The former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump of Manafort taken into custody

The former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump of Manafort taken into custody The former head of the campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump by Paul Manafort taken into custody in the courtroom. About it writes The Guardian. Earlier Manafort was accused of violating the law on registered as a foreign agent to lobby the interests of Ukraine, tax evasion and laundering at least $30 million through his business partner, Richard gates. Later, gates pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States, and the next day testified against Manafort. The investigation against Manafort part of the investigation about the so-called Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016. Lawyers Manafort note that spectracolor USA Robert Mueller was unable to provide any evidence that their client had somehow communicated with any Russian representatives. The investigation of the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election of 2016

Firm Prigogine made against the classification of the materials of the case about elections in the United States

Firm Prigogine made against the classification of the materials of the case about elections in the United States MOSCOW, June 15 — RAPSI. Eugene Prigogine company “the Concorde management and consulting” declared the illegality of the requirements of the special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to restrict access to court records in the case of alleged interference in the presidential elections of 2016 and the political process in the United States, reported on Friday by Bloomberg. According to the statement of the Russian company, in its petition, spectracolor relied on a “false law” in trying to “trick” the defendants. Furthermore, representing her lawyers called a statement of Muller, that the disclosure obtained in the course of the investigation evidence allegedly threatens future elections in the US “hysterical”. In his petition filed on June 13, the special Prosecutor insisted that the public disclosure of evidence and data of the investigation can allegedly lead

Erdogan once again called on to convert the UN security Council

Erdogan once again called on to convert the UN security Council Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has again called for reform of the UN security Council, calling the system unfair its formation. He said this during a speech at a campaign rally in Istanbul, according to Turkish news Agency Anadolu. Erdogan drew attention that the problems in the activities of the UN do not allow the world organization to resist pressing issues, including the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, says RT. The UN security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The structure of the mandate is to “investigate any dispute, or any situation which might lead to international friction”. The permanent members of the UN security Council are Russia, USA, UK, China and France, which have veto power. In addition to these, there are 10 non-permanent members, elected for two-year terms, five each year. Earlier in

Trump spoke about the “chemistry” between him and Kim Jong-UN

Trump spoke about the “chemistry” between him and Kim Jong-UN Moscow. June 15. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said Friday that get along with the head of the DPRK Kim Jong Inom. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “We got on very well. We had chemistry,” said trump, the TV channel Fox News. “I would like to build good relations with North Korea, I’d like that for many countries”, — said the American leader, adding that it did not support pressure on the DPRK and the elimination of nuclear weapons by force. .@POTUS on Kim Jong Un: “We got along very well. We had a good chemistry.” — Fox News (@FoxNews) on 15 June 2018 Trump was also asked how he was going to spend the holiday father’s Day (June 17), to which the President replied that he was going to call to North Korea. “To work with. I’m going to call to

Trump called Komi a criminal

Trump called Komi a criminal WASHINGTON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with Fox News channel said that the former head of the FBI, James Comey is the culprit. Report of the Ministry of justice of the Komi criticized for how he led the investigation into former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton during the election campaign. Komi was insubordinate in the structure of the Ministry of justice, self-ceasing the investigation against Clinton, and made a “miscalculation” to resume the investigation a few days before the election, the report said. However, the political bias in the actions of Komi were found. In addition, Komi, like Clinton, against whom he was investigating, used private email for official business, the report said. Clinton as Secretary of state in 2009-2013 led official correspondence via personal email server. The FBI in 2015-2016 conducted in connection

Chaika suggested to create uniform Investigatory Committee at office of public Prosecutor on the model of the FBI

Chaika suggested to create uniform Investigatory Committee at office of public Prosecutor on the model of the FBI Yuri Chaika said that the Prosecutor should be empowered to lead the investigation. Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika called for the establishment of a single Investigative Committee, which would report to the Prosecutor’s office. The body should be modeled after the American Federal Bureau of investigation, said the Seagull. He told about it, answering questions of journalists at the all-Russian scientific-practical conference “Yaguzhinskii read” in Kaluga. “I see a unified Investigative Committee. It needs to be, in my opinion, when the Prosecutor’s office. The prosecution [should be] authority to administer or supervise the investigation,” — said gull, adding that “this is close to the model of the FBI in the United States in the Prosecutor’s office”, quoted by TASS. The investigation must be unified, said the attorney General. “Except, maybe, some state

Trump did not rule out that he may meet with Putin this summer

Trump did not rule out that he may meet with Putin this summer WASHINGTON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump did not rule out that he may meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin this summer. “It’s possible,” said trump to journalists, answering a question about that summer. Earlier on Friday, US President in the TV channel Fox News said that may soon meet with his Russian counterpart.

Undressed and fell in love with: a funny thing on the forum Tymoshenko

Undressed and fell in love with: a funny thing on the forum Tymoshenko The incident occurred on the forum in Kyiv, where Yulia Tymoshenko has declared the necessity to introduce in Ukraine a parliamentary form of government is presidential. On the back man was the inscription: “the New course of Ukraine,” and down arrow. The young man commented on BBC News Ukraine what policies he likes. But he added that “it has failed Ukraine several times, and its course will be down again. Julia goes in the wrong direction”. During the download an error has occurred.

Zakharova recalled a non-existent quote Thatcher

Zakharova recalled a non-existent quote Thatcher The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in an example of Russophobia on the part of the Brits remember a non-existent phrase ascribed to the first woman Prime Minister of great Britain Margaret Thatcher. The words of a diplomat with a briefing by the Ministry cited on his Twitter page. “In November 1991 in his speech in Houston, the ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stated that “according to estimates of the world community economically viable residence in the territory of Russia only 15 million people””, — stated in the message of the foreign Ministry. In the comments users have noticed that this quote Thatcher in official documents, including on the Fund’s website in her name, no. Further, there are no evidence that the Prime Minister gave a speech in Houston in 1991. This quote is 100% fake books from 1997 Andrey Parshev “Why

Ukrainian General urged “to cut off” the Crimea

Ukrainian General urged “to cut off” the Crimea MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA. News. Former chief of the General staff armed forces of Ukraine Anatoliy Lopata stated that Ukraine needs to turn Crimea into an island, and dig a channel at the border. He told about it in interview to “Observer”. “We can come up with a completely different side, cutting off the Crimea from the land. And make it an island. This idea I like,” said the General. Therefore, the commander decided to fight the “domination” of Russia in the water area of the Crimean waters. According to him, non-existent until the canal shall pass any vysokotochnye ships. The military said that the channel should be about one hundred meters in width. According to the Shovel, this will allow Ukraine not only to gain access to the sea, but also to control the territory “from Mariupol and on.” This