In the Czech Republic has denied reports about the production and storage of “Newbie”

In the Czech Republic has denied reports about the production and storage of “Newbie” PRAGUE, may 7 — RIA Novosti. Chemisette type “Beginner” in the Czech Republic was not made, was not investigated and not stockpiled, the report said the government of the Republic published on its website on Monday after meeting Prime Minister Andrew Babish with the heads of Service of information and security (SIB, counterintelligence) Michal Koudelka and military intelligence Jan Beroun. Last Thursday, Czech President Milos Zeman during his speech at TV Barrandov stated that in November of 2017, the research Institute of the Ministry of defence in Brno were tested with a nerve poison that is classified as A-230. The number of made of poison was very small, and then it was destroyed. He cited military intelligence that synthesized the venom of A-230 is referred to as a “Newbie”. However, the Czech counterintelligence considers that the

How was the inauguration of the President: photos and videos of the ceremony’s guests

© Yevgeny Biyatov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP Vladimir Putin officially took office as President of Russia. The inauguration ceremony was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace. The head of state took the oath to the nation and delivered a speech. The guests of the ceremony were politicians, community leaders, cultural figures, scientists, athletes, and many others. TASS has compiled the best photos and videos from the event.

Ukraine has accused Russia of involvement in the shelling of Mariupol in 2015

Ukraine has accused Russia of involvement in the shelling of Mariupol in 2015 KYIV, may 7 — RIA Novosti. The head of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasyl Hrytsak has accused the Russian military involvement in the shelling of Mariupol in 2015, in which 30 people were killed and over 100 injured. According to him, the security service of Ukraine will give to the international court of justice of the record allegedly intercepted telephone conversations. “We are talking about the tragic events that took place in Mariupol in connection with the shelling of the Eastern district, which took place 24 January 2015”, — said Hrytsak on Monday at the briefing, which was broadcast Ukrainian TV channels. He accused the Russian military of involvement in the attack. Hrytsak claims that “operation from the Russian Federation led by the chief of rocket troops and artillery of the southern military district of

Trump called self-defense their actions in connection with the “Russian case”

Trump called self-defense their actions in connection with the “Russian case” Moscow. May 7. INTERFAX.RU. The US President Donald trump on Monday called self-defense, all its actions connected with the investigation of the alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election of 2016. “Related to Russia witch-hunt is rapidly losing credibility. The house Committee on intelligence found no collusion, coordination or anything else with Russia,” wrote trump on Twitter. According to him, now investigators are a team of spectacular Robert Mueller to consider the version about the alleged obstruction on the part of his administration. There is no obstruction, that is called “giving back.”Donald trump President of the United States Trump has repeatedly denied the accusations against his campaign staff regarding collusion and coordination with the representatives of Russia on the eve of the American presidential election of 2016. Currently under the leadership of spectacular Muller is an investigation whose

Putin proposed Medvedev’s candidacy for Premiership

Putin proposed Medvedev’s candidacy for Premiership MOSCOW, may 7 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin has suggested the state Duma to consider candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Prime Minister, reported on the Kremlin website. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The President is obliged to nominate a candidate in accordance with the 83rd and 111th articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Then it requires the approval of the State Duma. The lower house of Parliament will consider the proposal on may 8, said Deputy Chairman of the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov. Medvedev was the President of the Cabinet the whole previous period of Putin on a post of the head of state — may 8, 2012. The formation of the government “In accordance with paragraph “a” of article 83 and article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President submitted the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev to obtain the consent

Kadyrov: Chechnya in 18 years, defeated terrorism and restored the economy

The Head Of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov © Yelena Afonina/TASS MOSCOW, may 7. /TASS/. Chechnya over the last 18 years was transformed, turning from a Republic without roads, schools and jobs in a prosperous region of Russia that defeated terrorism, said on Monday the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov on air of TV channel “Russia-1” before the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation.

A report from social media: who took selfies at the inauguration of President

A report from social media: who took selfies at the inauguration of President May 7 Vladimir Putin for the fourth time entered the office of the President of Russia. Who attended the ceremony in the Grand Kremlin Palace — the selection of photos from your social networks. ?????? #Russian #President #Putin #Krasnodarskiy #Kuban #Krasnodar #Mher #EP Publication from Savitskiy Otto (@ottosavitskiy) May 7, 2018 at 3:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The solemn ceremony of inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin #Russia #Moscow #Kremlin #Presidentputin @president_vladimir_putin @president_rf @russian_kremlin @kremlin_putin Publication of Rushan Abbyasov (@rushan_abbasov) May 7, 2018 at 3:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Sevastopol, Crimea, Altai and Kemerovo waiting for your President #Putin #Russia #Belik #Sevastopol #Duma #Duma #GOSUDARSTVENNAYA #MP #EP #Elenarussia #ЕР92 #Autoenergia Publication of Dimitri Belikov (@dabelik_sev) May 7, 2018 12:21 PDT During the download an error has occurred.

Vladimir Putin may 18, will meet with Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin may 18, will meet with Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Sochi on a visit on may 18 and will hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Merkel will come to us”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the words of the assistant to the President Yuri Ushakov. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov reported that in the chart of Mr. Putin is no contact with the leaders of Germany, USA or France. No Russian leader Donald trump, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel macron and Theresa may held several telephone talks on the situation with the alleged Syrian himachali in the Duma. In late April, Ms. Merkel met with Donald trump. Media reported that the meeting between the two leaders held a tete-a-tete was “calm” and Mr. trump “behaved properly”. CNN sources claim that the US President asked the Chancellor how to deal with Vladimir