Putin took disciplinary action with the Minister of transport

Putin took disciplinary action with the Minister of transport Russian President Vladimir Putin was removed from Minister of transport Maxim Sokolov disciplinary sanction imposed on him because of the situation with the airline “VIM-Avia”. The corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. “VIM-Avia” in October 2017. ceased operations due to financial problems. Its accounts payable, according to Rosaviation, is about 10 billion rubles. the air operator Certificate of the carrier is suspended. In December the Basmanny court of Moscow in absentia arrested the owner of “VIM-Avia” Rashid Mursekaev and former Treasurer Alevtina Kalashnikov, they put on the international wanted list. The arbitration court of Tatarstan on February 13 imposed “VIM-Avia” the initial procedure of bankruptcy — supervision. See also: Sony has developed a new procedure for action in case of problems at the airlines

The inauguration of the President may 7, will be held according to the established scenario

The inauguration of the President may 7, will be held according to the established scenario The inauguration ceremony of the President in the position will start may 7 at 12:00 GMT. MOSCOW, may 6. /TASS/. The inauguration ceremony of the President of the Russian Federation office on 7 may will be held on the already established, traditional scenario. About the main points in the eve of the inauguration, in an interview with TASS said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “From the beginning of the ceremony, the President will leave office (in the First building of the Kremlin) in the Grand Kremlin Palace”, — said Peskov. After arriving at BKD elected head of state will be held in the Suite of rooms through Georgievsky and Alexandrovsky in St. Andrew, where will take the oath. “After that the President will be out in the Red porch of

Saakashvili in the video with the bike promised to do away with feudal lords in Georgia

Saakashvili in the video with the bike promised to do away with feudal lords in Georgia Moscow. May 6. INTERFAX.RU — Ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili posted on his Facebook page the next video address to the Georgian citizens, which promises to return and finish off “feudal”. In the video, which Saakashvili recorded on the occasion of the 14 anniversary of the overthrow of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara of the regime of Aslan Abashidze, he stands on the background of the channel, holding the front of the bike. Saakashvili States that he is in Amsterdam. “Of course, I would be happy to congratulate you, ajarians and all citizens of Georgia, not from the streets of Amsterdam, and right in Batumi, where I would be on this bike, but nothing that time will come,” — said Saakashvili. He promised to return to Georgia to “do away with the feudal lords”,

The Turkish foreign Minister in Russian was invited to the country for tourists from Russia

The Turkish foreign Minister in Russian was invited to the country for tourists from Russia ANKARA, may 6 — RIA Novosti. Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu in Russian stated that he expects the increase in the number of Russian tourists. “We want to see even more tourists from Russia. Turkey is a very beautiful country, and Antalya is a beautiful city. Turkish cuisine is very tasty”, — Cavusoglu said in an interview with CNN Turk. Turkey in 2017, visited, or 4.72 million Russian tourists, which is 5.5 times higher than that in 2016. The Russians took the first place among vacationing foreigners. As previously stated the President of the country Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey expects this year’s growth in the number of Russian tourists up to 6 million. See also: Budget tours are not always beneficial: how to save when fluctuations of the ruble

Victory parade in Moscow will be visited by Prime Minister of Israel

Victory parade in Moscow will be visited by Prime Minister of Israel TEL AVIV, may 6 — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed he will attend the parade in Moscow in honor of Victory Day, which in the Jewish state also has the status of official holiday. The head of government on 9 may for the second time since the beginning of the year goes to the Russian capital, where he plans to discuss with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s current middle East issues, including Syria and Iran. “On Wednesday I will meet with Russian President Putin in Moscow and will take part in the parade to mark Victory Day over Nazi Germany,” he said at Sunday’s Cabinet meeting. Work announcing Netanyahu’s visit, the press service of the Kremlin announced Wednesday that he invited to the military parade on red square. The last time the Prime Minister came to

Macron intends to develop “a historical and strategic dialogue” with Putin

Macron intends to develop “a historical and strategic dialogue” with Putin The President of France Emmanuel macron said he wants “to link Russia with Europe and not to give inward”. The President said in an interview with the newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche. He stressed that he is interested in the development of “historical and strategic dialogue” with President Vladimir Putin. Also, Emmanuel macron said he would remain adamant about the issues of intervention in the Affairs of the country. “We will not allow such attempts to take place. Russian propaganda has lowered our intensity, and our Frank dialogue on Syria was allowed to convey messages to the Syrian regime,” — said the French President. He added that “to fight with the Syrian regime” he does not want. We will remind, France with the United States and Britain launched strikes on Syria on April 14. They were a response to

Israel attacked Gaza in response to the launch of the burning kite

Israel attacked Gaza in response to the launch of the burning kite The Israeli military attacked positions of Palestinian militants in the Gaza strip, Haaretz newspaper reported, citing the statement of the armed forces of the country. According to the position of the army, members of the movement “Hamas” launched the burning kites, to cause fires in Israel. In response, the Israeli army has used air power. Shortly before the stock of Hamas in the Gaza strip, an explosion occurred, killing six Palestinians. The militants accused in the incident of the “Israeli enemy”, but tel Aviv denies involvement. See also: World capitals: as they choose and why?

The foreign Ministry noted the role of Iran in the fight against international terrorism

The foreign Ministry noted the role of Iran in the fight against international terrorism MOSCOW, may 6 — RIA Novosti. Iran plays an effective role in the fight against international terrorism, including in Syria, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “With regard to counterterrorism, the example of the Syrian crisis, which was largely provoked by the actions of militants and terrorists, who, unfortunately, were the sponsors outside of Iran in finding a political settlement and an effective counter-terrorism activities in Syria might be playing a really effective and important role in the fight against terrorism,” she said in an interview with the Iranian news Agency IRNA. According to Zakharov, the role of Iran as an “active player in counter-terrorism work” is important not only for combating terrorism in Syria, but for the entire Middle East region. The official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry also noted