In the Ministry of internal Affairs of great Britain has accused Russia of disinformation after the incident in Amesbury

In the Ministry of internal Affairs of great Britain has accused Russia of disinformation after the incident in Amesbury Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU — the interior Minister of the UK Sajid Javid said that Russia has launched a campaign of disinformation immediately after the incident in Amesbury, where two Britons were poisoned by the substance of the “Newbie”. “The Russian disinformation campaign has already begun, as soon as the news was published yesterday, I think we saw that in social networks,” said Javid on Thursday in the British Parliament. In this regard, he said, it is important that the UK did public information on emerging evidence in the investigation. According to Javid, the UK “looks forward to further misinformation from the Russian authorities.” 30 June in Amesbury, two people were discovered in an unconscious condition as the result of exposure to an unknown substance. The victims — 45-year-old Charlie Rowley

The Communist party questioned the effectiveness of trade Union protests against pension reform

The Communist party questioned the effectiveness of trade Union protests against pension reform Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU — the Communist party questioned the effectiveness of the actions of trade unions, and is configured to counteract changes in the pension legislation by referendum, said the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist party Yuri Afonin. “We believe that any form of struggle against raising the retirement age is welcome. Indeed, after the introduction of such a bill to the state Duma not only public organizations but also the majority of citizens, judging by polls, outraged. Street activism needs to be, but you must use the legal forms that we have,” said Afonin on Thursday “Interfax”. What the unions plan to hold their stocks, that’s good. But, on the other hand, it is obvious that they become “an outlet” to Express negativity. And then everything collapses. Unfortunately, in today’s Russia, few

Zakharchenko denied information about the negotiations with Poroshenko

Zakharchenko denied information about the negotiations with Poroshenko DONETSK, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. The self-proclaimed head of the Donetsk people’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko refutes the statement of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine, leader of “Batkivshchyna” party Yulia Tymoshenko about the alleged talks between him and President Petro Poroshenko. Earlier, Tymoshenko, who intends to run for President of Ukraine in 2019, said that Poroshenko allegedly negotiating with the leaders of the DNI and LC, to impose martial law and stay in power for a second term. During martial law in the country cannot be held elections. “Yulia Tymoshenko’s imagination. Poroshenko and the Kiev government in General, neither obvious nor to a secret level didn’t contact with us”, — Zakharchenko told RIA Novosti. In his opinion, for the escalation of the conflict to the President of Ukraine don’t need to negotiate with the leaders of the DNI and LC, and

LC commented on the statement on the military situation

LC commented on the statement on the military situation LUGANSK, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. The statement of the leader of the party “Fatherland” Yulia Tymoshenko on the intention of the President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko to impose martial law in the DNI and LC, to avoid elections and remain in power for a second term, is another pre-election move, told RIA Novosti the representative of the LC in the political subgroup Rodion Miroshnik. Tymoshenko said earlier that President Petro Poroshenko supposedly leads talks with leaders of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk national republics to declare martial law and stay in power for a second term. During martial law in the country cannot be held elections. The next presidential elections in Ukraine scheduled for 31 March 2019. “To enter the military situation, Poroshenko should negotiate with heads of republics. He can impose martial law in its decision, but only in

The Kremlin does not lead expert of the topic of pension reform

The Kremlin does not lead expert of the topic of pension reform Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU — IN the presidential administration is not engaged in any of the expert papers on the topic of changes to the pension legislation, said on Thursday to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He noted that all of the expert study is conducted in the “diagonal of the Parliament and the government.” Peskov also added that on Thursday at meeting on economic issues of pension reform will not be discussed. Thus, according to the spokesman, Russian President Vladimir Putin might discuss at the event subject to the increase in VAT. “I do not exclude that the expert exchange of views on the second part of your question, VAT can now be the President”, — said Peskov told reporters. According to economic forecasts, the increase in VAT may lead to slower growth

The Kremlin is unaware of the appeals of the London to Moscow in connection with the incident in Amesbury

The Kremlin is unaware of the appeals of the London to Moscow in connection with the incident in Amesbury MOSCOW, 5 July. /TASS/. The Kremlin is unaware of any visits to Moscow in connection with the incident in Amesbury. This was stated to journalists the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. “I am not aware that any complaints [of great Britain to the Russian Federation in connection with the incident] was,” he said. Thus a press-the Secretary called called the disturbing news of another poisoning in the UK. “This is very disturbing news, of course, it is of deep concern that this has multiple manifestations in the UK,” he said. “We wish them [the victims] recovery,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. Peskov also said that after a similar incident in Salisbury, Russia proposed to great Britain to conduct a joint investigation, but received no response. “Unfortunately, reciprocity these

The state Duma has officially disclosed the amount of the pension and the salary of the Deputy

The state Duma has officially disclosed the amount of the pension and the salary of the Deputy Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma has officially revealed the salaries and pensions of MP: salary — 388 thousand rubles per month in 2018, and the pension — 46.6 thousand rubles for the deputies, spent one or two convocations completely. Such information is published on the official website of the state Duma on Thursday. “The actual average monthly wage for the six months of 2018 (including days of the disease deputies of the State Duma and holidays) amounted to 388,5 thousand rubles (338 thousand rubles after income tax)”, — stated in the message. The message explains how this sum is formed: “In accordance with the legislation of the average monthly salary of the Deputy of the state Duma in 2018 is 399.3 thousand rubles to the payment of income tax (i.e.

Champions of war. Published combat records of Russian soldiers and officers

Champions of war. Published combat records of Russian soldiers and officers MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti, Andrei Kots. The longest flight of a strategic missile, the fastest main battle tank, the hardest thing in the world cannon, the deep dive the divers of the Navy — Ministry of defence launched on the departmental website section “Book of records of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation” dedicated to the outstanding achievements of our military — both personal and as a team. RIA Novosti publishes a selection of the most interesting of them. Navy One of the main Champions of the Navy is considered the hero of the Russian Federation Colonel Igor Matkovsky, today occupying the post of Deputy commander of the 45th army, air force and air defense aviation. Over the years he made over 200 landings on the deck of a heavy aviabearing cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” aircraft su-25UTG,