Assistants trump hired an Israeli firm to collect dirt on the Obama administration

Assistants trump hired an Israeli firm to collect dirt on the Obama administration According to media reports, the main task is to discredit the persons preparing the nuclear deal with Iran. Moscow. May 6. INTERFAX.RU — assistants of the President of the United States Donald trump’s hired private Israeli Agency to collect compromising material on employees of the administration of Barack Obama, related to the preparation of the nuclear deal with Iran, writes in the Sunday Guardian. According to the publication, the White house contacted Israeli detectives in may last year. They wanted to collect defamatory information, in particular, Obama adviser on national security Ben Rhodes and adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden Colin Cala. They both played a key role in the preparation and conclusion of transaction with Iran. Special emphasis is given to, could the employees of the former administration to extract any benefit from the transaction with

The government of the Russian Federation on 7 may will retire

The government of the Russian Federation on 7 may will retire The name of the new Prime Minister, expected to be named within days. Moscow. May 6. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Government headed by Dmitry Medvedev, worked in the Premiership exactly 6 years, Monday to resign. But, most likely, already in a day the country will get a new Prime Minister. In 2012, the name of the candidate in the premiere, as expected, was the Medvedev — was named by Vladimir Putin less than two hours after the inauguration ceremony. This time Parliament was also not expecting a long silence of the President. As reported “Interfax” a source in the state Duma, the lower house of hope on Monday, may 7, after Putin’s inauguration to the President’s proposal on a candidate for the post of Prime Minister, and the next day this personnel issue for discussion at a meeting of

Russian Navy to get new missile ships

Russian Navy to get new missile ships Until the end of may in a part of the naval fleet of Russia will include a small rocket ship “Vishny Volochek”. This reports the press service of the defense Ministry. According to authorities, the ship undergoes the final stage of state tests in Novorossiysk. He will enter the Navy this month. In early February of 2018, it was reported that the black sea fleet of the Russian Navy will not receive small missile ship project 21631 “Vishny Volochek” until at least April 2018. The delay was caused by problems with high-speed marine diesel engine CHD622V20 China. Ship project 21631 developed by Zelenodolsk design Bureau. It is equipped with modern samples of artillery, missile, anti-sabotage, anti-aircraft and electronic weapons, including eight missiles “Calibre”. Ship displacement is 949 tons, length — 75 meters width — 11 meters. Maximum speed — 25 knots, cruising range

Lawyer trump said about his desire to change the government in Iran

Lawyer trump said about his desire to change the government in Iran MOSCOW, may 6 — RIA Novosti. The lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump, former new York mayor Rudolph Giuliani said the desire of the American leader “regime change” in Iran. He said this at the Congress of organizations advocating for the promotion of democracy in the Islamic Republic, according to Politico. “Trump is so interested in regime change in Iran, as everyone gathered at the Congress,” said Giuliani. According to the former mayor of new York, the change of power in the Islamic Republic is “the only path to peace in the middle East”. “It is more important than the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” he added. In January, trump, commenting on mass protests in the major cities of Iran, said that the United States will support the people of the Islamic Republic, “when

Media: Russian military cruiser can change the balance of power in the three regions of the world

Media: Russian military cruiser can change the balance of power in the three regions of the world Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser of the project “Storm” can change the alignment of forces in three world regions, making it more favorable for Russia. About it reports the edition Military Watch. It is noted that the use of the cruiser “Storm” in the Mediterranean sea would provide Russia the opportunity to better maintain the security of Syria and to deprive NATO to complete domination in the region. Another region where you can operate a new aircraft carrier, could be the Arctic, as “the Storm” fit to work under extreme conditions. Another area where justified the use of the cruiser, is the Asia-Pacific region. As the newspaper notes, in recent years China, Japan, USA, UK and France increased its military presence in the region, so Russia is also required to increase the forces to change

McCain refused to call out trump for his funeral

McCain refused to call out trump for his funeral American Republican Senator John McCain, who last year was diagnosed with brain cancer, announced the list of people that would like to see at my funeral. About this newspaper The New York Times, citing a relative of the Senator. According to him, McCain wants to replace the current US President Donald trump at the service attended by Vice-President Michael Penny. According to media reports, plans to trump’s also not attend the funeral. The newspaper reported that parting with the Senator will be held at the Washington Cathedral. In September 2017 John McCain, in an interview to CBS News said that in the fight against brain cancer, doctors give him a very poor prognosis. July 19, U.S. media reported that 80-year-old McCain removed a blood clot above his left eye. The tissue analysis conducted after this procedure, showed that it is a

In the fictional enemy in the Estonian teachings learned Russia

In the fictional enemy in the Estonian teachings learned Russia In Estonia, there were cyberscene, in which participated more than a thousand soldiers from 30 countries. According to legend exercises in the fictional country Beriliu attacked by Crimsone, very similar to Russia, writes The Washington Post. The publication reports that, according to legend, the mobile network stopped working when an imaginary opponent conducts exercises off the coast of Estonia. Chemicals at the water treatment plants were in the public water network. The protesters blocked the streets, the power was intermittent, and the crash of hijacked drone led to the deaths of soldiers at a NATO base. According to journalists, the legend of the exercises is based on the events of 2007. Then several Estonian websites, including those owned by government agencies, began to be subjected to hacking attacks after the end of April, the authorities began work to exhume the

The Ukrainian military are going to study the mood of the population of the South of Russia

The Ukrainian military are going to study the mood of the population of the South of Russia MOSCOW, may 6 — RIA Novosti. Centre for information and psychological operations No. 72 of the Ukrainian army posted on the procurement website tender for conducting sociological studies of the population of the South of Russia. From the technical specification of the order is that the military is interested in how residents of the southern Federal district satisfied with the current government if they are willing to participate in protests and what is their financial situation. In addition, the study should be defined the most effective communication channels for different groups of citizens depending on their socio-demographic indicators. The poll must contain at least 20 group discussion and personal interview 2000. The planned regions of the study — Adygeya, Republic of Kalmykia, Krasnodar Krai, Rostov oblast and the Crimea. The cost of the

Putin on the eve of the inauguration will hold a number of non-public workshops

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 6. /TASS/. Vladimir Putin on the last day of his third presidential term will hold a series of meetings. This was previously reported by press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The President has a number of internal working activities scheduled Sunday, may 6, in the second half of the day,” he said. “This is a non-public working meeting,” – said Peskov, without specifying the names of the interlocutors of the President.

Poroshenko said about the “impudent actions” of the Ukrainian military

Poroshenko said about the “impudent actions” of the Ukrainian military MOSCOW, may 6 — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, commenting on passing in Germany, the multinational exercise Combined Resolve, the army called his country one of the most efficient in the world. “Proud of our military, who once again proved that the Ukrainian army is one of the most efficient in the world! The organizers of the international military exercise Combined Resolve X had to change the script for bold, professional and surprisingly effective actions of Ukrainians,” Poroshenko wrote in his Facebook. Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian military during the maneuvers managed to destroy 10 pieces of enemy equipment, including four Abrams tanks, four Bradley armored vehicles, two Apache helicopter and several vehicles HMMV, as well as up to 20 personnel. From the Ukrainian side the loss amounted to one APC, two tanks and 13