The state Duma has appointed Kudrin Chairman of the accounting chamber

The state Duma has appointed Kudrin Chairman of the accounting chamber Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma on representation of the President of Russia has appointed Alexei Kudrin to the position of Chairman of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation. Candidate Kudrin suggested that the President of the faction “United Russia”. Besides it the head of state was the proposed candidate from the three opposition factions: the Communist party Deputy Yuriy Sinel’shchikova, from LDPR — auditor Maxim Rokhmistrov, from “Fair Russia” — the head of the Duma Committee on financial market Anatoly Aksakov. The state Duma last week ahead of schedule stopped powers of the previous head of the audit chamber Tatyana Golikova. Kudrin worked in the organs of state power for seven years, from 2011 — after a conflict with then occupied the post of President Dmitry Medvedev Kudrin was forced to resign as Deputy Prime

Medvedev promised the newcomers in the government a lot of difficult work

Medvedev promised the newcomers in the government a lot of difficult work The new Ministers and Vice-Ministers as soon as possible to join in the work, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the first meeting of the new government. “Those who are just embarking on his duties, I wish to join as soon as possible, I can promise that it will work a lot, and it will be difficult”, — said Medvedev to the Cabinet of Ministers (quoted by “Interfax”). He noted that there will be many large-scale projects and the government is obliged to fulfil the President’s tasks. This will depend on the development of the country, the Prime Minister said. The first meeting of the new government held five Ministers — Minister of defence Sergei Shoigu, Minister of industry and trade Denis Manturov, Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin, the Minister of energy Alexander Novak and Minister of

The most popular security forces turned out to be a Seagull and bells

The most popular security forces turned out to be a Seagull and bells And about Resguardo never heard 15% of Russians. The main instance where the Russians are ready to go in case of violations of their rights, a Prosecutor, has found out VTSIOM: in the first place there would give the statement, 48% of participants of the national telephone survey and 67% of respondents sociologists, representatives of business. The second most popular among ordinary citizens, the law enforcement Agency was the Ministry of interior (21%), but the entrepreneurs must go to court: said that 53% of respondents, while the interior Ministry is ready to go only 24%. On the Investigative Committee and the FSB are remembered, respectively, 7% and 3% of the business. In turn among the citizens to entrust the protection of their rights the courts are willing only 14% of Russians, FSB — 11%, and the TFR

Klintsevich: the call of the member of Parliament to destroy the Crimean bridge aimed at whipping up hatred

Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 22. /TASS/. Ukraine is not able to cause any damage to the Crimean bridge, the purpose of the Ukrainian deputies, who called to destroy it, is to heighten the atmosphere of hatred in society. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday, a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation: Johnson continued aggression by Russia, speaking about the strengthening of sanctions

© EPA-EFE/ANDY RAIN LONDON, may 22. /TASS/. The British authorities in many aspects undermine the reputation of their own country, continuing the unwarranted aggressive policy against Russia. This was stated by TASS in the Russian Embassy asked to comment on made in South America of a statement by the foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, who gave to understand that after Brexit the official London will be ready to take an even tougher line against Moscow. “We drew attention to the made in Argentina the words of Boris Johnson, the desire to “pounce on loved ones [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.” Perceive them as a continuation of unwarranted aggressive lines of the conservative government against Russia. It is especially significant that the head of the Foreign Office complains about the legislative restrictions that, say, prevented London to take more stringent measures against our country”, – have noted in diplomatic

Peskov promised innovations on the “straight line” with Putin

Peskov promised innovations on the “straight line” with Putin Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU — On the “straight line” the President of the Russian Federation with citizens of the country this year will use technological innovation, it is also expected a wider geographical coverage, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. He stressed that “the essence of this unique global practice with substantial and technical point of view the event will remain the same”. Peskov promised that details of the next “Straight line” journalists will be informed later. Last year’s “Direct line” with the President of Russia lasted nearly four hours, during which time the head of state answered 68 questions. The absolute record on duration of dialogue with compatriots Vladimir Putin set in 2013, when answering questions 4 hours and 47 minutes. During the download an error has occurred. Direct line last year already had a more

Peskov responded to the message on unsuccessful tests of missiles by the call to “believe Putin”

Peskov responded to the message on unsuccessful tests of missiles by the call to “believe Putin” Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called on to believe President Vladimir Putin, who said during his address to the Federal Assembly about the successful testing of nuclear rocket engine. CNBC, citing its sources reported that the new missile with a nuclear facility and unlimited range, which Putin said in March the message to the Federal Assembly, the tests are unable to cover more than 22 miles (35.4 km). According to interlocutors of the channel, the rocket was tested four times from November to February, but none of the trials did not end satisfactorily. Tests insisted Kremlin officials, although the designers claimed that the weapon to them is not ready yet, noted the sources. 6фотографий6фотографий See also: Satan, dagger and others: what kind of weapons Putin has shown to the Federal

No brakes. Boris Johnson has threatened to tighten sanctions against Russia after brexit

No brakes. Boris Johnson has threatened to tighten sanctions against Russia after brexit London believes effective sanctions Donald trump against Russian oligarchs, but notes that it has its own schemes and approaches. London with envy looks at the ability of the President of the United States Donald trump single-handedly to impose restrictions against Russian oligarchs and hopes that the UK’s exit from the EU the country will allow for more decisive sanctions policy, without agreeing it with Brussels. This was stated by the British Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson on the way to a meeting of foreign Ministers of the countries “Big twenty” in Buenos Aires. During the flight to Argentina Johnson told journalists that carefully follow the sanctions that the trump introduced on 6 April against seven Russian billionaires, 15 companies and several close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday, may 22, Bloomberg. The British foreign

Permanent mission to the UN: the West is provoking the militants in Syria to use chemical weapons

Syrian doctors on exercises to assist the victims of chemical attacks © REUTERS/Murad Sezer The UN, on may 22. /TASS/. Western countries, opposing the Russian initiatives in the UN Security Council to combat chemical terrorism, aiding the Syrian rebels on the use of toxic substances. This is stated in the help for the Syrian “chemical dossier”, published Tuesday on the official website of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the world organization.