The Kremlin has promised to eliminate “unnecessary stressors” from the act on the punishment of sanctions

The Kremlin has promised to eliminate “unnecessary stressors” from the act on the punishment of sanctions President Vladimir Putin called for a mitigation of the bill on the punishment of sanctions, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The decision was made, therefore, to exclude the concerns of companies operating in our market, investors who are interested in our market”, — said Peskov. Previously, “Interfax” and “RIA Novosti” reported that Putin discussed the bill with the heads of foreign companies at St. Petersburg international economic forum. According to the meeting participants, Putin promised that the bill will be finalized, and foreign investors will not suffer for compliance with anti-Russian sanctions. How exactly will finalize the bill, Peskov did not say: “As the technologically that is done will be explained later.” “But the principle is that this bill should not introduce unnecessary constraints and irritants to investors,”

Zampolpreda in UrFO: accumulated resource base will help the fore in the Magadan region

The former mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov © Donat Sorokin/TASS YEKATERINBURG, may 28. /TASS/. The former mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov was appointed acting Governor of Magadan region, with the accumulated Ural resource base to be relevant and effective in his new post, told TASS on Monday, Deputy presidential Plenipotentiary envoy to the Urals Federal district (UFD) Boris Kirillov. As previously reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on early termination of powers of the Governor of the Magadan region Vladimir Baked. The acting head of the region appointed Sergey Nosov.

Putin accepted early resignation of the head of Yakutia

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has accepted the resignation of Yegor Borisov from the post of the head of Yakutia, appointed acting head of the Republic of the mayor of Yakutsk aysena Nikolaev. This is the official website of the Kremlin. “Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Aysen Nikolaev, during which it announced the decision to appoint him acting head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”, – stated in the message.

Medvedev has distributed duties among Deputy Prime Ministers

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS GORKI, may 28. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has distributed duties among his deputies 10. The Prime Minister signed the document, seen by TASS. About the main task In conversation with journalists the press-Secretary of Prime Minister Natalya Timakova has reminded that the main task which was put by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin before the new government is the achievement of the indicators set out in the may decree.

May decided to keep trump from the protests

May decided to keep trump from the protests Prime Minister Theresa may called on the President of the United States Donald trump to avoid the protests to meet with her outside of London. It is reported by the tabloid the Sun. British Ambassador to United States Kim Darroch will present the White house two programmes of the visit. One of them will include a meeting at 10 Downing street, the other in the suburban residence of the Prime Minister at Chequers. “We are ready for both options. However, we made it clear that he would prefer President’s choice in favor of Checkers,” — said the publication in the British government. This decision is connected with tens of thousands of protesters who promised to take to the streets of the British capital in the case that trump will arrive in London. As writes the edition, they may consider meeting with the

Putin dismissed the Governor of the Magadan region

Putin dismissed the Governor of the Magadan region MOSCOW, may 28 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent in resignation at own request of the Governor of the Magadan region Vladimir Baked and signed the decree appointment of Sergey Nosova, acting head of the region, reported the press service of the Kremlin. “To appoint Nosov Sergei Konstantinovich, acting Governor of the Magadan region before the entry into office of a person elected the Governor of the Magadan region”, — stated in the decree. Noses prior to this appointment was head of administration of Nizhny Tagil.

The head of Yakutia announced his resignation

The head of Yakutia announced his resignation YAKUTSK, on may 28./TASS/. The head of Yakutia Egor Borisov announced the resignation of the head of the region. Publication of Yegor Borisov (@egafborisov) May 28, 2018 at 2:13 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “I made a conscious decision to resign at his own request. I think that today has matured to this point. The Republic needs a new leader,” he wrote on his page in Instagram. “I want to thank the people of Yakutia for the confidence of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for support and understanding, the authorities of the Republic for cooperation”, — he wrote. 63-year-old Yegor Borisov head of Yakutia in September 2010. She started out with as a repairman. Since 1991, he held various Executive positions in the country — Deputy Minister of agriculture, first Deputy Chairman, the Deputy Chairman of the Republican Cabinet

Nosov said that the appointment of the acting head of the Magadan region became for it unexpected

The former mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov © Donat Sorokin/TASS YEKATERINBURG, may 28. /TASS/. The ex-mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov said that the decision of President Vladimir Putin to appoint him as the acting Governor of the Magadan region was unexpected for him. “Indeed, suddenly, [the appointment to the post of acting head of the Magadan region]. I have repeatedly said that is ready to execute any order of the President of any complexity, in any point of Russia. Any region is difficult, there are some difficulties, but there are probably features that give benefits depending on the challenges that face the region within the country. As for the Magadan region, I first need to understand and understand that it is for the region,” said Nosov, the TASS Monday.

Kept balance, has increased the quality of life: experts on the contribution of Borisov to the development of Yakutia

Egor Borisov © Yuri Smityuk/TASS 63-year-old Yegor Borisov, Yakutia headed for almost eight years — from September 2010. He began his career as a mechanic-repairman in his native Churapchinsky district, since 1991, he held various senior posts at Republican level. In 1997, resigned from the government and for five years headed the Yakut research Institute of agriculture. Returned to the regional Cabinet in 2002, was the first Deputy Chairman of the government, from 2003 to 2010 he held the post of Prime Minister of Yakutia. The head of the region was approved in 2010. In this post, Borisov was replaced prematurely resign Vyacheslav Shtyrov, who went to the Federation Council. In 2014, a year before the expiration of the term, Borisov went to early elections and gained more than 58% of the vote. Borisov had significant managerial experience, satisfied Federal and local elites, says head of Department of history, social

The Governor’s five-year plan of Vladimir Baked

Vladimir Baked © Vladimir Gerdo/TASS 68-year-old Vladimir Baked led the region for five years, prior to that, he was mayor of the regional capital of Magadan. 3 Feb 2013 the President appointed Pecheny acting Governor of Magadan region Nikolai Dudov is, whose powers expired. In September 2013 he won the election, gaining 73,11% of voters. Transport and social issues Experts on-to a miscellaneous estimate results of the work of Vladimir Baked on a post of the head region. According to the analyst of the Centre for social innovation “Black cube” Natalia Kolomeitseva, for five years the region’s economy has not grown. “I am sure that the real reason for the dismissal was the so-called “may” decrees of the President, or rather, their actual implementation on the ground,” — says the analyst.