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What does the Ministry of health in the national project on health care.
The first materials of the Ministry of health on the future national project in health care do not promise fundamental changes in this sector until 2024 — they are only on the part of doctors. As the passport project, which is already very critical about the White house, the main efforts of the Ministry of health intends to apply to distance learning almost all the doctors in Russia, the purchase of equipment in the existing clinics, across-the medical examination of the population and to the end of their existing programs. New and adequate to the project until the plans look only to the digitalization of medicine.
The national project on health passport which was developed by the Ministry of health, 3-5 July were discussed at the meetings of the government, including the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, was appointed and the meeting this week. According to “Kommersant”, the draft White house does not like it — a government source confidently comment was: “the Proposed project and approaches are not welcome”. The document should be completed by October.
The “b” version of the document dated 3 July. It is signed by the Minister Veronika Skvortsova, yet she is also the head of the national project, the administrator stated the Deputy Minister Natalia Choirs. In the project eight Federal projects (FP): five of them, purely medical, is supervised by the first Deputy head of the Department Tatiana Yakovleva, the project on national medical centers — Deputy Sergei Kraevoy, on digital MS Choirs, the OP for the development of the export of medical services (so far consisting in the development of the concept of export support and modest spending 30 million rubles per year on promotion of Russian clinics abroad) — Deputy Minister Oleg Sagely.
The Central part of the expenses of the state in the national project there is increased spending for the system to incommode from 2019 more than three times due to spetsobuvi from the Federal budget. During the course of the national project is expected to spend nearly a trillion rubles (RUB 982 billion until 2024, the peak expenditure in 2020, with 217 billion rubles) for the retrofitting of existing cancer centers, the establishment of econsultancy laboratory and regional reference centers.
The ambitious goals of this OP is not intended, the death rate from cancer is expected to decrease from 200 to 100 thousand people per year to 185 in 2024-m. this is Unlikely to impress the electorate for which medical OP — largely compensate for the increase in the retirement age. Note that in General the figures are the expected reduction in mortality in the passport of the national project ambitious is a decrease from 455 to 100 thousand population in 2018 to 2024 350-m, but from the passport project, it is impossible to understand how this figure will be achieved — a similar trend is expected only in the reduction of infant mortality.
The second component — coverage of preventive medical examinations by 2024, 90% of the Russian population. The figure looks very high, if not inflated. In the national project in OP “Packed” the end of the program the primary mesopotami of the Ministry of health with the restoration of the village system obstetric units and with Federal subsidies of flights air ambulance (the targets of telemedicine services is quite modest). The “children” of FP in health overscale and includes training of paediatricians and reconstruction of 34 children’s hospitals and offices in the territory of the Russian Federation.
The Central part of the national project looks big Federal project to increase training of doctors and paramedical personnel (mostly special education portal).
The project runs parallel with the accreditation of the medical staff (and, in General, does not imply that the system will remain the doctors, not the past) and should include continuous remote training of at least 1.88 million doctors and nurses.
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One of the immediate objectives of the project is to close the human resource gaps in the health system. However, according to “Kommersant”, the White house categorically do not like the idea of the Ministry of health to include as indicators the national internal goals — for example, the number of unoccupied vacancies in hospitals, the number of regions involved money in one way or another FP, since these goals are easily accomplished formally and explicitly do not affect consumers of medical services.
Overall, according to the document, the fears of government that under the guise of a breakthrough in the national projects will include the old departmental program unchanged, while the Ministry of health justifies. However, the document clearly raw and will be further developed (for example, it is constantly mentioned among the “humiliated” by a certain year doctors). Among the shortcomings of the project should be noted almost complete isolation from other projects — however, it is a feature of all project documents consulted by Kommersant, the Ministry is clearly not counting on any synergistic effects.
Meanwhile, the most interesting part of the project is the OP of the digitization of health care.
It involves a quick and fairly inexpensive (about $2 billion for a country with 145 million people) creating a single contour intermobiliare of health, the full network connectivity of most hospitals by 2021, the system of electronic prescriptions to 2023-mu, the digitization of the greater part of the medical workflow to 2022-mu and “personal Cabinet of the patient” with the possibility of legal actions on the portal by 2023 for the most part of the country.
Dmitry Butrin