The first Deputy Minister of culture Aristarkhov resigned

The first Deputy Minister of culture Aristarkhov resigned Vladimir Aristarkhov, 2013 held the post of first Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky, is leaving his post. This is evidenced by the decree of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which is published on the government website. “Release Aristarkhov Vladimir Vladimirovich from the post of first Deputy Minister of culture of the Russian Federation at its request”, — stated in the decree. Based on the information on the website of the Ministry of culture Vladimir Aristarkhov directly involved in the activities of the Department of science and education, as well as issues of Informatization of sphere of culture. In 1992, he graduated from the Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov, from 2007 to 2011 was the Deputy of Moscow regional Duma, and in 2012-2013 was the Advisor to the Minister of culture and head of Department of control

Advisor to the President of the United States Bolton arrives in Moscow to discuss trump’s meeting with Putin

Advisor to the President of the United States Bolton arrives in Moscow to discuss trump’s meeting with Putin Moscow. June 21. INTERFAX.RU — Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton arrives in Moscow to discuss the possible appointment of Donald trump with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, said on Thursday the official representative of the Council of national security of the United States Garrett Marquis. “Advisor to the President of the United States John Bolton will go from 25 to 27 June in London, Rome, to discuss security issues, and will go to Moscow to discuss a possible meeting of the President of trump Putin,” wrote Marquis Thursday on Twitter. The Kremlin earlier reported about the upcoming visit to Moscow by US presidential Advisor on national security. “As far as we know, this is really the trip will take place. That is all that we can say”,

Marriage will give freedom of choice

Marriage will give freedom of choice The government proposes to allow to marry at any time. Citizens want to allow to choose the date and time of the marriage. So the government intends to get rid of the “corruption” of the current system of registration of marriages because of the “considerable number of citizens wishing to marry in those or other significant date, but not having the opportunity to apply for the marriage in the appropriate date”. In addition, officials say, the impossibility to adjust the workload of the Registrar within the existing system. The government submitted to the state Duma amendments to the legislation, allowing citizens to choose the time and date of registration of marriage. Today that opportunity in the legal acts is not fixed. The need for change is explained by the fact that today “marriage registration is made after one month from the date of application”

The head of the pensioners ‘ Party, believes that pension reform will ensure the growth of pensions

The head of the pensioners ‘ Party, believes that pension reform will ensure the growth of pensions The Chairman of party of pensioners of Russia Nikolay Chebotarev believes that raising the retirement age is “just a tool to increase pension.” He believes that without the pension reform in 5-10 years “will be quite bad: not that indexation will not, and the pensions will be smaller”. According to Mr. Chebotarev, raising the retirement age “so that in the future was less of a problem with pensions and to raise their size to a more or less decent level.” He added that the Party of pensioners of Russia is ready to support raising the retirement age “provided that the government and the government will take this problem serious attention.” “We need to discuss carefully calculate to bring to every person knew that may have to be patient, but then it will be

Navalny demanded in 2014, the year of raising the retirement age

Navalny demanded in 2014, the year of raising the retirement age Now he pereobulsya and opposes the idea of government. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has made another feint ears. Blogger changed my opinion on the most important for all Russians issue. Now Navalny opposes raising the retirement age. And even prepares for rallies in 20 cities of Russia. But in 2012 Alex was made of raising the age limit, overcoming that, people will be able to retire. Here is an excerpt from the program navalnovskie of the party “people’s Alliance” adopted by the founding Congress on 15 December 2012: Life expectancy in Russia will grow, and need encouraging later retirement in order to mitigate the negative effects of raising the retirement age, which is inevitable in the future. If this issue be postponed, then such an increase once would be sharp and painful. But if raising the retirement age

The pensioners party suggested linking the amount of the pension with the age on it

The pensioners party suggested linking the amount of the pension with the age on it Moscow. June 21. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian party of pensioners for social justice (pensioners ‘ Party) believes that the government rushed to draft changes to the pension system — instead of “point of action” in the party offer to take the whole Pension code, which States the right of the pensioner to decide when to retire. “In that wording that introduced the bill, it seems, of course, unexamined, unjustified and premature”, — said the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the party Vladimir Vorozhtsov “Interfax” on Thursday. According to him, the position of the party leadership is that the problem of increase of pensions and pensioners ‘ welfare must be addressed comprehensively. In particular, they require the solution of questions of employment of older people, their inclusion in the digital economy, provision of social

Moskalkova said the right emphasis on the increase of pensions for changes in pension legislation

Moskalkova said the right emphasis on the increase of pensions for changes in pension legislation Moscow. June 21. INTERFAX.RU Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova thinks is right, the main purpose of the changes in pension legislation — the pension increase. “The stated legislative idea, of course, deserves support — the idea is to raise the pension to citizens who today receive an average of 14 thousand. This emphasis I’d like to do in the first place,” — said Moskalkova, speaking at a meeting of the state Duma on Thursday. She noted that another issue is how to achieve this main goal the increase of pensions. The second is the instrumentation. Toolkits can be a lot, the proposed single — age, other tools is a VAT, a third Toolkit is based on the relationship between business and society, employee, citizens and government.Tatiana Miscellaneously on human rights

Poroshenko for the second time this month spoke with Putin by phone

Poroshenko for the second time this month spoke with Putin by phone Moscow. June 21. INTERFAX.RU President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation, said on Thursday the press service of the Ukrainian President. “He called for the release of Ukrainian hostages held in Russian prisons and in the occupied territories. He also noted the importance of the tolerance of the Ombudsman (the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine — if) the human rights Lyudmila Denisova Oleg Sentsov (serving in Russia, a 20-year term in the case of a terrorist community — if) prisoners, and others of Ukrainians,” — said in a statement released on Thursday afternoon, the message. Poroshenko also stressed the need for Russia to fulfill commitments under the Minsk agreements to ensure security. “They also stressed the importance of intensifying the work in the “channel format” with the aim of harmonizing the