Reuters: Penny said that USA is preparing for the trump and Kim Jong UN

Reuters: Penny said that USA is preparing for the trump and Kim Jong UN NEW YORK, may 22. /TASS/. Vice-President Michael Pence declared that Washington does not lose optimism and continues preparations for the June 12 meeting of the President of Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. This was reported on Tuesday by Reuters. It is an excerpt from an interview with Penny the Fox News channel, which has not yet aired. “Plans for the summit continue to move forward. We remain open, we remain hopeful,” said Vice-President of the United States. He reaffirmed the principled refusal of the administration to trump to go on any concessions to Pyongyang to negotiate at the highest level. “Let me be clear: the policy of the United States of America has not changed. No concessions were not requested and not given,” assured Penny. In an interview Monday he did

Poroshenko told about the happy Ukrainian soldiers on tests of “Javelin”

Poroshenko told about the happy Ukrainian soldiers on tests of “Javelin” Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko attended the first start-up in Ukraine missile complexes “javelin”. “Finally the day has come! Today for the first time in Ukraine were the launches of missiles Javelin. Thanks to them, the combat capabilities of the AFU has increased significantly,” wrote Poroshenko in Facebook. The President stressed that it is “effective defensive weapons” that “will be applied only in the case of the Russian Federation on positions of the Ukrainian troops”. During the download an error has occurred. As the press service of the Ukrainian President, Poroshenko noted that units of the Ukrainian Armed forces have undergone appropriate training to use these weapons. “Did you see the happy faces of the soldiers. Today has been a dream. It has a very symbolic meaning because it is a symbol of cooperation with

Expert: creation of ANO “Russia — country of opportunities” will improve cooperation in the regions

Expert: creation of ANO “Russia — country of opportunities” will improve cooperation in the regions MOSCOW, may 22. /TASS/. Create ANO “Russia — country of opportunities” will significantly increase the efficiency of interaction between projects within the platform, including at the regional level. This opinion was expressed on Tuesday by TASS, the rector of HSE Yaroslav Kuzminov. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of Autonomous non-commercial organization “Russia — country of opportunities”. As stated in the presidential decree published on the official portal of legal information, the new organization need to “create conditions for increasing social mobility, providing personal and professional fulfillment of citizens”. “The meaning [of the organization] that we combine in the framework of all the projects, and this organization will coordinate their activities primarily in the regions”, — said Kuzmin. This will facilitate the interaction of the organizers of these competitions with each

The Prosecutor General’s office requested to check the Roskomnadzor for blocking IP addresses

The Prosecutor General’s office requested to check the Roskomnadzor for blocking IP addresses The Internet Ombudsman considers that the Agency was guided by its own interpretation of the decision of the court. The Prosecutor’s office should review the actions of Roskomnadzor if the mass locks suffered by respectable resources. This is stated in the annual report to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, “the Book of complaints and suggestions of Russian business,” presented by the Commissioner for human entrepreneurs Boris Titov, reports TASS. Roskomnadzor started blocking IP addresses after the Tagansky court of Moscow has satisfied the requirement of the Department about the blocking of access to Telegram messenger in Russia. Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev believes that the office was guided in this “private interpretation of judgments.”

The state Duma supported the introduction of expenditure control and ex-officials

The state Duma supported the introduction of expenditure control and ex-officials The state Duma adopted in the first reading of the proposed by the Prosecutor General and submitted by President draft law on control over compliance costs of the former officials to their income received during the tenure provides for the Declaration of income. The purpose of the bill was called the deprivation of the corrupt able to use illegally obtained funds. The decision to control costs ex-officials accept the General Prosecutor’s office, and ex-official are required to notify in writing the text of the amendments. The control of transactions conducted within 6 months from the date of departure of the person from the public service, “if the total amount of such transactions exceeds the total income of such person and its spouse (spouse) for the last three years preceding the year of transaction”. We are talking about the acquisition

Russia invited the United States to respond to the scandal with the French plant in Syria, paid IG

© AP Photo/Christophe Ena NEW YORK, may 23. /TASS/. Russia has offered the United States to consider how to respond to the story of the cement plant of the French company Lafarge in Syria, which is suspected of financing criminal gangs Arab Republic, including the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This was stated on Tuesday by Russian journalists in new York the Deputy Director of the Department of new challenges and threats of the Russian foreign Ministry Dmitry Feoktistov at the end of another round of Russian-American consultations on the issue of combating the financing of terrorism.

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the digital economy

The state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill on the digital economy MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. The state Duma plenary session on Tuesday adopted in the first reading a bill which proposes to introduce into the Civil code of the Russian Federation the concept of “digital law”, “digital money” and other definitions in the field of digital economy. BTC 7932.35 -180.40 ETH 641.50 -14.35 LTC 126.88 -2.77 BCH 1096.70 -49.20 The document submitted by a group of deputies headed by speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, implements civil legislation the concept of “digital law”, which refers to the collection of electronic data (digital code designation) certifying the rights on things and other property, results of works, services and exclusive rights. The turnover of digital rights will be effected only through records in information system. Under the definition of digital rights will be subject to the existing at the moment

Putin signed a decree on the establishment of non-profit organization “Russia — country of opportunities”

Putin signed a decree on the establishment of non-profit organization “Russia — country of opportunities” The organization will create conditions for increasing social mobility and ensuring the personal and professional self-realization of citizens. MOSCOW, may 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of Autonomous non-commercial organization “Russia — country of opportunities”. As stated in the presidential decree published on the official portal of legal information, the new organization need to “create conditions for increasing social mobility, providing personal and professional fulfillment of citizens”. The document States that the founder of the organization on behalf of the Russian Federation is the administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation, “the property of a nonprofit organization is formed at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the Federal budget, voluntary property contributions and donations and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation”. Putin instructed the Administration

Kudrin spoke about his role in the creation of the latest weapons

Kudrin spoke about his role in the creation of the latest weapons MOSCOW, may 22 — RIA Novosti. Former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, appointed earlier on Tuesday the state Duma the head of the Russian audit chamber, told about his participation in creating unparalleled in the world of weapons that showed the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the message to the Federal Assembly. Putin on March 1 address to the Federal Assembly said that Russia has a hypersonic weapon systems “avant-garde” and “Dagger” as well as nuclear submarines-drones, combat lasers and missile with a nuclear power plant. In addition, according to Putin, began the active phase of testing a new Intercontinental ballistic missile “Sarmat”. It will replace the heaviest in the world, strategic rocket “Governor” (NATO classification — “Satan”). Read more: Peskov replied to the message on unsuccessful tests of missiles by the call to “believe Putin” 6фотографий6фотографий