Ukraine has extended black list of Russian citizens and companies

Ukraine has extended black list of Russian citizens and companies On the website of the President of Ukraine published (.pdf) the updated lists of persons placed under personal sanctions of the country. They 1748 756 physical and legal entities (compared to 1228 and 468 in the previous year). It is noted that the sanctions were synchronized with lists of the U.S. Treasury. Among the new defendants — the head of “Gazprom” Alexey Miller, businessmen Oleg Deripaska, Igor Rotenberg, Suleiman Kerimov, Vladimir Bogdanov, Viktor Vekselberg, the head of Board of Bank VTB Andrey Kostin. Among other things, the Ukrainian government announced the freezing of assets of the General Director of MIA “Russia today” Dmitry Kiselev. According to the document, against Dmitry Kiselev applied the following measures: “the freezing of assets — temporary restriction of a person’s right to use and dispose of its property; prevent the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine;

AmCham told about the complaints of business in the United States on sanctions against Russia

AmCham told about the complaints of business in the United States on sanctions against Russia St. PETERSBURG, may 24 — RIA Novosti. About 84% of U.S. companies believe that sanctions had a negative impact on their business development in Russia, according to a study by the American chamber of Commerce in Russia (AmCham Russia), presented on the sidelines of the St Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). The study is based on survey data on the prospects of direct investment and bilateral trade between Russia and the United States. About 84% of U.S. companies believe that sanctions had a negative impact on their business development in Russia, according to a study by the American chamber of Commerce in Russia (AmCham Russia), presented on the sidelines of the St Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). The study is based on survey data on the prospects of direct investment and bilateral trade between Russia

Members of Yekaterinburg will consider the resignation Roizman as mayor and amendments to the city Charter

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS EKATERINBURG, on may 25. /TASS/. The deputies of the Yekaterinburg city Duma on Friday at extraordinary meeting will consider the resignation of mayor Yevgeny Roizman, and will also discuss changes to the city Charter on the abolition of the direct election of the mayor. This was reported by TASS in the press-service Gordumy.

Peskov: Russia is not planning a hacker attack against Ukraine

Peskov: Russia is not planning a hacker attack against Ukraine SAINT PETERSBURG, may 24. /TASS/. Russia is not planning a hacker attack against Ukraine, assured the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Russia is not planning a hacker attack via routers”, — said the representative of the Kremlin. Earlier media reports emerged about the alleged impending large-scale attack on Ukraine through the network device. About the threat, according to media reports, Ukraine has warned of the United States.

Media: Roman Abramovich went to Israel for citizenship

Media: Roman Abramovich went to Israel for citizenship TEL AVIV, may 24. /TASS/. Russian businessman Roman Abramovich on Thursday will arrive in Israel, where you can begin the process of obtaining Israeli citizenship. With this statement made by the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom (“Israel today”). According to the newspaper, Abramovich has decided to take this step after difficulties with UK visa. The owner of the British club Chelsea, like the newspaper, currently is building a large mansion in the prestigious tourist area of tel Aviv, Neve Tzedek. The Israeli newspaper Globes in April 2015, it was reported that Abramovich bought for $25 million hotel “Varsano” in Neve Tsedeke, which was the first property bought by them on the territory of the Jewish state. According to the newspaper, the Russian billionaire bought the adjacent to the hotel a total area of 1.5 thousand sq. m. In the same period, indicates Globes,

Alexei Kudrin: sanctions take away 0.5% of GDP of Russia

Alexei Kudrin: sanctions take away 0.5% of GDP of Russia The Chairman of the accounts chamber of Russia Alexei Kudrin said that after the last wave of sanctions, their impact on economic growth increased to 0.5% of GDP. He said this in his speech at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF). Previously, the Swiss business school IMD ranked the competitiveness of major economies. Russia rose from 46th to 45th place out of 63 possible. Thus deterioration or maintain the position of the Russian Federation fixed in three of the four groups of indicators that make up the final grade: quality of regulation, infrastructure status and business performance. Some improvement is only of the macroeconomic indicators. HelpAs new American sanctions impact on ruble and stock market What is happening in the stock market which will depend on the ruble in the near future.Read more

The Russian foreign Ministry called unfounded the version of the investigation on the crash Boeing in the Donbass

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, may 24. /TASS/. A joint investigation group (SSG), which deals with the investigation of the crash Boeing in the Donbass in 2014, ignored Russia collected information. This is stated in a Thursday statement, foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

Siluanov: taxes will not be changed over the next six years

Siluanov: taxes will not be changed over the next six years SAINT PETERSBURG, may 24. /TASS/. The government will not change the tax regime over the next six-year period. This was stated by first Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov on the sidelines of the SPIEF-2018. He said that the tax system is waiting for a certain ponastroila. In particular, the Ministry of Finance intends to simplify the tax relationships with small businesses, individual entrepreneurs and self-employed who is working in the grey sector. “We are creating a mechanism that could be of interest to these entrepreneurs, so they opened up, worked in white. This is a great contribution to the GDP,” — said the first Deputy Prime Minister. According to him, the development of protectionist relations growth rate of the world economy. “Indeed, we see in General that the world economy is growing quite steadily, successfully, at

Peskov: “Direct line” with the President will be held before the 2018 world Cup

Peskov: “Direct line” with the President will be held before the 2018 world Cup MOSCOW, may 24. /TASS/. “Straight line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin will be held before the world championship on football which will pass in Russia from June 14 to July 15. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov in interview to TV channel NTV. “She’s [Direct line] will be up to the world Cup, we will promptly inform you about it. There will be some innovations and technological innovations, and substantive innovations,” he said, without revealing details. This Peskov said that the meaning of the event remains the same: communication of the President with citizens and receive feedback. Press Secretary of the President has reminded that a straight line — unique format, which have no analogues in the world. Peskov also commented on the world Cup, expressing the view that he “will be

Russian military deny the impact of the US coalition for Syrian troops

Russian military deny the impact of the US coalition for Syrian troops Messages about the impact of the US-led coalition against the positions of Syrian troops is not true. About this reports the number of Russian media, citing a military source. Previously, the Agency SANA reported that the aircraft of the international coalition led by the USA attacked two army positions in Syria near the border with Iraq, about 100 km from the river Euphrates. The Pentagon could neither confirm nor deny this information.