The government will prepare proposals on the tax system, said Siluanov

The government will prepare proposals on the tax system, said Siluanov MOSCOW, may 14 — RIA Novosti. The Russian government will prepare proposals on the tax system, all decisions will be taken in the spring session, increase the personal income tax is not planned, said acting Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “In our calculations, no we have no plans to increase personal income tax… I think now the government will be formed and the government has to prepare new proposals, will with this offer to speak in the Duma to discuss, including on taxes” — he added. “We have restrictions on the period of decision — making- as the state Duma will work to the middle, the second half of July — so we need to make all the decisions during the spring session,” — said Siluanov.

Russian military praised pilots of the U.S. air force for the respectful maintenance of the Tu-95

Russian military praised pilots of the U.S. air force for the respectful maintenance of the Tu-95 American F-22A, intercepting missile carriers Tu-95MS bombers of Russian air force over neutral waters of the Pacific ocean, had acted correctly. About it the newspaper Red star said the group commander Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Managin. “Hold the pilots of the F-22A is correct, no aggressive intent is not demonstrated, only indicate their presence to a respectful, approximately 100 meters distance. Apparently took into account that our crews flew, as always, in strict accordance with International rules of using airspace over neutral waters without violating the borders of other States”, — he said. The commander of distant aircraft the General-Lieutenant Sergey kobylash, in turn, noted that American pilots “accompanied by our “strategists” about 48 minutes. “If in previous times in such cases, our aircraft were accompanied by 4-5 successive groups of fighters of the air

The head of British intelligence decided to warn Russia about isolation

The head of British intelligence decided to warn Russia about isolation Director General of the British security service MI5, Andrew Parker intends to give a speech, much of which is devoted to relations with Russia, to European colleagues in Berlin. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In his speech, Parker deals with the situation around the poisoning of a British agent and former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, and warns Moscow of possible future exclusion, RBC. Also, the head of MI5 believes the Russian authorities are violating international law and accused Russia of defamation and disinformation after the situation that occurred in Salisbury. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned in Salisbury. This incident provoked a major international scandal. London, did not submit any evidence, accused Moscow of involvement in the incident. The UK argues that a toxic substance “Newbie” was made in Russia. The Russian authorities all accusations categorically reject

Media: the Cabinet will allow companies not to disclose information about the founders

Media: the Cabinet will allow companies not to disclose information about the founders The Russian government allowed the largest domestic companies not to disclose information about the founders and the top management. About this newspaper “Izvestia”. According to the publication, through such measures, the Cabinet hopes to avoid sanctions against Russian strategic organizations and their leaders. As noted, the bill developed by the Ministry of economic development. In turn, the experts believe that the measure should be temporary, otherwise it will hit the investment attractiveness and generate a non-transparent scheme. Earlier, the Finance Ministry announced the option help sanctioned companies.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine will check the statements of the Ukrainian Consul to anti-Semitism

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine will check the statements of the Ukrainian Consul to anti-Semitism The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine will check the reports of anti-Semitic statements by the Ukrainian Consul in social networks. About this on Sunday said the foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin. “Receive messages from its users with information about our Consul in Hamburg. Check soon and let you know the result,” wrote Klimkin in Facebook. Earlier, the Ukrainian media accused the Consul in Hamburg Basil Marusinec in the publication of statements of anti-Semitic content. 5 may Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov in his Twitter account retweeted the message of one of the users of the social network with photos from the concert in Ukraine, where the audience used Nazi symbols. In cases of manifestations of Nazism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine earlier in April, and pointed out the us Congress. In an address to the

An American expert called the Russian robot tanks “revolutionary weapon”

An American expert called the Russian robot tanks “revolutionary weapon” Russia is far from its competitors in terms of developing robotic systems “Uran” this development could radically change the balance of forces in military conflicts in the future. This opinion on the pages of the journal The National Interest was expressed by an American columnist Eugene Chow. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий According to him, the Russian complexes had already passed the test of combat, in particular, the complex “Uran-6” and “U-9” proved to be good in Syria. For example, “Uranium-6”, as reported in the Ministry of defense was involved during the clearance of the streets of Palmyra, which helped to save hundreds of lives among the civilian population. Robotic complex “U-9” with powerful weapons, according to the columnist, also has been successfully tested in Syria. As RIA Novosti reported, China and the USA are also trying to develop similar robotic tanks, however, most

The media learned about the secret Skripal trip to Prague

The media learned about the secret Skripal trip to Prague British agent, a former employee of the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) Sergei Skripal, who was assassinated in the British Salisbury, secretly visited Prague in 2012. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In addition, he met several times on the territory of the United Kingdom with foreign intelligence services, including the Czech Republic. Writes Respekt, the parties were in contact on the issue of disclosure network of the Russian foreign agents. The publication notes that British intelligence, which worked Skripal, allowed him to meetings with foreign colleagues to exchange experiences. While in the Czech Republic does not associate this information with the assassination attempt on the ex-GRU officer in 2018. In early March, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned in Salisbury. This incident provoked a major international scandal. London, did not submit any evidence, accused Moscow of involvement in the incident. The British side

In the United States did not rule out sanctions against EU companies in the case of cooperation with Iran

In the United States did not rule out sanctions against EU companies in the case of cooperation with Iran Advisor to the us President for national security John Bolton admitted that after the release of the Iranian nuclear agreement the United States may impose against the European companies with sanctions for cooperation with Tehran, RIA “Novosti”. According to him, introduction of such restrictions against companies from the EU countries depends on the behavior of governments. “I hope that the Europeans will find that eventually their interest to agree with us (on Iran),” said Bolton. Earlier the Minister of oil of Iran Bijan Zanganeh said that the President of the United States Donald trump is playing a double game in the oil market.

A stranger among his own: what will the Alexei Kudrin in the chamber

A stranger among his own: what will the Alexei Kudrin in the chamber This appointment will finally eliminate an economist from real politics, but will allow the former Finance Minister to a ceremonial position. The new head of the Russian audit chamber should become the former Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Board of the Center for strategic development Alexey Kudrin. It is expected that information about the new appointment Kudrin officially confirm on Monday, may 14. This news was a disappointment to his supporters and sympathizers, who were waiting for an important post for Kudrin in the new government or the presidential administration. However, to attentive observers that Kudrin was not invited to the Cabinet of Ministers, it was not a surprise. After his mysterious dismissal in 2011, the politician never found its place in the current system. As Kudrin has lost power The resignation of Kudrin seven