In the Federation Council, said Kiev in the idea to exchange prisoners

In the Federation Council, said Kiev in the idea to exchange prisoners Member of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Sergei Tsekov commented the statements of the Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Gerashchenko about the exchange of prisoners of the Russians. On Saturday, June 23, Gerashchenko wrote on the social network Facebook that Kiev is ready to exchange 23 Russians convicted in Ukraine, all Ukrainians who are serving terms of imprisonment in Russia. Tsekov in an interview with RT called immoral actions of the Ukrainian side. The fact that all proposals for the exchange prepared in advance. Relatively speaking, they have arrested Russians who somehow ended up in the Ukraine, often in their personal matters.Sergey Zakovce of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs The Senator added that he does not deny the idea of exchanges, but in this case, refers to the exchanges. In confirmation

The militants in 11 settlements in the South of Syria sided with the authorities

Soldiers of Syrian government forces © EPA-EFE/YOUSSEF BADAWI, archive TASS, June 24. The formation of the free Syrian army, under control of which there were more than ten settlements in the area of de-escalation in the South of Syria in the past days, moved to the side of the authorities. About it reports on Sunday, the Russian centre for the reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic. “During the past days reflect a large-scale offensive of troops “Dzhebhat an-Nusra” (a terrorist group banned in Russia – approx. TASS) in the southern zone of de-escalation of the formation of the free Syrian army (FSA), which controlled localities Habab, Khirbat al-ICAP Djerfi, ASEM, Sheikh governorate, Sheikh Sharqi, El Shumarov, Khirbat al-Sabbir, Deir Lady, Al-Senior and Gadal voluntarily defected to the government forces. By the end of 23 June the settlements was fully controlled by the legitimate Syrian authorities”, –

Kiev said about the readiness to exchange prisoners of Russians

Kiev said about the readiness to exchange prisoners of Russians The Ukrainian authorities are ready to exchange prisoners of the Russians prisoners in Russia Ukrainian citizens. This was announced by first Vice-Spitzer Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko on his page in the social network. She added that the Russians, condemned by Kiev, are accused of “very serious violations.” “We are ready to give their land in exchange for our own, which is waiting at home,” wrote Gerashchenko in Facebook. Kiev wants to give the Russians prisoners in exchange for Oleg Sentsov and other Ukrainians serving sentences in Russian. The presidents of Russia and Ukraine this week has discussed in a telephone conversation the question of exchange of prisoners. Previous telephone conversation of presidents of Russia and Ukraine took place on 9 June. The heads of state exchanged views on the theme of the health status of prisoners in Russia Ukrainian citizens

Published a map with a “neutral Crimea” Bloomberg called on the Peninsula

Published a map with a “neutral Crimea” Bloomberg called on the Peninsula Western journalists, in particular employees of the Agency Bloomberg, was invited to Crimea by the head of the public chamber of the Republic Grigory Ioffe. As he said “RIA Novosti”, the American Agency Bloomberg has demonstrated political integrity, showing Crimea as a neutral venue. Joffe expressed the view that it is the first step in the recognition by the Russian. Sacred journalistic rule — to write about the fact that not only hear but know he saw and learned, therefore we invite everyone who wants to speculate about the Crimea, to come here and see what was really going on, to ask questions Crimeans.Grigory Ioffe, the head of the public chamber of the Republic of Crimea According to him, the result of the presence of Western journalists will be removed “all doubts and questions about the Russian status

The foreign Ministry called the UN GA resolution on Transnistria propaganda swing

The foreign Ministry called the UN GA resolution on Transnistria propaganda swing MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. Moscow sees the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria as a promotional move of the Kishinev politicians. This is stated in the comments of the Department of information and press of the foreign Ministry. The Agency notes that the adoption of the resolution “could undermine the fragile progress that has been made in recent months on the track of the Transnistrian settlement”. In addition, diplomats recalled the statement of the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, who said that the resolution would seriously undermine the Moldovan-Russian relations. From this it follows that the Moldovan leadership is no unity in relation to this document, concludes the Ministry of foreign Affairs. “In this regard, see the initiative as a blatant publicity move part of the political leaders

Pushkov: the visit to Moscow of the senators of the United States will not bring breakthrough in politics

Pushkov: the visit to Moscow of the senators of the United States will not bring breakthrough in politics MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov believes that the visit of U.S. senators to Moscow should not expect a breakthrough in politics, but this is an important step. Earlier it was reported about the planned visit of us senators and congressmen in Moscow. “From the visit of U.S. senators to Moscow should not expect a breakthrough in the field of politics. Before. But it is an important shift since this will be the first contact at the level of delegations early in the fall of 2013, when the U.S. Congress refused to come to the US joint delegation of the two chambers of our Felsobanya”, — wrote Pushkov in Twitter. From the visit of U.S. senators to Moscow should not expect a breakthrough in the field of politics.

In the state Duma commented on the UN General Assembly resolution on Transnistria

In the state Duma commented on the UN General Assembly resolution on Transnistria MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The UN General Assembly resolution calling for Russia to withdraw troops from Transnistria, apparently, prepared with the support of USA and NATO. Such opinion in conversation with RT expressed by the first Deputy head of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin. In his words, to “absorb the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, need to get rid of any adverse witnesses.” From this point of view, the presence of even a small contingent of Russian troops — a bone in the throat for those who would like to involve Moldova with Transnistria to Romania.Constantine Stolidity Deputy head of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Zatulin added that representatives of some States who voted for the resolution, may not understand the

The socialist leader has called the UN resolution on Transnistria anti-Russian demarche

The socialist leader has called the UN resolution on Transnistria anti-Russian demarche Moscow. June 23. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, called anti-Russian demarche adopted on the eve of the UN resolution on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Moldova. “The government of Moldova, controlled by the democratic party, has made another anti-Russian demarche, initiated yesterday’s vote in the UN,” wrote an announcement in Saturday morning on his page on Facebook. According to him, the ruling coalition “uses the international platform in an attempt to seriously strengthen its shaky domestic political position before the parliamentary elections to be held in a couple of months.” According to him, completion of a peacekeeping operation, which takes place in Moldova in accordance with the 1992 agreement, and is one of the most successful “will be possible only after both Bank of the Nistru river will come to a comprehensive agreement on

Russia and Japan signed a Memorandum of cooperation

Russia and Japan signed a Memorandum of cooperation MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. A joint Memorandum of cooperation signed by the Russian and Japanese parliamentarians at the meeting for the promotion of Russian-Japanese inter-parliamentary and interregional cooperation in Yakutia, the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev in Facebook. In Yakutsk on June 23-25 will be a joint meeting of the Advisory Council for the promotion of Russian-Japanese inter-parliamentary and interregional cooperation under the Council of Federation and the Sino-Russian Discussion club of the house of councilors of Japan’s Parliament, told RIA Novosti in the apparatus of the Federation Council on Tuesday. “Today, in Yakutia, are working with Japanese parliamentarians on topics of interregional cooperation Started with a joint meeting of our Advisory Board and Japanese Discussion club, signed a joint Memorandum of cooperation”, — Kosachev wrote in Facebook. During the download an error has

National Interest called the fatal mistake of U.S. policy towards Russia

National Interest called the fatal mistake of U.S. policy towards Russia MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The expansion of NATO to the East was “a fatal error of American policy since the cold war.” This opinion on the pages of the journal The National Interest was expressed by the editor of the military section of the Dave Majumdar. According to him, the expansionist policies of the Alliance worsened relations between Moscow and Washington. The expansion of NATO have sown “seeds of enmity” between Russians and Americans, says Majumdar. The actions of the Alliance contributed to the emergence of “anti-Western tendencies in Russian society” and revived the spirit of the cold war, says the journalist. “The white house has managed to expand NATO, but it failed to integrate Russia into a new structure for transatlantic security,” stresses Majumdar. The expansion of the Alliance when bill Clinton “laid the groundwork for