To nominate candidates for election to the state Duma without the collection of signatures can 14 parties

© Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Fourteen parties can nominate candidates for by-elections to the state Duma in single-mandate constituencies without collecting voter signatures. The corresponding list of parties approved on Friday at a meeting of the Central election Commission of Russia. The list of parties has not changed since the Duma elections of 2016. According to the law to participate in elections to the lower chamber without collection of signatures of parties that have passed the results of the last elections to the state Duma or a list of which is gained in this election, 3% or more, and parties with at least one elected on the list of deputies in regional legislative Assembly.

Lavrov called futile attempt to influence Russian policy

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. Russia will ensure its sovereignty in any event. This was stated on Friday, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with representatives of Russian NGOs. “Influence attempts on our line, position – foreign and domestic – is futile, – he stressed. – Our country is able in any event to ensure its sovereignty, to protect the rights of citizens”.

Russia urged the US to declassify information about the “Novice”

Russia urged the US to declassify information about the “Novice” The Russian Embassy in the U.S. reacted to the approval of the Ministry of defence that the Syrian opposition with the support of US special operations forces preparing a provocation with the use of toxic substances. This was the diplomatic mission said in his Twitter account. “Even the state Department spokesman can’t deny the similarity of the scenarios of provocation with chemical weapons in Syria. American open data Newbie! Destroy its stockpiles of chemical weapons!”, — say diplomats. The statement of the diplomatic mission added links to two videos on YouTube in which eyewitnesses claim about raising survey himataki in the Syrian Duma on 4 April. On 11 June the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov said that another reason for the airstrike of the US coalition against Syria will be the staging of the upcoming

National Interest: “Terminator 3” will win the most deadly weapons in the U.S.

National Interest: “Terminator 3” will win the most deadly weapons in the U.S. MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. Developed in Russia fighting machine infantry support (BMPT) “Terminator 3” can shoot down drones, which are “the most lethal weapons of the United States,” reads the material National Interest. The third generation BMPT-72 “Terminator”, the author writes, can hit all types of targets: air, ground, and animate and inanimate power of the enemy. While in new versions appear ammunition “air — ground” with a variable trajectory and the possibility of detonation during the flight, which will allow “Terminator 3” to shoot down unmanned aerial vehicles, the article said. However, the author believes, the transformation of the BMPT-72 in platform combat drones raises a number of questions. The expert notes that “Terminator 3” will be equipped with guns, grenade launchers, machine guns, anti-tank missiles and anti-ship weapons. “Where to place the weapons

The US has warned the Syrian authorities from the onset of the South-West of the country

The US has warned the Syrian authorities from the onset of the South-West of the country WASHINGTON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The US warned the government of Syria from a military offensive in the area of de-escalation in the South-West of the country and called on Russia to exert influence on Damascus to save this zone. “The United States remains concerned about reports of the upcoming operations of the Syrian government in the South-West of Syria in the zone of de-escalation, agreed between the US, Jordan and the Russian Federation in the past year and confirmed by the presidents (Donald) trump and (Vladimir) Putin in November, da Nang in Vietnam”, — stated in the message of the state Department. “We reiterate that any military action by the Syrian government against the South-Western area of de-escalation can lead to a wider conflict. We reaffirm that the United States will take

Management companies and TSZH will be able to request money from the state

Management companies and TSZH will be able to request money from the state Management companies and homeowners associations (HOA) can directly request the Federal subsidies for energy-efficient overhaul of the state Corporation “Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services” (utilities Fund). About the upcoming new rules stated in the amendments of the Ministry of construction (available to “Izvestia”). Previously this could only be done through the regional authorities, which led to red tape and delays. Thanks to energy-efficient renovation and insulation of walls, attic and the installation of individual nodes of regulation can achieve 40% cost savings of the citizens.

Three Russian submarine entered the TOP-5 most lethal submarines

Three Russian submarine entered the TOP-5 most lethal submarines Three Russian submarines were in the top five of the deadliest submarines in the world according to American magazine The National Interest. The authors of the publications included in the list of ships that either are already in service or will soon go into operation. One of the favorites was the nuclear submarine fourth-generation project 955 “Borey”. The submarine is equipped with 16 ballistic missile “Bulava”, each of which is capable of carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads with a total power of 1.5 megatons, with a maximum range of eight thousand miles and complex to overcome missile defense. It is noted that this submarine is among the most noiseless Russian submarine thanks to the special water jets. The rating also hit the submarine project 667BDRM “Dolphin”. She is armed with 16 three-stage liquid rocket “Sineva”, able to carry four to

Medvedev discussed with Sechin, the fuel market

Medvedev discussed with Sechin, the fuel market MOSCOW, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting with the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin, the parties discussed the issues of functioning of the fuel market, the corresponding message is published on the website of the Cabinet. “During the meeting discussed the functioning of the fuel market, including in the context of the government’s decisions on the stabilization of gasoline prices”, — stated in the message. Also, Medvedev and Sechin discussed the results of activity “Rosneft” in 2017, a major current and future projects of the company. Prices for oil products in the Russian Federation in recent years has increased dramatically. In may and early June, retail gasoline prices have exceeded the levels 41, 42 and 43 rubles per liter. The Cabinet adopted a decision to reduce the excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel, and agreed with

In India spoke about the latest “nail in the coffin” for the su-57

In India spoke about the latest “nail in the coffin” for the su-57 Organization defense research and development of Ministry of defence of India abandoned the project FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft), involving the creation on the basis of the su-57 India’s first fifth generation fighter, since Russia has no unique technologies, which are not from India, reports The Economic Times. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The publication writes that “nail in the coffin” of the project PAK FA (promising aviation complex tactical aviation) scored the Organization of defense research and development, which stated that possess all the unique technologies necessary for creating a fifth generation fighter, or are in the process of their development. In April Janes has announced the release of India from FGFA. The reason for the collapse of the 11-year programme of the Indian air force called unbridgeable gap in technological and financial issues. The programme of the FGFA was

Europe unanimously supported the introduction of duties against the United States

Europe unanimously supported the introduction of duties against the United States The member States of the European Union (EU) during a meeting in Brussels unanimously supported the imposition of import duties against the United States, reports Reuters, citing a source in the EU. The Agency added that these measures must be approved by the European Commission (EC). The next meeting is scheduled for June 20. Earlier, the head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker criticized the President of the United States Donald trump that Europe is unfair with the United States in the field of trade. Also earlier, the Minister of economy of Turkey Nihat Zeybekci said that the Turkish authorities develop a response to the import duties on U.S. steel and aluminium. See also: trump believes the EU in the trade sphere “worse than China”