive plan of action on Iran’s nuclear program, including taking into account made on Monday by the Israeli Prime Minister’s statements on this matter. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin.

Ukraine has called the “mentally retarded” Russian-speaking citizens of the country

Ukraine has called the “mentally retarded” Russian-speaking citizens of the country The former people’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the faction of “Svoboda” Irina Farion in local television called “mentally retarded” Russian-speaking citizens of countries, calling them “traitors” and “renegades”, RIA “Novosti”. “Where we now have war? Where were Russian-speaking citizens. This Lugansk, Donetsk oblast and the Crimea… Why? There was a Russian Church, Russian culture and Russian language. They are mentally retarded, these Russian”, — said Farion. It has also proposed a ban to provide education and jobs to the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine “and not to respond to Russian language,” which, in its opinion, should be unknown in Ukraine. Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian authorities protested the travel of Ukrainians to rest in Crimea.