Kim Jong-UN took Lavrov to Pyongyang

Kim Jong-UN took Lavrov to Pyongyang Moscow. May 31. INTERFAX.RU — North Korean Leader Kim Jong-UN has met in Pyongyang with foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, said “Interfax” a source in the Russian delegation. “The Chairman of the state Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN took on an official visit to Pyongyang, the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Later, the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed the meeting of the leader of North Korea with the foreign Minister of the Russian Federation. “In Pyongyang Sergey Lavrov, the Chairman of the state Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN,” — said in Twitter the Russian foreign Ministry. Also, the Russian foreign Ministry posted photos on which Kim Jong-UN and Lavrov shake hands. ????Pyongyang Sergey Lavrov, the Chairman of the state Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN — Russian foreign Ministry ?? (@MID_RF) May 31, 2018 Lavrov arrived in Pyongyang

Gerashchenko explained the “necessity” of staging the murder of Babchenko

Gerashchenko explained the “necessity” of staging the murder of Babchenko MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. Member of the Board of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Anton Gerashchenko on air of TV channel “112 Ukraine” explained the “necessity” of staging the murder of the journalist Arkady Babchenko. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий According to him, to prove in court the guilt of the organizer of the attempt, it was necessary to fix “the fact of the reporting of the organizer to customers”. “It was necessary to create a complete and realistic impression of the organizer, which was held in Kiev, that this murder occurred,” — said Gerashchenko. He noted that Babchenko could refuse to “take the risk”, but decided, realizing the need to document the customers ‘ communication with the performers. The very staging Gerashchenko called the method of “old as the world.” What happened On Tuesday evening, the

Assad said that Moscow’s position kept the West from a comprehensive attack on Syria

Assad said that Moscow’s position kept the West from a comprehensive attack on Syria Moscow. May 31. INTERFAX.RU — Syria because of Russia escaped a massive attack by the Western countries after the alleged use of chemical weapons by Damascus in Eastern ghouta, said the country’s President Bashar al-Assad. “We believe there are two points. First, they told this story, the lies, and the public around the world and in the West did not believe them. But there was nowhere to retreat. Had to do something, though not as large,” he said in an interview with RT. “Secondly, this was due to the position of Moscow. As you know, then the Russians openly said that they are ready to destroy the launch points of the missiles. According to our information (the evidence we have, there is only information but true) — they (Western countries – if) considered the option of

What will change in life of Russians from June 1

What will change in life of Russians from June 1 Act Avialeasing, new rules for debtors, simplified registration of road accident and other innovations. Hooliganism on Board an aircraft could face a “suspended flight” — from June the airline will have the right to make aviakerosene in the black list. In addition, since the beginning of summer comes into effect several new rules concerning the relations of debtors and creditors, and motorists waiting for the update of the layout and facilitate the procedure of registration of road accident. Read more about these and other innovations June, read the material portal Farewell to the familiar “W”, evroprotokol and new layout Perhaps the most change in June expects motorists. So, on June 1, decided to cancel the mandatory application of stickers with a “W” on the glass of the car with studded tires. The requirement introduced in late 2017, then the

For Nazarbayev secured the right to life to head the security Council of Kazakhstan

For Nazarbayev secured the right to life to head the security Council of Kazakhstan ASTANA, may 31 — RIA Novosti. The Senate (upper chamber) of Parliament of Kazakhstan on Thursday approved a bill on the security Council, which, in particular, enshrines the right of the incumbent President Nursultan Nazarbayev to life to lead the security Council, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. In February, justice Minister Marat Beketayev said to reporters that the legislative recognition of the right life of the first President of Kazakhstan Nazarbaev to head the security Council follows from the carried out constitutional reforms and is a factor of stability. “It is established that the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — the leader of the nation because of his historical mission for life has the right to lead the security Council as President”, — said in the conclusion of the Committee of the Senate (upper

Nikki Haley chastised the security Council for refusing to condemn the shelling of Israel by Palestinian militants

Nikki Haley chastised the security Council for refusing to condemn the shelling of Israel by Palestinian militants UN, may 31. /TASS/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley on Wednesday criticized members of the UN Security Council criticized because they did not support a draft statement condemning a rocket attack on Israel by Palestinian militants from the Gaza strip. Speaking at a meeting convened at the request of Washington emergency meeting of the security Council, the American diplomat rebuked them of double standards. “The United States convened this meeting to talk about the dangerous and destructive activities of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza strip. It could be assumed that other members of the Security Council will join us in condemning the terrorist organization that is Hamas, and it is not negotiable. But, of course, because that attack concerned Israel applies a different standard,” said the diplomat.

Lavrov met with Kim Jong-UN

DPRK leader Kim Jong UN and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Valery sharifulin/TASS PYONGYANG, may 31. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov concluded his visit to Pyongyang meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. This was reported in the Russian foreign Ministry.

Zakharov: Kiev anti-Russian hysterics forgot about morality, human rights and humanity

Zakharov: Kiev anti-Russian hysterics forgot about morality, human rights and humanity MOSCOW, may 30. /TASS/. Anti-Russian hysteria was the only way that allows the Ukrainian authorities to control under the dictatorship of nationalism in the country. This assessment of the situation around the staging of the murder of journalist Arkady Babchenko announced on Wednesday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “We had already used: anti-Russian hysteria is the only thing that allows you to control under the dictatorship of nationalism in Ukraine. Well, while the means of implementation of this strategy, the more little things like morality, human rights, humanity, have long been in Kiev are not the subject of discussion,” she wrote on the page in Facebook. In addition, the diplomat warned that the current Ukrainian authorities will continue to build policy on such principles. “How will be in 2018, Russia said in 2013. Didn’t

Presidential personnel reserve: two regions acquired new heads

Presidential personnel reserve: two regions acquired new heads MOSCOW, may 30 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday appointed the new head of the Amur region, the former which Governor Alexander Kozlov has previously served as head of the Ministry for development of Russian Far East and Altai Krai. Both the acting was part of the presidential reserve of administrative shots. In the afternoon it became known that the Russian President has accepted the resignation of Altai Governor Alexander Karlin, who led the region for 13 years, and held a meeting with Viktor Tomenko, who will temporarily fulfil duties of the head of region. Prior to this appointment, stated acting first Vice-Governor and Chairman of the government of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The acting Governor of the Amur region became eks-the Minister of economic development of the Amur region, Vasily Orlov, which in 2015 went to work at SIBUR. Intelligent

The Union of journalists of Russia said about professional suicide Babchenko

The Union of journalists of Russia said about professional suicide Babchenko Secretary of the Union of journalists of Russia (szhr) Ashot jazoyan in an interview said that the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko came out of the profession when he signed up for special operations of security Service of Ukraine (SBU). 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Previously, on 30 may the head of the SBU Vasily Gritsak reported that Babchenko, who was allegedly shot dead may 29, survived. According to him, information about the murder of the journalist was part of a planned operation, which was intended to prevent an attack. At a press conference attended by himself Babchenko. He apologized to friends and relatives who knew nothing about intelligence operations. Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called “murder” of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko best news, adding that the propaganda effect inherent in this story is obvious. When Babchenko signed its