Pantira all diseases

Pantira all diseases What does the Ministry of health in the national project on health care. The first materials of the Ministry of health on the future national project in health care do not promise fundamental changes in this sector until 2024 — they are only on the part of doctors. As the passport project, which is already very critical about the White house, the main efforts of the Ministry of health intends to apply to distance learning almost all the doctors in Russia, the purchase of equipment in the existing clinics, across-the medical examination of the population and to the end of their existing programs. New and adequate to the project until the plans look only to the digitalization of medicine. The national project on health passport which was developed by the Ministry of health, 3-5 July were discussed at the meetings of the government, including the Prime Minister

The Embassy advised the CIA to update the map of Russia

The Embassy advised the CIA to update the map of Russia WASHINGTON, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Russian Embassy in the United States in response to the greetings of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), the participants of the quarterfinal matches of the world Cup, among whom was the team of Stanislav Cherchesov advised to adjust the Russian map, adding to the Crimea. Intelligence Agency before the match Russia-Croatia for the occasion posted on his Twitter a selection of facts about Russia from so-called “World book of facts CIA.” In one of the tweets cited map of the country, in the other — contained basic statistics about it. “Congratulations accepted, the CIA. Please update your map of Russia and statistics,” wrote the diplomats in Twitter. The message is illustrated with the map of the Russian Federation included in its composition of Crimea. Also provides more recent data on population and

Mei has accepted with regret the resignation of Minister for Brexit

Mei has accepted with regret the resignation of Minister for Brexit LONDON, July 9. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may sorry to react to the resignation of the Minister for exit from the European Union David Davis did not agree with his arguments on the approved Friday by the Cabinet the plan for the further development of relations with the EU after Brexit. These words of the Prime Minister contained in her letter, the now former Minister, a photocopy of which resulted in Twitter’s leading columnist, TV channel Sky News Faisal Islam. In a letter thanking Davis for their work on the Ministerial post, the Prime Minister said: “I disagree with your characterization of the policy that we agreed upon at the Cabinet meeting on Friday. The Parliament will decide whether or not to support the agreement, according to which the government is negotiating, but the deal [with the EU on

Embassy of the Russian Federation: the United States should exclude the Russian media from your list of registered as foreign agents

© Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, July 9. /TASS/. The United States should withdraw Russian media from the U.S. list of registered as a foreign agent and to cease to pursue them. It stressed on Sunday the Russian Embassy in the United States, commenting on expressed Friday by the state Department complained that the Russian justice Ministry recognized registered as a foreign agent “Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty” (RFE/RL) and “Voice of America”.

Russia insists on a recognition illegitimate decisions on the extension of the mandate of the OPCW

© EPA-EFE/BART MAAT MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Russia considers the decision on the extension of the mandate of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) is illegitimate and intends to re-assert their disagreement with the draft adopted on June 27 special session of the Conference of the States parties (CSP) in the Hague. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative at the OPCW Alexander Shulgin in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia” published on Monday.

Source: Russia is working on the plane-“silencer” satellites

Source: Russia is working on the plane-“silencer” satellites MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The new aircraft-jammer, capable of disabling military satellites, created in Russia, told RIA Novosti source in the military-industrial complex. “Currently, work is underway to create aircraft-jammer, which will replace the incoming today in videoconferencing Il-22ПП “Porobic”. This machine will have brand new aircraft equipment, thanks to which he will be able to conduct electronic jamming of any targets: ground, air, sea, disabling enemy satellites that provide navigation and radio communications on earth,” he said. According to him, today prepared a draft design of the aircraft, in the near future should open the corresponding development work. “The new aircraft received the name “Porobic-2″ but most likely, aerospace forces this car will come under a different name. Will definitely be a new airframe — the possibility of creating such aircraft based on the Tu-214 or Il-76”, — said

Shulgin: an incident in Amesbury could be intentionally designed to damage Russia

Russia’s permanent representative to the OPCW Alexander Shulgin © REUTERS/Michael Kooren MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Poisoning of two British nationals in Amesbury (Wiltshire) could be planned and organized deliberately to destabilize the international situation and damage the credibility of Russia. This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia” published on Monday on the newspaper’s website.

Blacklist legal entities will appear on the portal of public procurement

Blacklist legal entities will appear on the portal of public procurement On the public procurement portal will be a register of legal persons, deprived of their right to participate in the auction due to the corruption of the past. Information on companies seen to be bribery, will be automatically posted on the portal, told “Izvestia” in the state office of public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. So, according to the Agency, in 2016 to administrative responsibility under article 19.28 of the administrative offences code of the Russian Federation “Illegal compensation on behalf of a legal entity” involved 427 legal entities, in 2017-m — 464. Under the current law that defines cooperation in the field of public procurement, a procurement participant within the previous two years must not be brought on the said article. “As the prosecutors to Institute administrative proceedings under this part, and then participate in the trial and

The Ministry of Finance will reduce spending on health, culture and sports

The Ministry of Finance will reduce spending on health, culture and sports The Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2019 plans to cut spending in several areas, including health, culture and national defence. This is stated in the project “Basic directions of budget policy”, published on the website of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes. On health next year will allocate 459,5 billion rubles, while in 2018, the budget for this item is 479,7 billion. Then the costs will increase in 2020 they will be 563,2 billion in 2021-m — 572,5. According to the same scheme planned expenditures on national defense in 2019, the reduction amounts to 2.78 trillion rubles (in 2018 — 2,79), and in 2020 and 2021 — increasing to 2.86 and 2.98 trillion, respectively. With regard to culture, the costs of the budget for this item will gradually decrease — from 103.2 billion in 2018 to

In Brazil reversed the decision to release former President

In Brazil reversed the decision to release former President MEXICO city, July 8 — RIA Novosti. A Federal judge Brazil’s Joao Pedro Neto Gebran canceled on Sunday the decision of his fellow judges from the city of Porto Alegre on the release from prison of the ex-President of Brazil Luiz inácio Lula da Silva, informs TV channel Globo. Earlier, the judge rogério Favretto ordered the immediate release of Lulu free. “I accept the definition that the prison authorities and the Federal police of paraná state must refrain from taking any actions that alter a court decision (of custody Lula)”, — stated in the text, signed by Zebrano. In April Lula was delivered in the city of Curitiba, where he began to serve his prison sentence in the corruption case. In January, he was sentenced to 12 years and one month in prison. By law, a prisoner cannot be a candidate.