The state Duma approved in the second reading amendments to the budget for 2018

The state Duma approved in the second reading amendments to the budget for 2018 The state Duma approved the bill of change of the parameters of the Federal budget for 2018 in the second reading, news agencies reported. The third reading is scheduled for June 21. The amendments provide for the increased costs of 61.9 billion rubles., revenues — RUB 1,815 trn In the new edition of the budget deficit (1.3 per cent) will be replaced by a surplus (0.5%). The government expects lower inflation in 2018 to 2.8% vs 4% envisaged in the forecast. During the consideration in the second reading the state Duma supported the amendments to the bill that increase the budget expenditures for some items due to the redistribution of funds to 26,194 billion ru. According to the Chairman of the Committee on budget and taxes Andrei Makarov, among the most significant amendment was an increase

Age was measured by the petition

Age was measured by the petition The government staff will have to work with appeals of citizens. The first petition against raising the retirement age, gathered at the official portal of “Russian public initiative” (ROI) of 100 thousand signatures addressed to Deputy Prime Minister chief of staff of the government of Konstantin Chuichenko. The White house has not decided who will do the expert working group on the assessment of petitions is not reappointed by the Minister, Mikhail Abyzov. At the White house within two months for consideration of citizens ‘ appeals, but at this point, the bill could be passed by the state Duma in the first reading. The White house a bill to gradually raise the retirement age from 55 to 63 years for women and from 60 to 65 years for men, 18 Jun sent in the newsletter for a month for feedback from the regions. As

Smoking near building entrances to prohibit

Smoking near building entrances to prohibit The state Duma will discuss a bill that proposes to set a minimum distance for Smoking from entrance 10 meters. Will accept the amendment, and what restrictions will have to wait smokers? Near the entrances prohibit Smoking. On Tuesday, June 19, for discussion at the plenary meeting of the state Duma will be submitted amendments to the law “On protection of health of citizens from impact of ambient tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco consumption”. The amendments propose to ban Smoking within ten metres of the entrances of apartment buildings. The amendments are likely to take place. Moreover, the proposal is not controversial such as the complete ban on Smoking in some places, said the first Deputy Chairman of state Duma Committee on budget and taxes Sergey Katasonov. When a person we are forced to move away from the entrance and not to throw

Media: Kim Jong-UN arrived in Beijing

Media: Kim Jong-UN arrived in Beijing BEIJING, June 19. /TASS/. The airline company Air Koryo, on Board of which is North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, arrived on Tuesday in Beijing. This was reported by TV channel NHK. It is noted that we are talking about private plane, Kim Jong-UN — the IL-62. In addition, in Beijing on Tuesday flew short-haul an-148, where the members of the DPRK delegation, as well as the cargo IL-76 used to deliver in Singapore, private cars, Kim Jong-UN, on which he moved in the day of talks with U.S. President Donald trump. According to NHK, after arriving in Beijing, Kim Jong UN, headed the delegation headed to the state residence “Diaoyutai” in the center of the city. “We are closely watching the situation around North Korea and collect all the necessary information”, — told on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary General of the Cabinet

The Federation Council refused to equate the salary of senators to the national average

The Federation Council refused to equate the salary of senators to the national average MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Profile Committee of the Federation Council according to the regulations, rejected the concept introduced in the state Duma a bill providing for the equalization of the salaries of deputies and senators to the average wage in the country. The leader “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov and the Deputy from the faction Oleg Nilov introduced in April this year in the state Duma a bill which proposes to equate the salaries of senators and deputies to the national average — 35 thousand rubles. Now the salary of the Russian Parliament equivalent to the salary of the Federal Minister, their average monthly income is about 450 thousand rubles a month. “The Federation Council Committee on rules does not support the concept of the draft Federal law”, — said in the conclusion of Committee

The Senate in defiance of the Trump voted to restore sanctions against China’s ZTE

The Senate in defiance of the Trump voted to restore sanctions against China’s ZTE Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU — the U.S. Senate on Monday voted to restore sanctions against ZTE Corp., thus abandoning the agreement on the rescue of the Chinese telecommunications company, which concluded the President, Donald trump, writes The Wall Street Journal. The decision to renew the ban on the sale of ZTE products, the American manufacturers of electronics and components is part of a larger bill on defense, the text of which will now have to agree with the House of representatives, its members approved the document in may, with no padding on the Chinese company. “For” this bill spoke for 85 senators opposed and only 10. As expected, trump will try to convince the conciliation Commission of both houses of the need to soften stance on ZTE. On the evening of Tuesday a planned meeting of

Maria Zakharova accused the West of cheating after the cold war

Maria Zakharova accused the West of cheating after the cold war The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in an interview with Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet stated that the Western countries cheated the Russian government after the cold war, “surrounding it with barbed wire.” “We completely opened up to the West. Not because we won, we did it ourselves. No we have not invaded, just (Mikhail) Gorbachev wanted to end the arms race. He wanted to end the cold war. Here we opened, and you lied to us. You said to us, surrounded with barbed wire,” she said (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Mrs. Zakharova stressed that Russia does not need conflicts with the West, and the development of trade and cultural relations. “We want to be able to freely visit each other’s country, we want to get rid of visa restrictions. But we constantly reject!” — said the diplomat.

The state Department named former U.S. position on Crimea

The state Department named former U.S. position on Crimea Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Policy towards Crimea remains unchanged, said a senior representative of the US state Department while commenting on recent media information that the American President Donald trump believes the Russian Peninsula. “Our policy in relation to the Crimea remains unchanged. We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” the official said during a telephone press briefing. According to him, us sanctions against Russia in the Crimea “will remain in force as long as Russia continues its occupation and return the Crimea to Ukraine.” Earlier American portal Buzzfeed with reference to two diplomatic sources said that D. trump said other world leaders during the G7 summit in Canada that he considers the Crimea a Russian, because all the inhabitants there speak Russian. Later a White house spokesman Sarah Sanders stated that he did

The Duma will discuss a draft law on the study of native languages

The Duma will discuss a draft law on the study of native languages Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma meeting on Tuesday will consider the first reading of a bill to study their native languages in school. The profile Committee on education and science recommended the house to support the bill subject to its essential completion to the second reading. The bill was submitted to the Duma on 10 April by a group of deputies of all factions. According to the explanatory Memorandum, it is proposed to clarify that the teaching and learning state language of the republics of the Russian Federation is on a voluntary basis, not at the expense of the teaching and learning of the state language of the Russian Federation, and the right to study their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation is implemented within the possibilities

Donald trump has threatened to impose duties on products from China for another $200 billion

Donald trump has threatened to impose duties on products from China for another $200 billion The President of the United States Donald trump instructed to prepare a list of Chinese goods in the amount of $200 billion for the possible introduction in their additional duties. “Today, I instructed the trade representative of the United States (Robert Leitheiser) to determine the Chinese goods amounting to $200 billion for additional duties 10% — After the legislative process is completed, these duties will come into force, if China refuses to change their actions, and if he insist to move on with new duties, which he recently announced,” — said in his statement, which was distributed by the White house. A few days ago, the US government and China announced that they will impose duties in respect of the supply of foreign at $50 billion a year — first it was announced by Donald