The BBC told about the bribe to the lawyer at the trump organization meeting with Poroshenko

The BBC told about the bribe to the lawyer at the trump organization meeting with Poroshenko Attorney Michael Cohen, representing the interests of the American President Donald trump, received a bribe of about $400,000 from members of the Ukrainian government. For the money he was to arrange a meeting trump with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, reports the BBC, citing sources in Kiev. According to sources, money was transferred by intermediaries on behalf of Poroshenko. For Cohen they went through the member of Parliament involved with Jewish charitable organization in the state of new York. A source in the administration Poroshenko said that the Ukrainian leader wanted to meet with trump, similar “to “negotiations”. Another source claims that the Ukrainian side has paid Cohen $600 000. The meeting between the two leaders was held in Washington in June 2017. According to sources, the bribe trump might not know. The

Business is ready to suffer, but only the administrative

Business is ready to suffer, but only the administrative The Board of legislators will discuss a bill on the punishment of “execution of anti-Russian sanctions” again. The expert Council of lawmakers at the state Duma discussed amendments to the penal code introducing responsibility for “enforcement of the anti-Russian sanctions”. Representatives of the business community suggested deputies to soften the bill, replacing criminal penalties with administrative, as well as to specify the wording of the law. Experts and parliamentarians decided to send the document back for revision, until the second reading, he will once again go through the Board of legislators. “Disagreement” business calls the first paragraph of the amendment, which criminalizes the enforcement of foreign sanctions on Russia. This means that entrepreneurs can be punished, for example, for refusing to work in Crimea from-for fears to get under sanctions of the West. The bill was already passed by the state

Zakharova in connection with the situation with Abramovich said about the politicization of the London visa issues

Zakharova in connection with the situation with Abramovich said about the politicization of the London visa issues According to British media, London may require a businessman to explain the origin of its capital. Moscow. May 23. INTERFAX.RU — IN Moscow I do not see anything new in the situation with issue of visas to Russian businessman Roman Abramovich, but note the politicization of the London process for issuing visas, spokesman of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. There is no innovation here, just stopped to bother some distinct explanations.Maria Saharanafrican the representative of the MFA of Russia According to her, the situation with the issuance of British visas to Russian citizens in General are politicized. “Of course, we see the politicization of these issues. We don’t just regret it, we believe that does not correspond to the commitments undertaken in the UK”, she added. Earlier it became known that the

HSE and Transparency International urged the Duma to adopt a code of MP

HSE and Transparency International urged the Duma to adopt a code of MP Despite the fact that the UN Convention against corruption was ratified by the Russian Parliament in 2006, the State Duma has still not adopted the recommended code of conduct, ethics. This draws the attention of international non-governmental organization Transparency International, has sent a letter to the head of the Duma Committee on rules Olga Savastianova, which was at the disposal of RBC. Also it was signed by the representatives of the HSE, charitable center for assistance to victims of sexual violence “Sisters”, the project “” and a consortium of women’s non-governmental associations. The document States that the Group of countries against corruption, to which Russia is a member since 2007, also calls on the Duma to adopt a parliamentary code. “In this regard, we ask you to develop, put out for public consultation and then submit to

In the state Duma proposed to restrict advertising of soda, energy drinks, sausages

In the state Duma proposed to restrict advertising of soda, energy drinks, sausages MOSCOW, may 23 — RIA Novosti. The state Duma Committee on health protection proposes to limit the advertising of soda, energy drinks, hot dogs and sausages, according to draft recommendations prepared by the participants of the round table in the state Duma on the topic of food quality and problems of obesity in Russia. “The expert community indicated the need for information barrier, restrictions on advertising the most harmful food products, namely sweetened carbonated beverages, soft drinks, products of processed meat (sausages, sausages), foods with a high content of salt and TRANS fats”, — the document says. In addition, to reduce the availability and, consequently, the consumption of sugar-containing drinks, offered to raise taxes for manufacturers of soda and impose excise taxes on them. The DG also said the government should consider increasing the minimum amount of

Business requests to soften the bill on punishment for the execution of sanctions

Business requests to soften the bill on punishment for the execution of sanctions Business representatives discussed with the deputies at the meeting of the Council on lawmaking in the state Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin suggestions for revision for the second reading of the bill on punishment for the execution of anti-Russian kontrsanktsy. Last week, members decided not to approve the amendments to the criminal code without further consultation with the business. In the meeting on Wednesday was attended by the heads of the Association of retail companies (ACORT), European business (AEB), commercial-industrial and Public chambers, “Business Russia”, representatives of Sberbank and VTB, “X5 Retail group”, PMC. “You have the opportunity to make amendments before the second reading, to discuss the proposals with the relevant committees — called representatives of the business community Volodin. On Tuesday, the Duma approved the organic law on counter-sanctions that had reduced compared to the original

Kostin has called US sanctions against him is unfair

Kostin has called US sanctions against him is unfair President-Chairman of Board VTB Alexey Kostin called “unfair” sanctions imposed on it by U.S. authorities. About it the banker said in an interview with CNBC. The interlocutor of TV channel emphasized that the latest US sanctions list, he was listed among the “officials of the Russian government” though is the “Chairman of one of the leading commercial banks”. “I brought in the (sanctions) list among the high-ranking government officials, whom he is not. I am the Chairman of one of the leading commercial banks”, — said Kostin. He stressed that has nothing to do with the undermining of American democracy, hacker attacks or illegal activities, including in Ukraine. Such reasons Washington explained the restrictions. “All the banking community around the world knows me as a banker,” added Kostin. He said that Russian companies targeted by sanctions, account for about 2% of

Medvedev signed instructions on the implementation of the “may” decree

Medvedev signed instructions on the implementation of the “may” decree Moscow. May 23. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed instructions to the members of the government to implement the national goals and strategic tasks of development of the country until 2024 as contained in the “may decree” of President Vladimir Putin. “The Ministry of economic development of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Finance to prepare with participation of interested Federal Executive bodies and to submit to the government projects the Main activities of the government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 and forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024, ensuring the achievement of national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 identified in paragraph 1 of the decree”, — said in the text of the instructions issued by the press service of the government.