Medvedev has headed the government

Medvedev has headed the government MOSCOW, may 8 — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Dmitry Medvedev as the head of the Russian government. Previously voted for the lower house of Parliament. For the appointment of Medvedev as the Prime Minister voted 374 members (of 83.1%) with the necessary 226 votes voted against 56, abstentions were not. Medvedev’s candidacy was supported by fraction of LDPR and “United Russia”, CPRF and “Fair Russia” voted against it. The voting was open, and the question about the premiere was the only one at the meeting. The state Duma called for Vladimir Putin submitted the candidacy of Prime Minister. The President noted that Medvedev “was led by the government in the difficult years.” “Despite these difficulties, the government managed not only to address extraordinary emergency tasks, but also to keep the perspective of development, constantly increase these opportunities are aimed at the

Russia has received responses from the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury

Russia has received responses from the OPCW on the incident in Salisbury The HAGUE, 8 may. /Offset. TASS Vitaly Chugin/. Permanent mission of the Russian Federation received from the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) the answers to the issues raised by the Russian side after the publication of the report of the OPCW on the incident to British Salisbury. This was reported on Tuesday in an interview with TASS, Russia’s permanent representative at the organization of Alexander Shulgin. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий He recalled that “the OPCW has provided technical assistance to the UK and released a report”. “We have some questions to this report, in particular, the impression was that the experts were looking for the substance, which indicated the British, — the diplomat noted. — It was not clear where it came from [chemical] BZ, why it was necessary to check a certified laboratory to send the test

Medvedev promised to submit to the state Duma proposals to increase the retirement age

Medvedev promised to submit to the state Duma proposals to increase the retirement age Moscow. May 8. INTERFAX.RU. The Russian government will soon prepare their proposals on the issue of raising the retirement age and will contribute to the consideration of deputies, said acting Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “The government its proposals will be prepared in the near future and submit them to the State Duma. I hope we’ll be able to consider,” — said, speaking before the deputies, Medvedev, whose candidacy for the post of head of the government is considered by the state Duma on Tuesday. However, he noted that the current pension system is not perfect and requires improvement. Medvedev said that Russia needs to take action on raising the retirement age, but gently and carefully. He recalled that the previous retirement age was taken in the 30-ies of the last century, when life expectancy was around

Estimated costs for the implementation of a new may of Putin’s decree

Estimated costs for the implementation of a new may of Putin’s decree New the may decrees of the President will cost eight billion rubles, said at a meeting of the state Duma, acting head of the government Dmitry Medvedev. His words leads to “Interfax”. Day 8 may at the meeting with the faction of the Communist party he said that we are talking about the plans until 2024, says RBC. According to the acting Prime Minister, he “held a dozen meetings” to provide funding for new decrees. “Within these funds, these problems will be solved”, — said Medvedev. “Minimum” means found, he said. President Vladimir Putin may 7, signed a decree on the national goals and strategic objectives of Russia until 2024. The head of state set the task before the government is to form a system of protection of patients ‘ rights, create mechanisms for direct participation of citizens

Volodin spoke about the limits of compromise in the state Duma and foreign policy

Volodin spoke about the limits of compromise in the state Duma and foreign policy Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin in the column for “Russian pioneer” has written about the existing system of compromise in the state Duma, for example, resonant “anticyclonic” bill. In addition, the Chairman of the state Duma told about the limit of applicability tradeoffs, “which is betrayal.” Dogovarivatsa with their According to Volodina, the state Duma accepted only jointly, even within the faction. “When someone takes and simplifies, saying “United Russia — she will vote for anything” — this is not so,” insists Volodin. For example, he writes the speaker of the state Duma, a bill on criminal responsibility for natural persons and fines for companies for complying with US sanctions on Russia “is not objectionable in concept” and “certainly would be supported by all” in the first reading. NewsThan the Russians threatened a ban

Peskov commented on the words of Mikhail Leontiev against Armenia

Peskov commented on the words of Mikhail Leontiev against Armenia MOSCOW, may 8 — RIA Novosti. The Kremlin considers it necessary to draw attention to the hostile statements of Vice-President of “Rosneft” Mikhail Leontiev against Armenia, his position has nothing to do with the official line of Moscow, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “First, these statements do not have and cannot have anything to do with the official line of Moscow in relation to Armenia, and also they don’t have and can’t have anything in common with those warm feelings of friendship and brotherhood, which historically is the Russians to the Armenian people. Therefore, in this case, it was probably unfortunate and awkward statements, which do not need to pay attention”, — told reporters Sands. In Armenia on April 13 passed protest actions of the opposition, speaking against the election of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan as Prime

The state Duma gave its consent to the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev as Prime Minister

© AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko MOSCOW, may 8. /TASS/. The state Duma meeting on Tuesday gave its consent to the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, the correspondent of TASS. Of the 433 MPs registered in the vote was attended by 430 people, for the candidacy of the new Prime Minister spoke 374, against 56, abstentions not.