Zakharova said that the West deceived Russia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS TASS, June 19. Russia at the end of the cold war was fully opened to Western countries, however those in the answer had deceived her. This opinion of the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet stated the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The retirement age hasten to the state Duma

The retirement age hasten to the state Duma The government will explain to the deputies the benefit for future retirees. As stated today by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, draft law to increase the retirement age, VAT increases will be considered by the state Duma in spring session. Responsible for the interaction of the government and MPs to explain the position of the White house will be the head of the government Konstantin Chuichenko. Preliminary date of consideration of the bill on pension reform on July 19. Today in Gorki at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers Dmitry Medvedev said he expects to consider draft laws on amendments to the tax and pension systems by the state Duma in spring session. The bills were approved last Thursday by the government on Saturday discussed by the Russian tripartite Commission, then submitted to the Duma. “We all know that bills are complicated, of

GD will take feedback from the regions about raising the retirement age to 17 July

GD will take feedback from the regions about raising the retirement age to 17 July Moscow. June 18. INTERFAX.RU — the Council of the Duma sent a newsletter to the regions by July 17, the bill to raise the retirement age in Russia, reported “Interfax” on Monday, a source in the state Duma. “The Council has decided to send the newsletter to the regions of the Russian Federation the package of laws on pension reform until 17 July,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin noted that a comprehensive discussion of these legislative initiatives before consideration in the first reading. According to the forecast Volodin, the first reading could take place before the end of the spring session of the state Duma (after July 20) will finish the work on draft laws on pension reform, expected in the fall. In the explanatory note

Dmitry Medvedev has appointed four Deputy head of the Ministry of science

Dmitry Medvedev has appointed four Deputy head of the Ministry of science Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the appointment of the four Vice-Minister of science and higher education. About it the Prime Minister announced at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers. Mr Medvedev also signed a document stating a position on the new office and defining its functions and powers. “The Ministry of education will be responsible for science and higher education, and in General, to develop the state policy in these areas. The Ministry is taking over the functions of the Agency for scientific organizations, including the functions of property management”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the Prime Minister. In may, the Ministry of education and science was divided into the Ministry of education and Ministry of science and higher education. The first Department was headed by Olga Vasiliev, and Minister of science was appointed Michael kotyukov.

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the US has no moral right to blame Russia and demand for someone to release

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, June 19. /TASS/. The US authorities have no moral right to accuse Russia and to demand the release of suspects, defendants or convicts in accordance with Russian law for various grave crimes. This is stated in a statement Monday statement, the Russian Embassy in Washington.

Why you need to abandon the “point” of the pension system

Why you need to abandon the “point” of the pension system Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova has informed on government plans to return to the system of individual calculation of pensions. Why we need reform and that they will change for ordinary Russians? Tatyana Golikova announced plans for the care of the “point” of the pension system in the program “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”. Experts told TASS about the essence of the “point” of the pension system and individual calculation, and the meaning changes for the state and consumers. What happened? “This is a very difficult decision, but we have to take this decision”, — said Tatyana Golikova about the future reform. She recalled that in 2019, under the new changes, the pension shall not be less than 40% of their lost earnings. And explained: “it can Not be considered as the

American scientists have drawn attention to the activity at a nuclear facility in Kaliningrad

American scientists have drawn attention to the activity at a nuclear facility in Kaliningrad Federation of American scientists (FAA) has published photos that allegedly prove the renewal of Russia’s nuclear weapons storage facilities in the Kulikovo in the Kaliningrad region. As of the publication of the strengthening work started in 2016. “This object we watched for quite a long time. There was some work to update (object,.— “Kommersant”), but nothing so dramatic as the current” — The Guardian quoted Hans Kristensen, head of nuclear information FAA. According to him, these pictures are not proof that the object is a nuclear weapon, but they serve as proof that the object itself is active. The report notes that earlier were similarly updated and other locations, including located on the base of nuclear submarines in Kamchatka. The FAA was created in 1945 and was then called the Federation of atomic scientists. On its

The white spot on the map. The five most mysterious military bases in the world

The white spot on the map. The five most mysterious military bases in the world MOSCOW, 17 Jun — RIA Novosti, Andrei Kots. Carefully camouflaged missile silos, command posts, secret labs and underground bunkers. The globe covers the whole network of seemingly inconspicuous military objects, which nevertheless are able to greatly affect the course of the fighting. About them write books, shoot movies, they dedicate a computer game, but no one knows what’s really going on. Area 51 Legendary air force base Area 51 in the desert of Nevada has repeatedly appeared in fantastic movies. Why not just attributed to American military officials here: the study of alien technology, and the creation of “flying saucers”, and the cultivation of combat a virus capable of destroying all of humanity, and genetic experiments. Bred conspiracy theories, the Pentagon was forced to reluctantly reveal some of the details. According to official data, Area

Putin offered to appoint the former head of the Ministry of construction as the auditor of the accounts chamber

Putin offered to appoint the former head of the Ministry of construction as the auditor of the accounts chamber Moscow. June 18. INTERFAX.RU — the Federation Council has received the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation about appointment of the former head of the Ministry of construction Mikhail men to the post of auditor of the accounting chamber, Chairman of Committee of the upper house on budget and financial markets Sergey riabukhin. “Received a submission from the President about the vacant posts of auditor of the accounts chamber. In accordance with the Constitution, it is the candidacy of Me, Mikhail Alexandrovich for the position of auditor of the accounting chamber”, — said riabukhin at the Committee meeting on Monday. According to him, the nomination may be considered at the plenary session of the Federation Council on Wednesday, June 20. Men were not included in the composition formed in

Medvedev urged government members to explain to the state Duma position on pensions

Medvedev urged government members to explain to the state Duma position on pensions SLIDES, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Profile Vice-premiers and Ministers should explain the government’s position in the state Duma on the draft law on pension and tax systems, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers. “We believe that the documents will be considered during the spring session in the first reading. Colleagues from the State Duma shall now proceed to their examination. To do this requires close cooperation between the State Duma and the government. We all know that bills are complicated cause different reactions. In the state Duma, too, would be widely discussed”, — said the head of government. “All Ministers, Deputy Prime Ministers should actively engage with our colleagues from the Parliament, to consult, to explain the government’s position on these issues, based on the fact that the main purpose